Shya-she does what she wants

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Kai should be on his best behavior in order to not get eaten. He insists on being a brat. I did something that spooked him today. He's been avoiding me all day. May have to send him off to Q-tips for some rehab then forget about him.
No I really do love my big baby.

Today was a crazy hyper day. That could be why they've been avoiding me. Had to get up super early and put my uniform on. Should be illegal on Saturdays. Then I'm driving on post and I see them giving away free christmas trees. Like you walk up pick out your tree and leave free. We leave next Monday for Houston for two weeks. Didn't want to mess with a tree but it was freeeeeee! Really put us in the christmas mood. The rabbits seem to think it is the most tastiest of treats. A few grid panels and wah-la insta barrier, tree is grateful.

My Christmas present to myself came in today.

Needless to say I've been running around the house humming the Army Strong Song, clearing rooms, and combat rolling.
Again this could be why the boys are keeping their distance.


Also worked on this. Another excellent use for NIC grids!! I now have two gerbils as well. They are the most engaging of creatures and hysterical to watch.


This is taurus. Which comes out more like Torres. She looks a little grumpy because I woke her up to take this picture. She is very feisty and pretty much fearless. She is a tiny little slip of a thing. Sebastian jumped in the tank (we didn't think he could) and she did not run or hide. She jumped at his face. I mean feet flying, eyes crazy, at his face. Remind you of a certain other prey creature?


This is Needer. He's not too bright and wired on something. He irritates Taurus something frightful. She squeaks at him and pushes him around. He just kind of bulldozes through life. Reminds me of a certain giant baby. Typical guy :raspberry:
I think there's some new emoticons. The little puking one and I swear there's one that's flicking people off. I like this one too :thud:
It's how I feel most days with the rabbits.

Let the dogs out this morning. Turned my back for three seconds and Franklin bolted outside. Because he's sick and it's getting cold he can't go out without a jacket on. These are his cool fleece threads.


Kai figured out that if he pushed on the panels he can eat the tree through the grids. So I had to add a few more and now have this huge pen around the tree.

And because you are indeed on my blog and I never find it old! Snuggling!

Franklin was grooming Kai's ears. It was hysterical because he would paw them both down and clean them. They're great friends until Kai irritates Franklin. And he does irritate him. Very unfrench like Franklin prefers to scuffle when a more subtle way could probably be found.

This little butt is Lilly. She's my best friend from high schools kid and my mom babysits for her. She is actually terrified of rabbits thanks to Kai. Her mom is too lol.
But with Shya feeling so subdued Lilly enjoys feeding her. By hand. Every little piece. My mom finally conned her into taking these pictures.

I laughed so hysterically I choked.
I think that's about as tame as shi shi can get. She's like a different rabbit. I dont know if that will change with her surgery and being reunited with Kai but it is nice to see this "gentler" side of her.

Franklins jacket was like a 4.99 special at wal-mart. Score!

The gerbils aren't desexed. Turns out I have a male and female. Kinda dont know what to do now. The male Needer came from a pet store. They'll take him back but I'm kind of attached to the little window licker. I really dont want babies. I've read that some vets will neuter gerbils. Crazy I know but the alternative was two more gerbils and a new set up. Hubby actually told me no but said I could look into getting him neutered. Weird and a bit over the crazy line in my opinion but whatever.
No, totally not crazy at all! I don't know gerbils in the least, as we don't have them here, but I neuter rats, and even spey them; I have a neutered male and a speyed female right now, and I'm saving for the half-wild's speys. You do need a vet who knows what they are doing though; same with rabbits.

