RIP: Pippi is having a few problems

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I'll have a search on the UK pharmaceutical sites to see if there is anything there. I'll let you know if there is, and also,if I do find anything, if you want me to, I can e-mail them to ask if they know anything about use in rabbits.

Sit tight!
I used this site

I did a search for 'Bethanechol Hydrochloride' and also 'Urocarb' and over here Urocarb is not Bethanechol Hydrochloride. Urocarb is Bethanechol Chloride, which sounds similar but has a different makeup with the elements that are in it.

I searched Bethanechol Hydrochloride and there is no use in animals that I can find. I went through the main search engine that directs to the smaller companies and it didn't recognise it. But in people it is used for bladder problems, and also as an anti-depressant (so you could have a REALLY happy bunny), and I know that some anti-deps are used for bladder problems so then I went that way, but couldn't find anything useful there either.

The name 'urocarb' showed no results at all with the animal related manufacturers.

Then I went back and started with Bethanechol Chloride and that was a no show for animal stuff too.

Sorry that was very useless, presumably it's not registered over here? Maybe someone not in the UK might have some luck with info in their country.
I just want to kiss the screen! Look at that little mouth! I sure hope you can try to medicine. I mean, if the other alternative is putting him down, I would go for the medicine!

cheryl wrote:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
I sure hope you can try to medicine. I mean, if the other alternative is putting him down, I would go for the medicine!

Dr Lee was saying that he could always give Pippi a lower dose,the thing is also that it can upset the stomache,i just wish all this stuff wasn't happening

Oh Cheryl Pippi is so cute, I love the last picture you posted. Look athis cute little nose and lips. Give him a BIG :big kiss:kiss from me.

I will say many prayers for Pippi and you.

Get better soon Pippi.

Oh Susan,i can smother him in lots and lots of kisses for problem ;)

Penni..i think it is worth the risk to try the may just work...who knows

Oh my gosh..i'm shaking like anything here....Pippi is here in the kitchen with me,and i had just picked him up to give him a quick cuddle..and then i put him down,and he started to freak out,hekept runningaround in circles until i put my hand on him to stop him,and then hekept moving his head in a weird way,like bobbing it up and down....i don't know what's happening to him...he was disoriented,he didn't know where he was,he didn't seem to know anything was around him.....he just looked confused.

I have calmed him down a bit,but he's still making these kind of jerking movements with his head...i have also been noticing his left leg is getting worse..he fell over today..and it looks like the leg is ready to give in :(

What he did tonight really scared me

I just made him a nice comfy spot,and at the moment he's just sitting there,he's still moving his head in a weird way......he also will not accept any food...i tried but he wouldn't take it..not even a piece of fruit :(
That was pretty weird what Pippi did last night,it just frightened me because i didn't know what he was doing....i had just put him down when all of a sudden hekept running around in circles..and then when i got him to stop he then startedbobbing his head up and down and also making these jerking movements with his head...why would he do that?

I sat with him and just tried to soothe him all morning...i finally went to bed at 3:30am,and then i felt guilty leaving him....i got up at 6:00am..and Pippi is still here thankgoodness!,but he's kinda leaning into the wall a bit in a odd way.

I don't know what happened toPippi last night...

Oh Cheryl, I'm so sorry I missed your post last night:(. That had to be very, very scary! Why don't you pm randy, he might have some ideas of what is happening. You poor thing, Cheryl, and poor, poor Pippi:(. We're here for you Cheryl:hug:.
Oh, Cheryl. I'm so sorry you and Pippi have to go through this.

When my Baby girl was sick, she did strange, repetitive movements with her head and paws. The vet suspected EC with her as well and said it was just a neurological symptom.


Praying for Pippi,

Thanks Crystal and Laura :)

Baby was such a special little girl who i always adored :hearts

I just went and checked on Pippi,he's in the loungeroom...i haven't seen him hop since i've been up this morning..and i have been up for just over an hour i picked him up...i didn't want to because i was worried he would have done the same thing again as last night.....he's completely weird...his eyes were moving back and forth really fast,like darting movements..his eyeshave never done that before,he also tried to fight to get down..and then when i put him down..he ran of very fast behind the lounge,he was moving his head in that weird way,but not as bad as last was just slightly

Before Pippi had that episode last night...i noticed he seemed a bit quiet

This is definitely strange behaviour..that's come on suddenly..Pippi is definitelynot himself at the moment :(

Yes it's saturday morning here...the vet isn't open yet

I know i am sh*t scared for Pippi at the moment...he's definitely not himself

It just happened all of a sudden last night:shock:...he was ok that morning....but ihave beennoticing his left side seems to be getting weaker :(


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