RIP: Pippi is having a few problems

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The vet will be open in another's 9:00am here at the moment

I just syringed this glucose drink that i made up for Pippi...he took that ok

Thanks Crystal

Pippi's eyes are acting very weird...he can see..i'm sure of that..but when he looks it's like as if he's having trouble focusing,his eyes keep moving


Well i took Pippi to the vet and...I don't really have any answers though(sort of)none that i already know of anyway....the Dr checked Pippi over....he did notice Pippi's left side because of the way Pippi was sitting,he's getting noticeably worse,he checked his leg over...he stretched it out...and he could find nothing wrong with it,Pippi had his leg checked out a few months ago as well, when i first noticed him kinda dragging it and i didn't know why.

The Dr then checked Pippi's eyes..his eyeballs were still moving sideways really quick,especially when he tries looking at me......he can see though,but it's like he has no control of the movement of his eyes.

I told the Dr what had happened last night,how Pippi freaked the moment Pippi is in a bad way..the Dr is not very comfortable doing any tests on Pippi at the moment....he said that we have covered more or less everything anyway.

Poor Pippi..he just wanted to get back in his basket,he would not sit still which usually he's pretty good,but today he just wanted to play up,he's just not himself at the moment.

The Dr was saying that the symptoms Pippi is starting to show is probably due to having EC, that it's probably starting to attack his brain(nervous system)now(hence the neurological symptoms he's suddenly showing....he said that there isn't really much i can do for him but just to make him as comfortable as i can...he actually means Pippi won't be here for long.

I asked him is it worth a try to give him another course of Panacur....he said it's probably not worth it,but i can always just give it a try if i want i'm thinking i might give that a go......the Dr also got some fluids into him by injection,he also gave me more first he was going to give me Vibravet again but that stuff is awful and hard to measure,if anything i would rather the baytril,i don't know why though because he is still on baytril at the moment..i guess he just wants him to take it for longer.

There has to beSOMETHING that i can do :?

This god awful nasty parasite is taking my little boy bit by bit :(


Thanks Jan :hug:

And yes,it's very fustrating,i cannot tell you just how much this situation with Pippi is stressing me out,it has for over 7 months now....i keep taking him to the vet for all his problems,but i go home with still unanswered questions..and then i start tofeel i want to scream really loud...or better still..strangle the Dr and make him tell me what is exactly wrong with Pippi and that there is something that can be done for him :?

Pippi is doing a bit better this morning....he finally ate a few pellets...yesterday he wouldn't eat anything,he just didn't want to eat,he would drink though,so that was good...he's eating slowly..just not like his usual self..but at least he ate something..he hasn't been moving his head in that weird way..but i can see that he is still not quite himself....he's more quiet now.

Pippi has to go back to the vet this coming thursday,to see how he is going
Cheryl, I just cannot imagine how you must be feeling. This is very frustrating indeed. Are there any other vets you could see for a second opinion or is this guy the best around?

I really feel for you hon. Poor Pippi:(. If he lets up on the eating, you can always syringe him something too. Water too if he's not drinking enough.
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Are there any other vets you could see for a second opinion

Yeah..i was actually thinking i might take him to see Dr Steven at the other vet,and see what he thinks...i cannot give up on Pippi now..i have come to far just to say that's it!

So we'll see what this other vet says

Also..i'm still confused as to what happened to Pippi the other night...i know the Dr said that it's neurological....but wouldn't it happen all the time?....the Dr was saying he can have 'attacks' it can happen again unexpectedly anytime

Look at what i just read about the twitching eyes...i don't know how i missed this before..

Some experts feel that the majority of rabbits who have been exposed to EC do not suffer any health consequences as a result of this exposure. Others feel that EC is responsible for a whole host of health problems, including renal failure, convulsions, torticollis (head tilt or wry neck), hind limb weakness or loss of balance, nystagmus (eye twitching) and incontinence. Rabbits affected by EC before they are born (via the placenta) may develop lesions around the eyes, which sometimes cause visible white spots in the eye.

Just like Pippi's eye's :shock:

AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Are there any other vets you could see for a second opinion or is this guy the best around?

I have not found a great bunny savvy vet yet..Dr Lee sees bunnies..but not for the problems like Pippi's....Pippi has been seeing Dr Lee for over seven months now...and i'm starting to slowlyfeel let down by him......maybe it's just the way i'm feeling...i don't know.

But this is why i ask for advice here...because maybe there might be something that someone suggests andi can go back and talk to Pippi's Dr about it

I've beena member at Etherbun for quite a while now,i'm sure even before i was a member here,i 've never posted anything though,but have just read posts from the outside...anyway..i hadn't been on there for because i'm looking around for anything i can on know peoples experiences and i was reading through some posts just beforewhen i came across a post about a bunny with EC...this person was saying that she got her bunny tested for EC when she noticed that her bunny was running around in circles and bobbing his head up and down....this is exactly what Pippi was doing :shock:.

You know..reading about someone elses bunny that has had the same symptoms makes me feel more comforted..and less alone in all this......because this is the first time i have ever dealt with EC...and it's all new to me...and it's also very hard because the vets that i have been to..don't really know much about EC or really how to help Pippi now.

But i just thought that post i readwas quite interesting

Anyway,since Pippi had that attack the other night..he hasn't really been the same since...he's so quiet now,he's fallen over a few times today to:(

I started him on the Panacur again anyway
I don't have any experience with EC, but I wanted to say that it makes sense that he'd have those symptoms with it. It seems like he has vertigo, which is a problem with the inner ear, which has sense organs that tell us which way is up and if we're moving. Vertigo is a problem with them--the sense organs are telling the brain that he's moving when he isn't, and that up is down, and all of that. That's why his eyes are moving and he does those crazy moving about things--he's trying to figure out which way is up. These sense organs have a lot of neurons to tell them what's going on, and since EC can have an effect on the nervous system, it would make sense that vertigo would be a symptom. Now this is based on what I know of neurobiology, not of animal health, so it may not be valid in this case, but it makes sense to me. Humans with neurological issues can get vertigo too.

Hugs to you both, you and Pippi are very brave. **sending healing wishes**
Thanks so muchTonyshuman ....that makes more sence to me now...when i took Pippi to the vet last Thursday,the Dr never even explained it to me like that...he was more or less saying that whats going on is justneurological because of him having EC..he also said a whole lot of other stuff as well

It's just fustrating trying to get some help


I just left a message on a aussie rabbit list

Maybe someone there can point me to a good bunny savvy vet...Pippi desperately needs it now....i seem to be getting no where with the others

I'm sure that there has to be something else thatPippi can have other than the Panacur



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