I know with rats if a pair have been living together, the changes are high she's pregnant as they go into heat every four days, and the longer they live together, the stronger that chance gets; I don't know about gerbils though. I'd separate them as soon as you can source another cage. Did the pet shop sell him as a girl? If so you could probably demand they lend you a cage, lol. I bet they also said they'd take on any babies, too.
Franklin really snuffely. Not feeling so hot today. Big Fight with Kai as well. I'm going to leave Kai at my moms. He really misses his bad rabbit and he gets so confused when Franklin is snuggely then fights with him. Franklin has an appointment tomorrow at three with the vet anyways. See what she says. So far it's just been all URI and hasn't moved into his lungs. Still on Baytril. May ask for something stronger. This poor guy. What am I suppose to do?
Vet said it's still URI. Not in lungs. He's just going to have good days and bad days. Probably aren't going to be able to make it go away just control it. He'll finish out his meds this month, see where he's at, and perhaps try something different next month. Thursday of course Franklin wasnt feeling well and kept going after Kai. I guess Kai has had enough because now he keeps picking on Franklin. We're back to being separate but equal. We are fixing to drive the seven hours to houston tonight. They were going in one large crate together but now that dream is shot. I have no idea how I am going to cram everyone, plus christmas presents, plus a cooler with the ham I got from work, and ourselves into my teeny two door ford explorer. I still have no idea what to do with the gerbils. There is no way their tank will fit with everything else. Needer my male is seperated from Torres my female. He was humping her the other day and I so do NOT want baby gerbils. However the vet said she would neuter Needer for like 40-50 bucks. One problem solved when we get back. We're leaving Kai with my mom and Shya. Second problem solved so Franklin can be an only child for a bit.

I think I need to post myself in the "Rescue Me" section.
So we were able to cram everyone into the car and made it to Houston ok. We've been here about a week and Franklin is lovin it. He roams the backyard he hangs out and watches tv on the couch with my dad. I take lots of naps with him. Everyone feeds him. Kai is happy in Shyas tiny little pen lovin him some bad rabbit. Shya is pretty neat and gets so irritated at Kai. She just hops on top of her crate and ignores him. Kai can easily get out of his pen but he prefers to sit with shi shi. Franklin and Kai are still fighting and can not be out together. Franklin is pretty hit or miss with his litter box but has been doing better. Kai uses his 100% of the time. Same with Shya. I have tons of pictures but I cant figure out how to shrink them on here. I have a hysterical video of my bird chasing my moms little three pound rat dog. Lilly who was previously afraid of rabbits I caught picking up franklin and trying to stick him in the pen with Kai and Shya. Should have snapped a picture but Franklin was in need of rescuing. The circus continues
So we managed to get everything into our little Ford explorer

Kai is on the right. Franklin is on the left somewhere




Looking so sweet under the tree


Which end is up?

Waiting on Christmas Dinner. Sam got a huge bone. I thought he'd never eat again. Not the case.


He likes to think he's a grumpy old man. I know better. So does Franklin


If you dont move the hell over....

And because my Daddy can build ANYTHING! And I'm daddies little girl. It wasn't hard to talk him into one of these...or three for my crew. Being an engineer it's gone through three improvements. I thought it was perfect the first go round. Shya agrees.

Franklin has taken over as daddies new favorite. Now that Shya has Kai she hasn't paid as much attention to anyone else. Daddy got kind of hurt. Franklin was happy to oblige. Tune in next time for more soap opera.
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I just love hearing about your rabbits. They are all so full of character! Franklin looks really content snuggling with your dad :) And how the heck did Shya get in there?
I admire your car-packing abilities!

Shya seems happy to have her man back; how does she feel about Franklin?
Does your dad believe your stories about your bad little rabbit yet? :p
With Kai back in the picture Shya was much more active. She punched a cat and went after me for messing with her blanket. Daddy of course defended her as she can do no wrong. I think it's simply a losing battle with him. As long as someone understands her evil the world will be safe. Shya pretty much ignores Franklin. With her bad eye she no longer feels the need to speed bump him. Franklin and Kai have been in terrible fights since we got home. Separated for now but it seems like Franklin has one hell of a vendetta. I went to break up a fight two days ago and received a nasty bite wound from Franklin. Puckered, swollen and hurts like hell.

