RIP: Pippi is having a few problems

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Thanks Leaf :)

Well at the moment i'm happy to say that Pippi is doing better than he was just a few days ago....although i know he's never going to recover from this and itcould take him awayfrom me at any time...but that doesn't mean i'm going to give up on him.

At the moment i'm giving Pippi lots of fresh veggies dipped in water,i thought the extra water would be good for him.....he has his sunflower and flax seeds...and he also has his nutripet once a day.

He is still on the daily treatment of 1.1/2mlsPanacur and 0.4mls Baytril

Oh and i give him this homemadeGlucose drink that the vet told me to give Pippi months ago...i give him a few syringe fulls of that as well

I'm just trying to do what i can for Pippi

Since he has a bladder issue that cannot be resolved..i have to give him a butt bath a couple times a day......then every 3 weeks he goes to the vet to be clipped and washed....i was putting cornflour on Pippi for protection..and two weeks ago when he went to the vet to be clipped and washed..the vet gently told me not to use cornflour because it just madehis buttall gluggy

He's still unsteady on his feet(always will be now)...he heard me coming into the loungeroom todayand he went to turn around and he lost his balance and stumbled just a bit....he's still very thin,no matter what he eats..he just cannot put any weight on at all,he's so delicate like a little china doll

You thing that i'm noticing is that Pippi seems to go through rough stages and then he's fine for a while until he goes through a bad stage again...and when i say fine i don't mean he's perfect(he never will be anymore)....he's still very not well all the time..but he just seems to have his good days and his bad days

I think Randy says that rabbits with EC go in cycles of good times and bad times, I'm glad Pippi seems good in himself at the moment:)

Instead of using cornflower, could you smear something like vaseline on his skin to use as a water barrierso he doesn't get burns or anything? Only a thin layer might help and because it would surround his bits, it woudln't be on the top so shouldn't clig him up or cause any problems like that. I don't know if you have sudocreme over there but we used that when Sunshine went bald and mankyon his belly and it protected him really well and all his fur grew back properly and it protected him from the urine he was sitting in.

I have to confess, when I see this thread at the top I get scared to read it incase Pippi has died, it's nice to get a more positive update, it shows that Pippi is such a fighter.

Thinking of you both.

Flashy wrote:
I think Randy says that rabbits with EC go in cycles of good times and bad times, I'm glad Pippi seems good in himself at the moment:)
No wonder..i have noticed this for a little while now...i know when he's having a bad day and i especially know when he's having a good day....when he has his bad moments..i feel really awful for him...but then he will have a few good days and it just makes my heart do a little hop to see him feeling the moment he's kinda like a sea- saw...he has his up moment's and he has his down moments.

But Pippi sure is a fighter!

Also i'm sure we dohave sudacream over here...have to check in the chemist

Thanks Tracey :)

Pla725..Pippi is just amazing:)

Pippi is hating the butt baths that he has to have..he used to be ok before,so i think he has had enough now...tonight i just struggled like anything,he just wouldn't keep still,usually my son will hold him while i wash and blow dry...(not me..... Pippi lol );),but my kids are not home to help...Anthony's at a friends house and Jeremy is at his cousins house for the night...i can do it on my own but it's so much easier with a bit of help...anyway he hates the hair dryer and he just wouldn't let me dry him....i did manage to get a few pictures of Pippi while i was drying him though(trying to dry him lol)...oh gosh we finally succeeded in the end,i just wish they didn't take so long to dry :shock:....put some baby nappy rash cream on him and of he went to sulk in the loungeroom.

He had a pretty quiet day today,he didn't really move around much....i took him outside early in the morning for a while,he seemed to enjoy that...he just nibbled on the grass for a bit..i stayed out there with him for about an hour and a half then we came inside....he just didn't seem to happy today......he's eating and drinking fine so everything is ok in that part.

Back to the vet next week for a check up


*hugs to you both*

Thinking of you.

(sorry that's not very useful)
Oh Cheryl, Pippi is just amazing. I havent posted in here for a while but Ive been thinking about him a lot.

Youre both very strong. Give him kisses from me and tell him we're praying for him from across the globe.

Give him kisses from me and tell him we're praying for him from across the globe.

:hug:.....DITTO from here in PA.....what a resilient spirit Pippi has, not to mention his mama as well. Take care!

Thanks guys..i will be sure to tell him...and i'll give him lots of kisses too...he loves that anyway,i will kiss his nose and he will keep leaning his head forward for more...he's just the cutest little thing....and yes i'm still amazed at how willing he is to was touch and go for so long in the beginning when he was having all this treatment done to him.

