Shya-she does what she wants

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I love Harvey!!


It's Sebastian!

Shya is very much the ambush type. She doesn't really hide though. She just kind of stands there and when you walk by she beats you up.
She's really bonded with Kai. She really doesn't have a whole lot to do with us anymore. Doesn't care to be petted, moves away if you come near her, beats up on the other animals. Well more than she use too. She'll come up and beg when she wants something. But other than that she's covering that big baby. It's really sweet that my bad rabbit has a buddy. It's even funnier when she gets irritated at him and hides from him. He gets SO upset and panics until I flush her out.

i was reading this blog today and i couldnt stp laughing and giggling your buns are just the funniest things!

my bf complains that charmmy can be a bit of a terror at times but he does love her dearly but he complains im sorry to say hes now thankful charmmy isnt shaya! but i think they are adorable and just great! i love the personalities!
Yeah Harvey's very sweet to me and my older cat who is a big push over. But him and the fat cat are both pretty dominate with the rabbit being slightly moreso. I have seen Harvey ninja fly out of a corner at fatty's face, when fatty started to charge at Harvey haha. Stopped that idea. Oh and Harvey waited until the cat's back was turned to bite him in the butt haha.

I love the pictures of Shya and Kai snuggling.
lol! Harvey is such a good rabbit. Poor fat kitty. Probably didn't even know what got him. Shya chases the young cat and she's mean about it too. Pinned ears, boxing him. Poor Seby just runs like hell whenever he sees her.

Omar and I went to the Oklahoma state fair today. I may never eat again, but it was great! Got to watch my first rabbit show. Caught the tail end of it as they were into the best of show. Little Dutch took it. Lots of French Lops. We've decided Franklin is a very good looking dude. Omar fell in love with this little chocolate mini Rex. We were watching it for quite a bit. It was the smartest in the bunch and kept trying to get out of it's pen. It kept getting picked up and was so good, but I knew better. Somehow it looked like another Shya rerun. The whole day we were at the fair we drifted off and on to this little rabbit. They wanted a whole 30 dollars for it. Everyone blames me for the large herd but Omar is just as much the problem as me. If I wasn't there to say no he would have brought it home.

We were laughing at all the food and thinking about all the things that Shya has eaten and lived through. So far the list is up to Zebra cakes, popcorn, moldy bread, the marshmallows out of lucky charms, last years live Christmas tree, Tabasco cheezits, peanut butter, milk, pizza crust, doughnuts, pop, assorted garbage, cat food, dog food, bird food, and I'm sure there's other things I've forgotten. It's either shortened her life or made it longer.

Could be why she's such a bad a**
Sugar rush
i just read a good deal of this blog-- haha! Shya is the funniest rabbit! Definitely gonna have to watch this topic!
Franklin's my good one! He'll be the last one to go! For the most part. Having some litter box issues. Has some urine scalding going on. Vet trip on Monday for him and Shya. Shya's bad eye is runny. She's been hiding and kind of laying around. Not acting herself. I say that of course right after she chased the cat off. He was only across the room. I think I've grossly underestimated her bubble space. I'm pretty sure I'm paying off Doc Blacks education loan. Rabbits seem to be in every other week. Maybe I'm just a rabbit hypochondriac.


Every time I get the camera out he turns his back to me. Thought this was a pretty good picture for him.


hmmm left overs?


Perhaps something fresher


sitting way to close to the tv.


He was just laying cute.


And lastly the gardener. Caliente! Who wouldnt want one?
Pretty much. Why he loves her so much is beyond me. She's mean to him. And steals his food. Her eye has been bothering her so he's been real protective of her and overly motherly. All she wants to do is hide out.

Franklin and Kai just got into another argument. I scooped up Franklin and started in on the clean up and brushing. Kai came over like dude why you so mean? He just wants to be friends. Franklin just wants to kick his butt.

Why cant the French and the Germans get along?
Aaaaaw Kai, what a love.

Merlin was like that with my mom's gray female cat she used to have. Her name was Noelle and boy could she be crazy haha. Well Merlin just adored her. And she just hated him haha. He was so cute with her. He'd talk to her and follow her around. Even defended her honor once haha.
kmaben wrote:
Why cant the French and the Germans get along?
There's a saying that I can't remember the details of, but it's something like:

Hell is where the English provide the food, the French run the trains & the Germans run the justice system.

Heaven is where the French provide the food, the Germans run the trains & the English run the justice system.
:D Orlena it's like this:

In Heaven:

The cooks are French,
The policemen are English,
The mechanics are German,
The lovers are Italian,
The bankers are Swiss.

In Hell:

The cooks are English,
The policemen are German,
The mechanics are French,
The lovers are Swiss,
The bankers are Italian.