RIP: Pippi is having a few problems

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Thanks Bracon...Pippi needs all the prayers at the moment

I also started to notice something strange about the way Pippi was holding his head yesterday,it looked like to me that he was holding his head just slightly to one side,i didn't know if it was justmy imagination though because he can put it normal :?...but because it was only slight,i asked the kids....but all they said is that i'm over worrying about him...i took himoutside yesterday eveningfor a little fresh air and i just took a picture of him..i will post it soon

A w w w wCheryl ... I know howhard this is for you.

I've lost track of the thread, but I assume you've goneover pretty much everything thatcan be done, no?

I'm sure this has come up, but from what I've read in the Library, it sounds like Pippi may besuffering from very early stages of meningo-encephalitis, a brain inflamation, which is often the case in EC bunnies.

Fenbendazol (Panacur) is the drug of choice for EC, and experimentation of very advanced stage bunnies has often proved productive with Pyrimethamine. That's the info from MediRabbit.

On a personal note, not sure if this has come up or not, or if it's at all effective, but I'd recommend a fairly high dose of Flax seeds, because they contain the B-vitamins and most importantly FolicAcid which may prove helpful. The Medirabbit page has more info on Folic acid.

I'mnot sure if you've discussed these treatments with your vet or not, but not sure another vet can really do much more. Maybe a phone consultation?

Here's the link, tho I'm sure you've seen it before,and I know Randy's been on the case, so...

sas :pray::clover:

Sas,yes Dr Lee has gone over absolutely know i always found it weird with Pippi having all these tests without anything significant showing never even dawned on the Dr either..why was Pippi having all these symptoms was just weird..for months we had been trying to find out what was wrong,until we eventually worked it out...the culprit was EC all along.

I have also just found out that Pippi could have taken the Panacur for longer than the 21 days

Oh and i will most definitely run out and buy Pippi some flax seeds also

Thanks Sas..your the best

Anyway here is the picture of Pippi that i took yesterday evening..i don't know if he's holding his head to the side a bit :?



Well it's definitelyback to the vet tomorrow..instead of the Thursday which is when i was supposed to take Pippi back to the vet,i will takePippi to see Dr Steven this time,as i have also just found out that with rapid eyemovement comes dizziness...Dr Lee never told me that.

But he can hop around all right,he hops over to get a drink,or something to eat,he's not very stable on his legs but that was no different than before,the only difference now is his left leg which is starting to get even worse...but he can hop...he doesn't look dizzy to me though.

Oh well..we'll see what this Dr says tomorrow

I took Pippi to the vet this morning...i was supposed to see Dr Steven...but instead i got Dr Alison.

I told her about the other night about what happened with Pippi...and i asked her if there is something he can take...she said not really...and that with EC there is nothing much more i can do for him........then why do i keep reading about everyone else is able to get their bunny treated..but notme!!!....why!!....all the vets i have seen keep telling me there is nothing i can do now!....i keep getting the run around...and i'm sick of it!!

Maybe it's best just to put him to sleep,it's not fair for Pippi!!...because nobody is helping me with this!!...i feel angry now....emotionally frustrated!!

Pippi had to stay at the surgery today...becauseshe wants to see how he acts an everything..she just wants to watch him.

I tell ya..i was that let down that i just cried all the way home

I feel like nobody is taking me serious!!!!

:bigtears:big tears..because that is how i'm feeling
I picked Pippi up at 6:00pm this is now 10:15pm and Pippi has eaten and he's just hanging out in the loungeroom.

Anyway when i picked him up,Dr Alison had already gone,so i spoke with the nurse.

Pippi has a very slight head tilt,it's only just no it wasn't my imagination..The Dr hadchecked his ears and had seen no sign of infection,they weren't red insideor they didn't have any puss,so she said his ears are fine.

She ALSO said that it's just neurological because of him having EC :?

The only thing she did was give Pippi a dexadreson 2mg injection,and that's basically it.

Now i forgot to ask the nurse,she probably wouldn't have known anyway,but i've started Pippi on another course of Panacur,but i'm not sure if it will have any affect with that injection he had today.......i don't know if anyone would have any idea or not


*hug* I'm sorry stuff is bad. I don't think it's that people aren't taking you seriously, I think it's because maybe Australia doesn't have the expertise, or drugs authorised, that other places do(such as the US) which can limit things. It does sound like they are trying, but poor Pippi is too ill.

There is a drug just come out here (its another version of panacur) that says it can cure all EC until the rabbit is suffering bad symptoms, by then the disease can't be stopped. Maybe that's the problem? That Pippi went undiagnosed for so long? And don't blame yourself for that (I have a feeling you might).

You know where I am (even if you don't want to e-mail, you can always PM me :) ). I think about you and Pippi everyday, even if I am not about on the forum.

Hang in there.

Flashy wrote:
There is a drug just come out here (its another version of panacur) that says it can cure all EC until the rabbit is suffering bad symptoms, by then the disease can't be stopped. Maybe that's the problem? That Pippi went undiagnosed for so long? And don't blame yourself for that (I have a feeling you might).

Tracey..yeah of course i've been blaming myself..i don't know why but i am..of course you knew i would blame myself.

I know i was trying to find answers for Pippi's problem's for over seven months,if only the vet had an idea a long time ago...i know he was doing the right thing though,doing all those tests to rule out was only when everything was finally ruled out that Dr Lee mentioned about EC because he was having symptom's but not much was showing up on his tests...and soi went online to find out more about it..and that's when it really hit me and everything just fell into place..oh and also Randy confirmed it for me to.So i know that we lost a LOT of valuable yeah..i know it's to late now.....Pippi is starting to showmore and more symptom's now:(

I told you about my experience with this awful disease with my Simon. I lost Simon to this disease. I too feel that I waited too long. The what ifs still linger. I know you are trying your best to do everything for Pippi. It does come to a point when you have to let go. I know it tough to hear and accept. Pippi will give you the sign when he is ready to go. PM me anytime and I will help you through this.

