Learned the magic rabbit touch today! Thank you sarah and special thanks to your clinic. Instead of threatening him in German I threaten to call you. He seems to understand. Just had a really good groom session with him. He ripped the comb out of my hand and threw it. I took that as a sign he was done. He lasted about ten minutes so I couldn't fault him. He got just a bite of celery for a treat. Picked him up and set him down and no fighting. He's a forgive and forget type of guy. Shya holds a grudge, but she's been unusually good as well. I'm waiting for the pay back. Been bribing her with honeycombs so maybe it wont be that bad. She had a good groom session as well. Just sat with googely ears. She flips over pretty good. It scares her but hopefully with work she'll get used to it.
And you're right about the picture! It's only missing three cats. It's getting a little crowded in here. Looking forward to settling somewhere and getting everyone into a routine. In the meantime doughnuts!!