Shya-she does what she wants

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Oh wow. I hadn't realized you were being deployed. Where to? I hope you are safe and THANKS for your service to this great country! :)

Sounds like the setup in the air conditioned garage will work out great! It seems like your dad has really taken a liking to the buns. How sweet.

Oh shyas eye has to come out huh. Oh no :( well, I'm sure it will be harder on you than her. Animals don't care as much about a bodily loss like humans do. She will probably just be relieved the darn thing is gone since it caused her so much grief. Please let us know how she does!!!!

Yay for franklin and Kai not fighting. Baby steps but every little good thing like this is progress.
Shi Shi's surgery is tomorrow. I feel like pulling my hair out. Especially since she was just runnig around last night like her normal bad self. This should be the right decision.
That rabbit is many things, but a 'widdle baby' is NOT one of them :D Cute rabbit!
Yes don't second guess yourself now Kaley, it's the right decision! She'll do fine :)
Wow, just finished all of this and I have so enjoyed reading about your three buns and the rest of the animals, you have got a lot to look after.

I was really upset by the loss of Teddy, never saw it coming but love Kai and those ginormous ears, can´t believe how big they are. Shya is such a gorgeous little girl and although it´s a real shame about her eye, she´ll come through this, it had me thinking of Marge McBunnington who only had one eye as well. Ánimals adapt to these things much better than we do and she´ll find a way to live with it as normally as she can.

You´ve given me around an hour and a half of laughter and tears and I´m so glad I´ve discovered your gang. Will keep up with them now. I love Franklin as well, he´s such a big cutie, love the pic of him keeping your dad warm.

Look forward to an update of Shya and how she´s coping.
I am such a fricktard. Her surgery is Wednesday. I just called to make sure we were still on the books for tomorrow. Poor Amy. (The receptionist)
Thankfully she's use to me and sees us only every other week. Thought I was going to start crying.
Thank you all for the kind words though. I guess I'm just in such a rush to get it done and over with. It is fraying my last nerve.

On a light note. Kai my big ol baby let himself out super early this morning. I heard a ruckus and came investigating. There he was with my phone charger. Again. Except he had ripped it out of the wall and was munching on the middle of it. My cell phone was hanging off of it. I had to sit and laugh before I rescued it. It's the only cord he goes after and I wasn't thinking and left it out last night. One day I'll get a picture.
If it's back in the past it would be monday. But for the future it's set for Wednesday. So I drop her off tomorrow morning and pick her up hopefully that afternoon. The doc may want to keep her depending on how she wakes up.
This wouldn't be as confusing if we had a TARDIS
Fricktard. I'm still laughing at that;)

But anyway, that sucks! When you think you are one day closer to this beingover and it isn't.

Hang in there!!!!
I meant what time is it where you are? :p 'cos it's already Wednesday here, but I know you are behind(in the past); so I have no idea when it is relative to my time.

But, I'm going to guess Thursday sometime, my time!
I have no idea what you said Ariana but I think you're getting at you are 19 hours ahead of us. If you flew the long way around the earth.
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So far so good. I checked on her at lunch time and she was very dopey from anesthesia. I walked in and she had her mad ears on. I knew she was going to be ok. They'll call when I can bring her home. She looked so pitiful. SO glad that's over. I think in the next couple of weeks she'll really perk up into her old self. She wont be in constant pain anymore. Can't wait to get my little bad rabbit home!!! Thank you everyone for the well wishes. I was very nervous about this one.
So happy to hear she´s come through OK. She is a tough bun so I´m sure she´ll be OK. Lots of nose rubs and hugs from my boys.
so glad to hear. We were praying for you over here. Mad ears sounds like a good sign from a bad little bunny. Can't wait to read about the recovery.
Got her home and she is just fine. The pain killer the doctor gave her lasts for 24 hours. We go in tomorrow morning for another one. She's eating, drinking, and pooping. I figured we would have a battle and was prepared for it. Didnt think I would get off this easy. When she got spayed she went 12 hours of neither and a lot of moping. come on! I have her chilling in a dog crate and she's already trying to break out of it. This was the docs first rabbit eye removal. She said it was fairly easy. She just worried about the anesthesia part. Her incision is super ugly though!! She has these bright orange stitches that are pretty crazy looking. I'll snap a photo of it tomorrow if she continues to feel better.

Is it bad that I really want to buy her a pirate patch?