Thankyou for understanding guys.....i know..just to have him back home feels right,for that whole week i felt awful.When i had rang the Animal Welfare to see when he would be returning to me,because it was a week,and the lady said that a few years ago it used to take up to 6 weeks for people to get their pets ashes back.
Haley,the bunnies are all doing good,but i am terrified that one of my other bunnies will get EC,since Pippi had been around everybunny,and i didn't know he had EC then,i pray so hard that my bunnies will be ok and that i never have to face EC again
Thankyou guys
I just wanted to post a few pictures of Pippi....look how healthy he looks!
See the blue paint on the boy Jeremy :rollseyes
Pippi with two of his daughters Baby(rip) and Charlie....this picture was taken back in March 05
When i bought Pippi from the pet shop i was told he was a girl,so i just asumed he was...umm he got two of my girls pregnant....Daisy and Marshmallow....they both had 3 babies each but one of Daisy's babies died at a week old

....i freaked out so much because i had never ever seen a baby bunny in my life and it was all unexpected....Pippi the little bugger was whisked of to the vet the next day to be desexed,i did not want anymore babies....needless to say i kept the 5 babies
I had bought Jack at the same time,and i had him desexed as soon as he was old enough,and if i had known he was a boy i would have gotten him done the same time as Jack
Pippi watching his silly little girls.....he looks quite annoyed at those two
And another
And i just had to post this one again....Strawberry loved her Pippi so much...she was always smothering him with kisses....she has her boy back now
Missing my Pippi