Shya-she does what she wants

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ohhhhhhhhhh my! I am finally back after 25 days in the field!! The house was almost clean. Kai and Shya ruined the carpet in the living room. Will have to shampoo that. Franklin was like OHMYGODMOMMYSHOME!!! He rushed out of his pen and couldn't wait for a rub down. Kai was like OHMYGODWHOISTHISPERSONTRYINGTOPETME!? Freaking brat. And Shya was of course herself and flicked me off. Nothing new there. Forget that I brought home mint and very expensive Belgian endive to bribe everyone with. Everyone but Franklin and the cats are moulting very horribly. Momma's home and will straighten everyone out. Not going to be happy. Omar was amazing at keeping up with everyone. Even though he played favorites with Franklin. *ahem* He sent me some pretty awesome pictures and once I figure out how to get them off my phone I will post them. Have to catch up with everyone!

How is honey?
And the new hippity hop Archie! I am so pleased for Agnes
I was just wondering if you were on maneuvers, as you hadn;t posted for awhile.

My Honey is doing fine, ie nothing. Her starting using her dig & hide box as a litter box last month & my having to remove it was the last change. We'll be going back to the Chicago condo in a couple weeks, so she won't like that either. Plus she finally finished [I hope] a 6-wk-long shed.
Honey is a lionhead, but only 1-gene, so she has a mane & a skirt, but the rest of her hair is short. She was a rescue, so I don't know 100%, but that seems right.
Glad you are back after 25 days. Has to feel so good to be home! Loved your explanation of all the fur babies greeting you :)

Uh oh, carpet ruined? Like chewed or pee and poop? That can't be fun to come home to! We are just getting done with a molt too. Bleh. Not fun!

Agnes and archie are doing good. How sweet of you to ask even as busy as you are:) still not completely bonded but things could not be going better. I can't believe I've gone through this whole process with not even the slightest fight or scuffle! I'm taking it slow still and excited for them to be bonded!
Q-tip says hello! She's super glad to be able to hear Kai stores again (methinks she has a little crush). She wanted to say that she almost got a husbun...but we're not sure yet if now is the right time. She's angry at me for not just going for it!
Q-tip definitely seems like a leaper not a looker. Good thing for us slaves to keep them out of trouble. Sort of.

So Shya's eye. Again. For what ever reason the pupil is stuck in the constricted position. She has very little vision out of it and the regular vet is like how about this specialist in Oklahoma City. Which thankfully is only about an hour away from us. We're thinking an appointment in two weeks but I need to call the vet again and see if she can wait that long. She said it wasn't emergent but we shouldn't sit on it. The regular vet had no clue as to what could have caused it. I noticed she seemed a little insecure in her surroundings, hiding, and she's spending a lot of time next to Kai and following him around which isnt normal by any means. I was just explaining this to Omar and that she needed to go to the vet when the cat walked by and she boxed and growled at him. Omar was like "whats wrong with her again?" She is so bad. Worst case scenario she loses the eye. Best case scenario she just loses some vision in that eye. We shall see what the cards hold.
Sorry that Shya isn't doing well. I hope you're able to get here into the vet sooner.
What the ophthalmologist found

DIAGNOSIS: Mature Cataract OD; Incipient Cataract OS; Penetrating Injury OU; Anterior Synechia OU; Uveitis OD
PRESCRIPTION: Oxytetracycline OD q.8h., flurbiprofen OD q.12h.
DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES: Rebound tonometry 7 mmHg OU, fluorescein staining positive OD and negative OS
COMMENTS: Neuro-ophthalmic evaluation showed an absent menace response and dazzle reflex OD. Pupillary light reflexes were sluggish and incomplete OU. External examination shows mild blepharospasm OD. Multiple very superficial ulcerations are seen over the axial cornea OD. A penetrating wound is seen with significant vascularization favoring the 2 o'clock position of the paraxial cornea OD. Anterior synechia is noted in this area OD, as well as in an area to the ventrolateral 4-5 o'clock position OS. A 2/4 aqueous flare and cell is noted OD. A dyscoria is noted OD associated with anterior synechia. A fully mature cataract is noted OD with an incipient cataract OS. Fundic evaluation OS was within normal limits with a fundic evaluation not able to be evaluated due to mature cataract OD.
Shya presented for initial evaluation of a potential cat scratch injury with previous cat scratch injuries in her history. The injury to her right eye is severe, but has sealed and vascularized. The damage to the lens on that side has caused a cataract to form, as well as significant uveitis. We must treat her uveitis as well as her ulcerations on that side. We do not believe that there is a good possibility for vision in this eye due to the cataract that has formed. Our goal is to improve her overall comfort and maintain her globe. We will continue to monitor her and keep you advised.
RECHECK: 1 week
Please call our office if you have any further questions regarding this case.

The way the doctor explained it:
The cat did more than just scratch her eye which got better with antibiotics. He punctured it. Which of course antibiotics wouldn't fix. The iris separated and is stuck to the cornea to self fix the hole. It caused a cataract which is permanent. It's badly inflamed but I cant do anything with that until I fix the ulcers. Which are really bad. I need to see her back in one week. Cant remove the cataract because Rabbits are the only species who can regrow lens. Interesting.

What I heard:
Her eye is fuc*** and you're a shi*** pet owner

She's in Houston with my mom. The ophthalmologist was more than willing to cooperate with the one here in Oklahoma city. Oklahoma city couldnt see her for two weeks. To long. So she's living it large with my parents. My mom likes her. Dad adores her but cant stand the mess. However he did pick her up a toy at petsmart.

