Shya-she does what she wants

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Just received the following e-mail form my Dad

Why do you keep referring to "my bad little rabbit"? She is an absolute sweetheart! Loves to cuddle and be petted... time you changed your attitude... dad

Boy does she have them fooled!!

Franklin and Kai got into Scuffles last night. Three days of tolerance is apparently the max Franklin can handle right now. I tore down Kai's pen because I got tired of the crash, bang, smash or finding it all locked tight and him running loose. Franklins is still up so they can still be separated. Plus I dont know what I'm going to do with Shya when she comes back into the fold. She likes to irritate and speed bump Franklin to much. Plus I'm not sure if I'll have to rebond her with Kai. Kai will act like nothing has changed but dont know about Shya. Kai is very accepting and just wants to be friends with everyone. He chases the cats on occasion but the minute they turn on him he runs away. He doesn't mind the dogs and even tolerates Bailey tripping over him. Definitely a forgive and forget type of boy. I hope he keeps that attitude into adulthood. Shya and Franklin are so crusty. It's nice to have Kai's enthusiasm for life.
Lol, maybe it's like it is with kids. They misbehave and try to get away with things with their own parents, but when they are with other people, they are on their best behavior :)
I think that's true. Every time she's been at my parents' she's been good. She's also been separated from Kai so she may not feel the need to escape from him as much either. Who knows what she thinks. Shya also likes to sit with my dad and share his celery (and diet coke)

This is the breeder I got Kai from. I was originally attracted to the yellows and it was an ad for yellows that prompted me to visit. The only rabbits he had left for sale were Kai and his sister. I had to pay a whole 40 euros for him! Omar asked if they ship.

So Shi shi's visit to the ophthalmologist. Her eye pressure was 2. Regular rabbit eye pressure should be 10-20. Last visit was 17. Vet said he wanted to see her twice more in a four week period. If she continued in either extreme he was going to remove the eye. I'm already up to 400+ at the ophthalmologist. I dont even want to imagine what removing the eye is going to cost me. I talked with Omar though and he didn't think it was fair to just remove her eye. Glad he's so understanding. I keep waiting for him to just freak out on me and say enough is enough. Probably wont ever happen but I still wait. Kai's cataract in his right eye is pretty interesting as well. He's also starting one in the left eye. Vet said he should probably see the ophthalmologist as well. Um.....yeah sure just as soon as I deploy and can afford it!!!

So I babysat last night. Had a blast. Little Haylie is seven and a rabbit whisperer. Both of the boys followed her around ceaselessly all night. She told me today she cleared off her dresser so she could put a rabbit cage up there.

She wants Franklin so bad she cant hardly see straight. She was educating her mama on everything that rabbits eat.


Hannah liked Sam but it's the bird she tried to make friends with all night long. She's trying to talk her mom into one.


Friday after work. I'm only chopped liver when the girls come over apparently.


Franklin does have a happy face. But this isnt it. Kai was much to much into his bubble.
Typical Tuesday night. I fall asleep at 8 o clock watching tv. It was a rough day.


Franklin has discovered getting on and off the couch


He laid with me for quite some time. He also peed on me. Omar finally woke me up and took care of the blanket. He's such a good rabbit and I'm glad we decided to take him. He's worth every minute and every penny.
So Shya left sunday and I guess the boys had to reestablish their pecking order or something. Or maybe Franklin wasn't feeling to good and Kai was invading bubble space. They were out running about and they got into a scuffle. Omar and I break it up and I see a spot of blood. Franklin managed to splice a good half inch of Kai's left ear. The one he can't get up. Now Kai is usually pretty good about forgiving and forgetting. Not this time. All day long he kept his distance. Franklin came up to him once and Kai goosed him on his way. Monday everything is back to normal. Boys. Really?
Aww, those pictures were cute!

Sorry the boys had a fight :( (or whatever it was)

Kaley, I always wondered which of your three bunnies you liked the best? it must be a hard choice :).
Franklin was so good at the photo shoot. Where ever we put him in whatever pose he just stayed there. I have a super cute one I'll send you Sarah once the pictures I ordered come in. If you're on the card swap list be prepared!!
Kai kept trying to hide and Shya went back to diva. I have a super cool ninja one of her with crazy ears on......It's actually pretty scary come to think of it.

Steve Franklin is my sweet, laid back guy too! My little black one is the one you have to watch!

Elise As far as favorites go it depends! It's like children you love them all but right now I'm really close with Franklin. Shya and I are old soul mates. Kai is in a really bratty phase right now. He went from favorite to bottom of the totem pole. Hopefully he'll grow out of it.
should be paying bills, cleaning carpets, re-arranging the rabbit room, and packing, but I decided this was way better than all of the above. I did rearrange the tv as we bought a new entertainment stand for it. The cat tree got moved to right next to the computer desk. Sebastian is up there chasing lights refracted from the window. I keep expecting him to fall on top of me at any moment. This could get ugly

However! Over the long thanksgiving weekend I let the boys get use to being outside. It took Franklin two minutes to be comfortable and run out the back door every chance he got.


Kai took a bit more encouragement


About two days after this he was all over our small backyard checking out everything.


My moms little sissy dog.
I want in! I want in! I WANT IN!!
Franklin: I want out! I want out! I WANT OUT!

He has now turned into a monster that begs to be let out all the time. They're only allowed out when I have time to sit and watch them. I'm afraid some hawk or stray cat will come along.


A Very Maben Thanksgiving

I was worried about having to rebond Kai and Shya. My parents brought her and my old dog up for the holiday. Nothing to worry about obviously. Kai went nutso. Started grooming her and following her around everywhere.

Franklin is the sweetest rabbit alive. NOT!

That's a good half inch in Kai's left ear. This happened the day after Shya left. They scuffled a lot and had to be separated. All is back to normal now. Guess they had to reestablish a pecking order. Did not see that coming.


Kai was not very forgiving that day. First time I've ever seen ugly ears and an ugly face on him. It only lasted the one day though.


Something came in the mail today!! What could it be?!

I know I know!

Mini Kai!! Excellent job and the proceeds went to a bun in need. Winners all around!

Also got a Christmas card in the mail. It is now hanging up nicely awaiting all it's other friends.
Great photo of Archie and Agnes!! If you didn't sign up you should next year!

Well onwards to my 8 page to do list. Yikes. What would I do without you Redbull.

*mispelled Agnes. Not Angus. Been watching to much Brave :p

So Shya's eye is going to have to be pulled. The opthamologist wants 1600 dollars to do it. I figured with them being specialty docs they would be overpriced but I didn't think it would be quite so outrageous. I found one clinic that will do it for about 600-700. Still shopping around. She is very mellow at my parents' house and chooses not to run around. She's quite happy sitting in her pen or on top of her crate. When she was here she did some running around with Kai. I think it will taker her awhile but she'll bounce back pretty well with the help of Kai. Who is tearing up a role of paper-towels as I type this.

EXCITING! Through a rabbit fancier in the UK I am now facebook friends with several Kai breeders in the serbian part of the world! Consensus is Kai is one good looking dude! He is on the small side but they're suppose to be a meat pen rabbit. I dont need a fat pet as I dont plan on eating him.

On with the cute photos!

It is just SO exhausting ruining moms carpet. Franklin with a messy bum. Reworking the litter training on him.


Big sleeping baby.
That's so sweet! You'd almost think they were best buddies.

I bet Kai's happy he's a pet. He may be staying skinny on purpose, just so you're not tempted by a nice plump rabbit :biggrin:

So sorry you and Shya have to go through this. I hope you're able to find a good vet that will do the surgery for a reasonable price.
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