Shya-she does what she wants

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LOL Hopefully I wont have to but I will keep that in mind :)

I've heard of Jim D using camomile tea bags as compresses for sore hocks. Have you shaved his foot yet?
shaved his foot and found a big sore on the tip of his hock. What I guess would be his heel. Looks pretty big and it's healing over. Worried about abscess and bone infection and amputation. Dramatic I know but seems like there's a lot of amputation going around here. Put in a call to the vet tomorrow and see if I can't work something out with them. If bad comes to worse take him down to the vet I used to work at where the "regular" animals still go. A wound is a wound right? He's still a happy bunny. Eating, drinking, pooing, and trying to binky on three good legs.
Mein gruss shotz.
Heat would bring blood to the area, cold will keep blood away. I'm not sure which if either you'd want. Massage sounds good. It may just be a sprain.
Vet said it looked like a sore not an abcess. Put him on Baytril, warm chlorahexadine compresses and vitricyin spray. He was actually pretty good considering he's just a baby. She did all kinds of pickin and squeezin and poking. Went to the non-rabbit vet but she's petty awesome anyways. We'll see how he does. Dont feel so bad taking off for oklahoma to find a house for two days. He gets so pissy and bites at the towel and he's trying to head butt you away. He's so cute my big baby. Have to admit Shya's starting to lose her title of bad rabbit though.
Finally got my parents all moved in. Poor rabbits have been stuck in crates with very little exercise time. We'll leave on the 9th-ish for out new place. Found a great home with fenced in back yard and huge den with hardwood floor, fireplace, and huge skylight to keep rabbits and TexAnne in. Have plans and found some materials to build nice cages with attached runs for hippity hops. Really anxious to get to our home and get everyone settled. Been homeless with nothing for to long. Kai's sore is healing up nicely with no abscess. Has right leg lameness that doesn't seem to be getting any better which is where the sore is. I'm wondering if the lameness in conjunction with the cataracts that were found could be signs of EC. Vet seemed to think the cataracts were congenital. The lameness started maybe a week or so later. Or he could just have sore hocks. He's a good baby though and takes his baytril like a big boy. Still has massive attitude but atleast he's easier to catch. Spent about 15 minutes chasing Shya around with Omar trying to get her back in her cage. She really needs her own room with her own futon.
Congratulations on the new home. Really sounds nice. Hoping the final move goes easy for you and everyone gets settled quickly.

So sorry to hear about Kai and his sore foot. Hoping he's feeling better soon. Poor Baby.

You're going to have a busy week, but at least you've got your parents moved.

The new place sounds ideal. Congratulations on finding it.

How are Shya & Kai getting along these days? And I hope he's better soon.
Lol i love kais big attitude and im glad he is being good for his meds! Hes an adorable boy!

Franklin is starting to chew on his floors like kai does to towels lol
OH HAPPY DAYS!!! My household goods came in today. It can be delivered on monday which is when we come in to Oklahoma. I get to sleep in my beeeeeeeedddddd!!! SQUEEEEEEE!!!!
Excellent news! Soon you will have all your things so that you can start your new chapter with your husband and sweet critters. Know how you feel about sleeping in your own bed.

Congrats on your new home. I bet you and the buns, will be relieved to settle into a routine at you new place. You'll have to post pics when you get the new enclosures built.

Well hello big dog


Hello old dog. Almost has his ears up


My ball. Shya's not so good on the sharing front.


This is unacceptable. Fill it now or feel my wrath


Not bonded. But buddies. There's mutual grooming between the two. She tolerates him pretty well. They get upset if the other is in their crate.

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