Mom also has old dog. My old vet clinic that I use to work for before the Army is going to run all her labs and remove her tumor and charge it for me

Franklin came back from being kenneled at the vets and he is very snuffly. The vet had heard a noise but wasn't sure if it was his nose or him grinding his teeth. She checked his teeth and didnt see anything wrong. It's his nose but no eye or nose discharge. Back he goes tomorrow..

I originally went home to visit my dad who is four weeks post quadruple bypass. At age 73 he has surpassed everything the doctors could have hoped for. He's up and moving, tinkering in the garage, and really crotchety at being cooped up in the house. We were all so worried about him and it's half my herd he's caring for now.

Bleh gonna start drinking early
Awww you are not a crappy pet owner. Don't feel guilty. Sounds like she is well taken care of!! I hope your father continues to do well, that is great that he gets around like that at 73 after what he's been through. He sounds like a fighter :)
Totally bummed. Back to missing my little bad rabbit. Also miss my old dog. She is the very definition of faithful. It's very quiet without them. I do not enjoy it.

Mom said both are doing great. She asked if shya could have a banana chip after applying her medication.

"mom that's like 5 banana chips a day, no"

"but she's just so good. And she knows it's coming and doesn't fight or run away. sometimes I just hold her becacuse I think she's miserable and misses Kai"

"How about breaking up one chip into five pieces and going that route"

"that's a lot of work and they aren't that big"

"you'll make her fat or give her diabetes"

"Sounds like your problem not mine"

Pretty soon my three pound rabbit could be as big as Fraggles. And without Kai's support the printer may be next too
So great. Franklin has URI or pasturella. Taking precautions in case it's pasturella. Separation, probiotics and he's on Baytril for now. It's only been like three days and it sounds like he's getting worse. Still eating, drinking, pooing, running around like a crazy bun. Probably call monday and see what the vet says. She thinks it may have been the stress of being kenneled. He gets lots of greens, timothy hay, orchard grass, oats for a treat, pellets. Cheese and wine what else can I do for him?
Work and life have been very busy. Been stalking rabbitsonline and posting everywhere but here. My dad is doing better still. No more pain in his chest and his sleeping habits are back to semi normal. He is not enjoying retirement and is driving my mom insane. It makes me laugh.

Shya had her appointment last Tuesday. Doc said the ulcers were clearing but her eye pressure went up from last visit. It's in the high ranges of normal. She goes in again this tuesday/wednesday and he will recheck her pressure. I use to work as an optometry tech and the price for checking her eye pressure kills me every time I think about. He said if it remains stable and the ulcers clear completely he can work to medicate the iris stuck to her lens and slow the cataract. If the pressure continues to rise he will have to remove the eye. I wish Shya was never in this position to begin with. If he has to remove the eye I'm pretty sure it wont slow her much. She had a hard time with the anesthesia from her spay but as you can see she bounced back to demon pretty quickly. I have no doubt she will do the same if it has to come to that. Fingers crossed it doesn't. She is doing just fine with my mom and gets a lot of attention.

Franklins URI got worse but seems to be getting a little better on the Baytril. Vet here said it hasn't spread to his lungs and pushed his meds out another month. Still his same ol sweet self. I think he's done losing weight but I let him eat whatever whenever in the hopes he gains some of it back. He follows me around and knows that his food comes from the refrigerator. Franklin and Kai go ballistic if you get anywhere near it. They jump in it to paw around at their veggie containers if given the chance.

Old dog came through her surgery just fine. Bounced back as well as a 12 year old mutt can. She also gets an abundance of attention at my parents' house. Cant wait to get her back at Thanksgiving though. Possibly Shya as well if her eye pressure stays normal.

Love my babies and it will be difficult to leave this time. Atleast Omar will care for the house better this time. And we've been through it already so it will be a little easier this time.

So enough with this long post. On to pictures!


Somewhere in this picture is a rabbit.


In an odd predicament


No sudden movements. No sudden movements!!


You can see Kai's cataract in this one pretty well.

Kai just never stops. Franklin has fought with him so many times and he always comes back like nothing ever happened. Kai will lay by his pen if he's out. He just hopped in there and Franklin boxed him but then let him in. They really shouldn't be together as I don't need two rabbits with the snuffles but Franklin broke out of his pen this morning and Kai just knocked his whole thing down. Heaven help me
Okay, I can't find the rabbit in the first picture. Help?

I love Kai's ears. I swear, if he turns up wasn't me!

Also, the cat on the back? Kitty looks so comfortable. All "I dare you to move."

Found Franklin! He was stuck pretty tight. It was interesting getting him out....

Living with Large rabbits. It's not easy :sigh:

So Kai and Franklin have been out all day. They are certainly by no means friends but they have tolerated each other with out trying to kill each other. Franklin has even tolerated Kai in his food dish. Franklin has also tolerated Kai lying near him. It's only been like four months (it feels like we've had Franklin forever!) and we're making progress. However with two large and always hungry rabbits running amuck together it does pose a certain problem. Like trying to get in and out of the refrigerator. Oh yes. I definitely fell down and went boom. I also whacked my elbow on the fridge door. I also broke a bottle of my favorite wine found in only one place on Gods green earth. Just locked rabbits in their pens and is wondering what to make for dinner. If only Kai would fit in the crock pot.


That's it! They're going on Craigslist!!

LOL oh those big buns are so difficult but I'm glad they are getting better and it hasn't hurt Kai's feelings. I think they will come along nicely Franklin has a shell but then he becomes a love bug maybe that will happen with Kai!
Kaley your posts crack me up :) crockpots and craigslist, breaking wine and hidden rabbits.
Thanks for the chuckles :)

Oh and I hope Kai and Franklin learn to love each other some day.