Shya-she does what she wants

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So can someone tell me what I'm supposed to do with this?


And this

And some of this?

And then Franklin chewed through my Kindle cord. And got in my backpack and munched on a special K cereal bar. Dont have any pictures of him because he is WAY more ninja than the other two.


Triple head bang for my three stooges.
Sooooo.... I am cracking down on litter box habits for Shya and Kai. Sunday I rebuilt their cage and they each have their own separate (smaller) run and large accommodating litter box. I'm gonna fix them good I say to myself. This morning I was in a rush to get back to work. I kissed everyone goodbye and went into the rabbit room to give then theirs. Each are in their pens looking for breakfast. No biggie. Not three minutes later I rushed back in there to grab a piece of equipment I had forgotten. Both ambushed me at the door and rushed into the kitchen looking for their meals.

Why, why do I even bother I say to Omar.

I am so tired of being outsmarted by a three pound rabbit and a six month old who hasn't even fully developed yet.

Rabbits: To many to count
Poor dumb human stuck at 0
Finally have some cute pictures of Franklin. Due to his color and the nature of the flash on my camera some of these look funny.

Teddy was our lump but Franklin is our Puddle



So Kai and Shya find sneaky ways to get over/out of their pens.
Franklin just bulldozed his way through his.


I did away with his pen and gave him free roam of the spare bedroom since he's so clean and good natured.


Kai thinking about the baby gate.

And I finally uploaded a few videos of Kai and his epic battles with the baby gate.
First one is him trying to go under the gate.

This is him going over.

I apologize for the darkness and that's Dharma and Greg you hear in the background. Couldn't figure out how to insert them.

I love these guys.
Texas bunny meetup necessary. Please bring Kai. And his harness. And don't expect to get him back. I'll even throw in my roommate's obnoxious little parrot as a "sorry for stealing your big eared rabbit" gift.
LMFAO! That bulldozing was probably learned at my house! He did it to the xpen i let him roam in and i ended up just giving up and letting him free roam too

Omg at kai actually going over! I can hear omar i the background rooting him on LOL!
Oh we're going there.

For Free one large buttheaded rabbit. Comes with buttheaded husband and all the trimmings.

So I put Kai on the couch and was brushing him out a bit. We do this often no big deal. He decides he's going to go crawl in Omar's lap and start grooming him. GROOM HIM!!


pay the most attention to him. I'm the one who plays with him. I feed him the most and buy his favorites. I give him those ear massages whenever he asks for them. But he's going to groom Omar?! OMAR?!

Can you spell Divorce?
I'll take the bunny...but I'll conveniently lose the husband on the way back to Austin. I want nothing in the way of my cuddles from Kai.
I think he's getting comfortable in his room too. He has three litter boxes to choose from now, a hay box and a shred box. The chewed up paper was him. So shred box and now he's happy. There was a short stint of peeing outside his box but that's cleared up with the added litter boxes. He only does this in his room. He's excellent when he's out and about in the house. Not one stray poop or puddle. He goes to the vet on Friday for a check up. I think we've kind of blown him up a bit. They're supposed to be a well endowed rabbit but I think we may have gone overboard on the veggies and treats. He's also not as active as the other two. We'll see if she fusses at us tomorrow. He doesn't come when you call him but now he perks up his ears and head when I say his name. He's still a little uncomfortable but working on getting over it. He still hates Kai but seems to be relenting on Shya. As long as she doesn't start anything he'll tolerate her in his air space.

Speaking of my little bad rabbit I went to tuck everyone in last night and Shya was doing ninja flips off the side of her cage. Then she was like running in a circle but on the sides of her cage like a race car driver. She had her ugly ears on and I was scared. Not gonna lie. She had to do without her treat because I wasn't gonna stick my hand in there!!
And then you guys talk about your bunbuns that NEVER go outside their litter box and I just roll my eyes until I pass out.

*sigh* we cant all have an Agnes
Poor Kai baby went to the vet today. He had a very large mat in his groin area that the vet shaved off for me. Poor guy has been upset/nervous about it all day. He's a pretty good forgive and forget kind of baby but he's been stuck to his security blanket Shya like crazy. He's been licking his feet and hiding out in his pen too. Crasins aren't even fixing this situation.
kmaben wrote:
Oh we're going there.

For Free one large buttheaded rabbit. Comes with buttheaded husband and all the trimmings.

So I put Kai on the couch and was brushing him out a bit. We do this often no big deal. He decides he's going to go crawl in Omar's lap and start grooming him. GROOM HIM!!


pay the most attention to him. I'm the one who plays with him. I feed him the most and buy his favorites. I give him those ear massages whenever he asks for them. But he's going to groom Omar?! OMAR?!

Can you spell Divorce?
The fact that Omar gives Kai less attention probably is why he groomed him. He wants Omar to pay more attention to him.
Im going to guess Cat because I know mines would be in there

LOL at Shyas bunny track. Sounds like what a brit would do hahha
Last time I weighed franklin at the office he was 11lbs has he been to the vet yet? lol
I'm going to go with that Orlena because the alternative bugs me to much.

Franklin was 12.7. We got fussed at. She said he wasn't obese but was on his way to over weight. I defended with he's just a thick boy! She gave me the look. He only gets two meals a day and we're reducing each meal by a quarter cup. Also reducing treats. Of course he charmed everyone in there. Had to take pictures of him. Doc is always impressed by Kai and how friendly and into people he is. She hit the roof with Franklin. Franklin never once tried to bite her and nudged her for a head pat. I was afraid I wasn't going to walk out of there with him! I did address the fact that he was drinking A LOT of water. She wants to run a UA on him just to be on the safe side. I drop that off monday and should get results wed/thurs time frame. This diet thing isn't working so well as he was acting hungry so I fed him his dinner. Omar later informed me that he had already eaten dinner and I just got conned by the puddle. Go figure.
Holy moly! LOL Little Franklin has always loved his food :p

Let me know about the UA I did notice he drank alot of water at my house. I would have to fill a 10oz crock 2-3 times a day because it was always empty ALTHOUGH he did spill his water alot too. Plus I never had a bunny his size and i wasnt sure if that was normal.
I would say Shya is in that bag. She sounds like the sneak attack kind of rabbit haha (hmmm or would ambush be a better word?). Harvey does that with my fat cat.