Franklin however is just fine. I dont know if his antibiotics are finally working or if is was the change in environment and weather. Not one sneeze, not one snuffely sound, not nothing from him. He's also slowly but surely gaining his weight back. Now if I could just get him to use a litter box and keep his butt clean. But hey one thing at a time!

Shya's eye removal is scheduled tentatively for the 22nd. She is so sick of
being carted off to the vets and gets so stressed out. It never use to bother her but she gets poked and prodded so much she runs the minute she sees her crate. Kai has been such a help even though he probably spends more time irritatin her than anything. He's bonded to her but she merely tolerates him. I plan on keeping her crated the first three days after her surgery. Hopefully he can tolerate looking at her but not laying down with her. He's bouncing around as I speak. Just bonked his head on my chair. Good thing he's so thick headed. He's always nose bonking me and climbing on me. I loves them all. What would I do without them?
Probably quit drinking that's what. :ponder:

Lastly my Rabbit Shelf I have been begging my daddy for, for weeks! I got it for Christmas!


I need more rabbit stuff to put on it! I want to get a Shya and Franklin Minion. Also Wendall as our turn should be coming up here soon-ish!

So much to do and so little time
Some Kai! Poor guy. I kind of feel like he's been the middle child lately. He chewed through a phone cord on sunday. He only seems to get phone cords, nothing else. Since this is only his third it's a little hard to get miffed at him. He'll be a year old in one month. He's not a little baby anymore! :(

Dead Bunny!!!

There may have been some minor squealing at work. Causing minor discomfort and some disbelief of my reputation.


But seriously who can resist that widdle baby!
(after looking at this picture I have since vacuumed behind the couch)


Not me!!


This is Shya's new happy place. Dunno why as she's previously ignored it. Silly bad rabbit
Naww I love the look on this face in the second to last one!

Don't question the will of the bad bunny. Just go with it.
'Widdle baby'? Are you kidding me, he's HUGE!!! LOVE those ears, he's such a cutie :)
Oh good. Pictures! I needed my Kai fix. What a giant baby! I just adore him! And you know I have a soft spot for bad rabbits...Shya looks so pleased with herself in that last picture.
Hi Lisa! Nope we are back in Oklahoma. Just went home for the holidays. I am fixin to deploy so the hubster and crew will be moving in with my parents to save some money. It'll be interesting to say the least. My daddy is building a large pen in the middle of his garage for the hippity hops. It's insulated in there and has an AC unit so they'll be fine. They can free roam for a couple of hours a day in the house if Omar keeps an eye on em. Plus my dad is always out in his garage hiding from my mom so they'll get a lot of attention. It's not ideal since they wont get the loving I give them but it'll do.

Shya's eye comes out tuesday. I feel pretty sick about it but so many other rabbits have gone through the same or had multiple surgeries and been just fine. I've never worried about any of the other animals surgery so now I'm over paranoid about hers. I really love our vet though. She'll do everything she can for her. Shya just runs like hell whenever she see's one of us. We are always sticking something in her eye. Now we're down to having to chase her. She wont come up to you for food as we use to trick her that way. We try to randomly pet her or give her treats but she wont have any of it.
She does this thing where she grooms Kai's ears but she's practically inside his ear when she does it! He's 11 months old now and when he gets spooked he still hides behind her. Or he'll tuck his face under her like he's an ostrich hiding from the world. I dont know why she puts up with him but she does.

Their pen is now touching Franklins and there's been no fighting between the bars. If Shya and Kai are out they'll lay by his pen. He gets a little upset then settles. They were out in the rabbit room and Franklin was with us in the living room. I went in there real quick for something and Franklin snuck in. He was maybe three feet from Kai. He stopped and stared for a loooong time but didn't feel the need to charge at him. Making progress! I just want them to all be out at the same time and not fight. I dont care if they bond but all out is the goal. We shall see!