Shya-she does what she wants

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Kai baby is only half grown. He'll get a lot longer and a little taller. His daddy was pretty solid and so was his mama. He's pretty sweet and comes up to you to be petted. Shya runs like hell because she thinks you're going to put her up. Nothing craisins wont fix.

Crap. Wasn't paying attention. Kai ate Shya's dinner. We've been working on celery and built up to a couple bites of lettuce. He just narfed a couple celery stalks couple lettuce leaves and a bunch of parsley. He also peed in her litter box. I'm pretty sure he did it just to annoy her. Oh and he ripped up a small patch of carpet. And working on the rest as I type. We're just not going to tell mom about that......
Some none rabbit pictures

Count the kittes!

So TexAnne got spooked and landed on the floor. She was all fluffed up and had her crest up. She went running for the big dog and when she stood on him she calmed down like she was safe or something

Big dog just takes it. He's so good when he's not being the worlds worst dog. Which is most of the time.
Love the Non-Rabbit pics.

Must be neat living with all those different types of animals. Never a dull moment.

Finally starting to settle and in a semi-routine. I haven't reported to my new unit but the rabbits have a nice enclosure for now. Will take pictures as soon as I refind the camera. Crap everywhere from unpacking. I set up Shyas cage and Kai is keeping his crate as it's tall enough to accomidatehis ears. He got all vegetable this morning as we've been working on adding lettuce and parsley to his celery diet.Shya has already escaped twice andcould be a high jumper record setter. She's slightly miffed that I wont let her run amuck but she needs some potty training upkeep and Kai needs potty training period. They have two levels to jump on and even Kai with his bad leg is managing.Now that we're settled and finances are straight again Ican quit being a crappy rabbit owner and take him to the vet.Again need to take pictures. They are so cute sitting together and Kai looks so funny when he squishes himself into Shya's cage. I think Kai is bonded to Shya. He loves his little bad rabbit butShya being Shya I dont think cares.I'm pretty sureShya will out live us all so no need to worry about Kai going into depression. Shya also tangled with the bird. She hopped right up to TexAnne and gave her a sniff. Tex not happy and nipped at her. Shya then put on disapproving face and decided bird was waaaaaay beneath her. So much as she doesn't exist as far as Shya is concerned. Big Rabbit afraid of bird. Bird bullies him.Hides behind shya for protection. Go figure.
This no internet thing is killing me. Come to the library every couple of days to check up on things. Found a GREAT AHA certified vet here. She was faboulous with Kai and his x-rays. Still has the gimpy leg. She didn't find any fractures, torn ligaments, or displacements.She said his bones were still pretty soft and his stifles hadn't fused all the way yet. He gets two weeks confinment and we'll see if he grows out of it. He's only 5 months old. There's a specialist in OK Cityso that's nice too.She also see's birds on a limited basis. So I can get Tex's wings, nails, beak and labs done right here in town. Her clinic also boards exotics as well. The pest people are coming and spraying today so everyone got boarded for the day. I thought they were just going to sit in their travel crates but they got the cat condo's with all the fixins that are multi level. Tex gets to sit in the office with the gals so she wont be lonely. Once they saw how friendly she was I doubt she'll stay in her cage long. Have some great pictures and will hopefully get internet the end of this week/beginning of next week. Shya and Tex got into a fight the other night and it was hilarious allbeit a little scary. Tex was nipping Shya on the nose and Shya came back at her pretty hard. Dont know who would have won but wasn't going to wait and find out! They had it out in front of the bedroom door. Kai was on the other side like omigod. What do I do. I'm trapped! He ran and hid in the closet until I drug him out and gave him the all clear. He is still a big baby and I have to remind myself. He's eating celery, romaine lettuce, and we're working on parsley. Next pay check he's getting a harness and we're going to work on that. He's curious enough and friendly enough I'd like to see if he could be a therapy rabbit when he gets older. Shya would be great at it if she only liked people. We shall see. She's into binking and the rabbit 500. She can really move and she can jump sooooooo high! She kind of triggers my PTSD though. She comes tearing around the couch then stops in a defensive position with googely ears on the alert. Then I'm the one going omigod, what's going on. Where's my gun? Why amI lying on the floor?

