Shya-she does what she wants

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It looks as though you need an enclosure for YOUR things, like the computer. Especially as neither Shya nor Kai seem to be posting much of anything on RO, like some of the other rabbits do, lol.
So had to go to the field for a couple of days. It's so hot it wasn't much fun. Plus you worry about everyone smoking because it's so dry.
Of course the rabbits were like "we'll help you pack mom! Anything to keep the cash flowing for our craisins"



Yup I think you might want to take that.


Dont let this one fool you. I'm not looking for something or baby talking Kai. I'm yelling at him for chewing up carpet.


He did get a craisin for being cute though.


And because it never gets old. A snuggle shot.

I use to worry about the shots with poop in them but Kai does so much of it all of the time I dont even think about it. Just always have the vacuum cleaner handy
loooooooooooong weekend. Drove the 6 hours to houston to pick up the big dog, cats aaaaaaand Franklin! New addition to the family. It was a rough ride but he took it like a champ. He's hiding in the bathroom now cooling off. He's atleast curious about his surroundings but it's a bit overwhelming. The other rabbits and bird are still at the kennel and will be picked up tomorrow. I'll be in the field all day so it's up to Omar to ensure smoothness for Franklin. The way he moves kills me. It's like an inch worm. Omar cant wait to see him binky. He'll be just crushed if he isn't a binkier. Can't wait to bond with him.
LOL he does move like an inch worm!! Im sure he will show you his binky side in no time he is such a happy guy when he gets out and runs :)
We'll give him his space and omar will let everyone out in turn tomorrow. I'm sure it will take him some time to warm up. He looks like such a grumpy old man. Have to learn to read lop all over again. Shya is so expressive and Kai only has two faces. Doofy and cute.
Day 2 with Franklin. He seems to be settling in ok. He looked a little low so I spent a good fifteen minutes cuddling and gentle plucking. He kept nudging me for more loving. Very unique experience since Shya doesn't want to be petted except occasionally and Kai will only sit for it for a couple of minutes. Kai and Shya seem kind of hi-speed for him. Then again they just came from the kennel and are rather hyper. He's out now exploring. I let him and Kai meet just briefly as they seemed ok on opposite sides of the pen. Kai was like hi! He accidentally hit him a few times with his ears then went to leave. Franklin boxed him right in the butt. Kai was scrambling for cover when I picked him up and separated them. Definitely give him more time before trying anything again. Give him even longer for Shya. I hope he has at least one friend here that he likes to be with so he isn't lonely. He licks his feet when he's upset like Kai does too

Chillaxin. The white blur in the corner with the eye is Tex-Anne.


Sam was sniffing him, and Franklin kept head butting him for a pat. Other than that the other animals pretty much ignore him.

He's a real sweetheart of a guy with excellent litter habits. Maybe he'll teach Kai and Shya a thing or two. He did some bunny 500's and he did binky. Omar missed it though.
aw You should have caught pictures! He is super funny when he binkys! Maybe omar will catch it next time :)
Orlena I could use a dull moment for sure. So I get home. Another hot day in the field. I'm stripped and about to step into the shower. I hear a rabid scuffling sound. I go racing into the rabbit room with Omar. Kai apparently developed some up genes. He can jump on Franklin's extra large dog crate and jumped down into Franklin's pen to eat his hay. I'm guessing for that grass is greener on the other side of the fence kind of thing. There is this epic battle going on between these two giant rabbits. Omar and I are stopped for half a heart beat just watching in a train wreck kind of way. They kind of beached themselves on the slick floor and Omar dove in to grab Kai. Franklin huffed off into his crate. I drag him out and check him over. He's just fine and Kai is just fine. I get up and look through the window right into the eyes of my 80 year old neighbor whose setting out his garbage. He kind of stares at me and gives me a little wave not really sure what he's seeing I think.
Omar's like babe the shower.
Swear to God you can't even make this stuff up.

Kai just finished ripping up the carpet. I call him and he asks for a head rub. He needs to stop with the f-ing cuteness. It's ridiculous. He knows how to work me. It doesn't work on Omar but I cave almost every time. Of course Shya could get away with murder and she knows it. I think I may give everyone away and join a convent. One that allows beer.
There were some monasteries that used to make beer; don't know about convents.

Is this the first time you met your neighbor? You probably are making his life interesting. When you're retired, you don't have to multi-task that much. You DID quick put on a robe before getting Franklin, or not?

Pilots of military helicopters are supposed to be tough. Consider what's best for the lovable scamps in the long run.