And i just have to say something that i forgot to post before....

A couple weeks ago when i was using cornflour for Pippi's bottom..i think i was putting on to much because after i put him down he would hop off and flick his feet and all you would see is the dust from the cornflour...and i would always know where Pippi was..all i had to do was follow the cornflour trail....hehe and at the end of that trail i was more or less guaranteed a little pile of cornflour just sitting there....i got a bit carried away with the cornflour i guesslol....but nowi keep picturing Pippi in my mind now with him flicking the cornflour was's something that you just had to be there to see it....i keep giggling about every now and again lol.

Oh and another thing i forgot to say about the flax seeds.....when i went to get flax seeds for Pippi from the health food store,i asked if they have flax seeds,and she says that they are also called we call them Linseeds over here..just thought i would mention that
Ugh!...Pippi is not eating now....he was ok this morning and this evening he don't want anything to eat..i just tried giving him a jatzbiscuit..the funny thing was,he took a tiny bite and chewed it really slow,that's not usual for Pippi any other time,then he turned away from the rest of the biscuit...i then went and got him some linseeds..nope he didn't want anything to do with them either and he loves those!...i got some he didn't want that either....i almost had a little buffet going on....but he wouldn't touch anything.....i even tried syringing him his glucose drink which he loves,he had a tiny two drops...that's not Pippi

It's not his teeth or anything like that.

I'm hoping he's just feeling a bit off,and he'll feel better later

My poor Pippi :(

I'm so sorry he's rough. Maybe he his feeling tired and it's too hard to eat.

If you have a food blender (or whatever they call those things that mix and muxh food, lol)you could blend his favourite foods to make a liquidy thing that might be easier to drink?

What about apple juice? Mine go crazy for that, or mushy banana?

It may just be he has already eaten something recently and isn't hungry right now.

Come on Pippi!
I hope it's nothing to worry about and that he will eat something soon,i just went and checked on him a few minutes ago and he still won't eat,Pippi would never turn his nose up at a jatz biscuit...but with the way Pippi is..everything is a worry for me...i'm just really worried about himthat's all...
Could he maybe be picking up on your stress?Do you get stressed around him if he won't eat? Or feels desperate or anything? If you do, he may be picking up on that. Before you go to him take some deep breaths and force yourself to be calm, no matter how uncalm you are feeling.

Also, could you try leaving some stuff outfor him and then leaving the room and leaving him to it? When mine don't eat, that seems to help them to eat because the pressure has been removed. Also, mine seem to LOVE 'sneaking' food,could you try putting it in a bowl near him or something so he thinks he is not supposed to eat it? Somehow their cheeky nature makes them want to eat more like that.
Yeah actually i get very stressed out when things are going wrong..i start to panic and then i just cannot rest until i know all is well again...i cannot help it..i'm a born worrier.

I guess Pippi could sense that i'm stressed but he will eat with me being there,he always has....i gave him a jatz biscuit because i know he loves them,but he just won't touch it...i just tried him again just a couple seconds ago and still no...i also left ten pellets there,so i would know if he's eaten any...but they're still there.

I hate this!
*hugs*It's ok to be worried, you worry because you love him. But Right now Pippi needs you to be calm and his friend. Maybe just sit with him (or sit him with you) and give him a fuss, he might sense you relaxing as you stroke him and relax himself. Then maybe he might feel more able to eat. He might just be having a bad evening though, and just needs some company.

Other than no food, is there anything else out of place?

He won't drink!..he's letting it all dribble out the side of his mouth :(

I have been through my bunnies having gas and GI Stasis and i was scared for them....but i'mterrified now because it's Pippi and Pippi's little body isn't strong enough...i know he has a strong spirit,but there is only so much his little body can take.....he still won't eat.

I have him on my lap at the moment

Ohh Pippi please eat for mum
Take some deep breaths. Even though you feel tense, force your muscles to relax. Breathe in for 4, hold for two and out for 5 and do that a few times, it should help calm you.

Can you do sub-Q fluids? could you take Pippi to the vet tonight? Or really early tomorrow?

What happens if you smear it on his paws, will he lick it off?

Hang in there.

You're not alone.

I already have the number for the emergeny clinic by my phone...just incase i need to call gives me comfort knowing i have the emergency clinic but it is a 5o min drive.

I tried syringing Pippi some infacol...he let most of it dribble out though..i'm going to try again soon

Thanks Tracey
*hugs* You have easy reach of a vet if you need them. Keep calm and we are rooting for you both.

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