Yikes never a dull moment at my house.
I'm looking forward to the pictures, but know how to be patient.

I had to laugh, though when you wrote about Shya & being a therapy bunny. It sounds like my saying I could be a trapeze artist if only I didn't get motion sickness & had a better sense of balance, lol.

Ok now that I re-read that it does look a little crazy. I guess I meant she's really adaptable to new situations and does well on a harness and leash. She doesn't easily startle and she isnt afraid of much. She just doesn't want to be pet or cuddled. -_- Kind of defeats the purpose of a therapy rabbit. She's so evil. :p

Kai on the other hand maybe when he gets older and a little more secure. He startles sometimes. He's a great traveler and I bet he'd be pretty good on a harness and leash. He's pretty smart. And friendly.
Shya's just special but I wouldn't trade my little bad rabbit for anything. She is so smart and so dumb all at the same time. She can break out of just about any pen and it usually takes more than one step to achieve. I gave her a little treat ball that you roll around and the treat falls out. She went nuts looking for the treat but couldn't figure the ball out. Yikes.

Some pictures!!! Finally got our internet up today. Yay!!


Bunny Bums and Tails


Friends. How this happened I do not know. But it is good


Shya, Queen of the sun room


I just love how stream lined he looks. Turning into a big brat like his daddy. But he's so cute and such a baby. He only gets yelled at for chewing up the carpet. I'm upgrading to a squirt bottle though.
It's strange what they can & cannot do, while the skill set can be very different for another rabbit. Honey keeps on doing some thing that don't work, such as chewing through cardboard to make an opening in it when there's a metal grid behind it. She's worked on it off & on for at least 10 days & she keeps going back to it when it's big enough, were it not for the grid, that even Kai probably could go through it.

BUT she figured out the exercise ball right away, so it stopped working as an exercise ball. She just nudged it with her head while using a front paw to keep it from going far.

Kai & Shya look so cute snuggled together. People who didn't know better might think he was the adult & she the youngster.
Honey cracks me up. Do you have pictures of her somewhere? Does she have her own blog that I missed?


You WILL love me! She didn't stay like that very long.


Look mom no hands!


So I may be a little biased, but that is one GOOD LOOKING dude!

Cleaned bedroom carpet that old dog messed all over this morning. Laid down plastic covering to contain mess from bird. Built a NIC cage for rabbits, and managed to do all the laundry. Then got a manicure which I ruined dremeling the birds nails down, and treated myself to getting my eyebrows threaded. I would love to have little miniature Omar's running around but sad story is I just dont have time for them.

Conversation with my dad today.

"Hey Daddy I'm at Lowes where are the zip ties?"
"ummm... over by electrical"
"Ok thanks I found them"
".....why dont you just ask the clerks there?"
"Why would I do that?"

It starts

Shya tests out my work

Getting closer to done

Shya sneaks in for pizza while Omar is distracted building her perch

Finished product

I may have to add a third layer by the perch. We'll see how Shya does with it. Over on the right in the back gonna add a big hanging hay rack for them. Shya got a new fleece blankie today as well. Kai also got a harness. Very dramatic getting it on. Like soap opera dramatic. Spoiled rotten animals
kmaben wrote:
Honey cracks me up. Do you have pictures of her somewhere? Does she have her own blog that I missed?

I'm still in the stone age when it comes to pictures, ie pre-digital. So I decided that was one 21st century skill-set I wouldn't bother with.

I must be stressing Honey's funny, interesting moments. She's really sounds more like Teddy was, with moments of activity, especially when she's upset that I've moved something around in her xpen. And she'd probably like it if I spent hours tossing pieces of brown paper over her so she had to find her way out.

It's too bad we're mostly spread out on RO, a day of rabbit sitting for each other would be a good idea. I'd like a day with a bad bunny like Shya.
I would love to trade bunnies! Like a good bun mom I sometimes need a break from them. Especially when she's driven me to drink. :biggrin2:

sooooo......I'm gonna blame this on Kai. Omar wont be so mad if it was Kai.



I got the "V" snapped in better. The "c" is pretty wobbely. I'm screwed on the caps lock