I'm so very sorry that Pippi and you are having such a bad time of it...just remember that we're praying for both of you:pray:. You've tried so hard to get answers, and it stinks that sometimes it feels like no one who could do anything to help is listening....please try to see all that you've done for Pippi, and enjoy that sweet little one....
cheryl wrote:
Flashy wrote:
There is a drug just come out here (its another version of panacur) that says it can cure all EC until the rabbit is suffering bad symptoms, by then the disease can't be stopped. Maybe that's the problem? That Pippi went undiagnosed for so long? And don't blame yourself for that (I have a feeling you might).

Tracey..yeah of course i've been blaming myself..i don't know why but i am..of course you knew i would blame myself.

I know i was trying to find answers for Pippi's problem's for over seven months,if only the vet had an idea a long time ago...i know he was doing the right thing though,doing all those tests to rule out was only when everything was finally ruled out that Dr Lee mentioned about EC because he was having symptom's but not much was showing up on his tests...and soi went online to find out more about it..and that's when it really hit me and everything just fell into place..oh and also Randy confirmed it for me to.So i know that we lost a LOT of valuable yeah..i know it's to late now.....Pippi is starting to showmore and more symptom's now:(


I do think it's natural to feel guilt and blame yourself, but that doesn't mean it is justified.

The things you need to look at are a, have you done everything you can to help Pippi? and b, have you been there for him and loved him through this giving him what he needed? If both those answers are yes, then you need not feel any guilt.

Ok, so the diagnosis was delayed, but that's not your fault, it should be the vet that should be able to look at those things. That is where the forum comes into it's own because it is a whole cluster of people from all over the world with different areas of knowledge and expertise, so it's really good you are back here :)

It might be too late to cure him, but you can make him happy and enjoy the last time he has left. In a way that is more important than making him better because he can't be made better, but he can be made happy. I know thats a harsh way to look at it, but I know that when Pippi dies he will die knowing he has been loved and having had a great life. I can't think of a better way to die than being that happy and loved.

*hugs*'s just so sad..but i guess you know the sadness all to well

Thanks pumpkinandwhiskersmom,i appreciate that

Tracey..gosh poor Pippi has had so much done to him,the Dr didn't really leave any tests out except the EC yes i have done all i can for him...that's just what has got me more stressed out now because i know that there isn't really much i can do for him...we have more or less come to an end....but that doesn't mean that i'm ready to give up just pla725 said,he will let me know when he's ready...but the only thing is i'm scared i will miss that sign.But Pippi is a fighter..he has fought this for a long time now.

But now ever since he had that 'attack',he rest's more..he can move around..he hops around....buthe's losing more strength in that darn left leg.

I took some pictures of him this morning....i will post them here later


oh cheryl i'm so sorry. this is horrible. c'mon pippi, spin this right back around. i feel so horrible. please post pictures of the fuzzball whenever you get the chance. i love seeing him around the forum, he's so damn cute! cheryl, hang on for us here. pippi, you too.

tracy and nemo
Thanks Tracey,and you to Nemo :hug:

I just went out and bought Nutripet (like the usa Nutrical)i forgot all about it actually,i should have bought it a while ago now.

But i don't know how much to give him..........i don't want to give him to much and then make him sick.

So does anyone know how much i should give him?.......i thought it would be good for him because it has vitamins and stuff in it

Hey there Cheryl. As for Nutripet, I was told once to just wipe some on the paws and they'll lick it off. I'm not sure other than that how much as I've never had to really use it, but you could do that for starters;).

I wish Pippi to start feeling a bit better.:hug:
Thanks Crystal...i will give him just a tiny bit then.......i just thought i would ask first that's all.

Also i'm not sure if i give it to him once a day....i'm not sure if that's to much or not..or if it's ok :?

Thanks again Crystal

Hey Cheryl, you can give him a little every day. It's main use is as a supplement for animals that are ill and need some extra help.

Hugs for you and Pippi!

Edit: Another thought. I give Fey a small amount of flax and sunflower seeds to help maintain her weight and give her some extra healthy fats, as those seeds have the good kind. You could try adding a little bit to Pippi's diet. Fey only gets a tiny amount, 1/4 teaspoon daily. When I started, I only gave it to her every other day to make sure it didn't upset her stomach since she is pretty sensitive. Even at that small amount it does make some difference. The fatty acids in those seeds are great for the heart, brain, and fur.
Thanks heaps Angela...i could give you a big hug at the moment because i never thought of sunflower seeds..... Sas has mentioned the flax seeds to me..which again i never thought of......i am just so grateful to you guys!...thankyou!..i will go out tomorrow and get some sunflower seeds...the flax seeds i got....and he loves them!

Lucky i had asked about the nutripet because i would have given him a heap of it a few times a day...ohh and he loves it to!..thankgoodness..i was worried he wouldn't like it...i ended up putting a bit on my finger and he liked it that much that he tried to bite my finger off :shock:

Oh andthe nutripet isbrown!....i know it doesn't matter about the colour but i didn't expect it to be brown..and it had like a chocolatey kind of a smell (actually it reminded me of these little jelly baby lollies that are brown and called chicko's)

Thanks again Angela.

ps i'm going to get a picture of Pippi and his nutripet later.....he's so cute :D


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