By the way, I read that NASA consulted people knowledgeable about large helicopters when they worked out the landing mechanisms for Curiosity, the new Mars vehicle.
um...technically Kai starts it for being a prat. Franklin just finishes it. It's his space and no one else needs to be in it. Shya and Kai are killing me though. Talk about acting out.

And no I wasn't wearing a robe. I didn't even think to grab a towel. I just barreled in there to split them up. I had met Jim previously so you could say we're probably on friendlier terms now!
So yesterday morning started with a minor emergency. I had just picked Kai up, kissed him, then handed out breakfast. He was eating pellets and all of sudden acted like he wanted to throw up, was drooling very thickly, and had this horrible wheeze. Woke omar up and went to the vets right away. He had stopped drooling and wheezing by that point. Doc checked his teeth, nothing stuck up his nose, no gut issues, heart and lungs sounded clear. He lost some weight but she wasn't even concerned about that. She said he had a very nice body shape. We're upping his food another quarter and see where that gets him.

This little peckerhead can also jump/climb over the baby gate into Franklins room. We now have to shut doors and separate everyones run times.

Have some pictures. I apologize for the cracked out look. I've been at the ranges all week. It's very hot and very exhausting work. I had just gotten out of the shower and apparently couldn't find my hair brush!


But Franklin doesn't care how I look. He laid with me a very long time. He must like my shampoo because he had his head buried in my hair asking for pets.


For whatever reason Franklin has taken an instant liking to the big dog. He wouldn't have been my first choice.


Lounging about. I love his ears and smooshey face. He has such a great personality. He isn't terribly shy and is slightly tudey. But who isn't around here?
So Kai really wants to be in Franklins room. He was just sitting and staring at the door. All of a sudden he lept up to about the height of the door knob. He did this a couple of times. What if he figures out how to actually turn the knob? What do I do with this? I can put a child thing on it but to have a rabbit that opens doors? I almost hope he figures it out!
He also knows which cabinet the pellets are in. He grabs a hold of the bottom of the cabinet and pulls for all he's worth. So far he hasn't gotten it open but I've installed a kid lock just in case. That'll fix him.

Franklin also growled at me yesterday. Very bum hurt about it. I was in his area though. And he is VERY picky about his space. He came right out though when I opened his pen up for breakfast.
As long as he has to jump to reach the knob he won't be able to turn it. Even then, he might not be able to turn it enough to open it. Actually I think a refrigerator door would be easier to open, but don't tell HIM.
LOL at franklins bad hair day! Poor dude

Kai just wants another big buddy and it sounds like shya has been teaching him a thing or two. I cant believe he can jump that high!

Sorry to hear about franklins tude he is pretty picky when your in his space. He would box me sometimes when i put his water bowl in and then lay flat out when I rubbed his head lol
Omg love the squishy face! How cute that he has taken a liking to the dog :)

Seems like you are busy and they all keep you on your toes. If you do join a convent, I agree with you on the beer thing :)
some days I wish. Been in the field the last week. Come home and Kai has all these new bad habits. He discovered the dog food. (so did the dog) I get home and the furniture is all rearranged. I asked omar what the deal was he says watch this. He moves everything and sets up the baby gate. Kai goes over it. He moves it up a little higher. Kai goes over it. He moves it up just a little higher. Kai goes under it. Omar moves the bar stools over to the baby gate. Kai is now trying to figure out how to get in between the bar stools and the baby gate and get over so he can help himself to the dog food. He's obsessed with it. Shya can get through it no problems but she has no need for dog food. I'm pretty sure she did it just to irritate Kai. I think he's going through a growth spurt. He is always hungry, always begging, always under foot. He gets his veggies morning and night and pellets whenever he wants. Shya had a big blow out fight with the big dog. He came running in from the backyard and stepped all over her. She had plenty to say about that and the big dog lost the conversation. Franklin's been inch worming around. Omar likes the animals but he doesn't pay attention to them like I do. He wont go out of his way to pet, or hug or kiss and he never talks to them. I'm always yabbering at them. He really makes an effort with Franklin. He talks to him in the mornings and pats him. Shi shi and Kai baby always coming running to me. I think Franklin may just be Omar's rabbit. We shall see.
He might be. Franklin went through his growth spurt between 8mos-1year he would always beg for food even after he ate his first bowl for breakfast. You must catch a video or pics of kai doing this I am amazed that he can get over a baby gate!You should do bunny hopping with kai instead of shya LOL