RIP: Pippi is having a few problems

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Oversized it possible he's just stuck up with stones or something of that nature?
Ivory,sometimes i wish that was the case at least then i would know what's wrong....he's had two scans to check for stones :?
In the first scan that Dr Lee took of Pippi's bladder,he said that there were lots of sandy particles in his bladder,but he said that his diet could be contributing to that,but he alsosaid that they are so tiny that they should be able to pass by themselves...and all i had to really do is change his diet

Pippi was still having issues,so Dr Lee did another scan some time later on his bladder againbut it still showed that there was no stone,i cannot remember if he mentioned about the sandy particles.

But both scans have showed that he has no stone...but i'm wondering if maybe something has just been missed somewhere

I feel like i'm on a round a bout..i just keep going round and round in circles

Well i have just come back from the vets...without Pippi in tow...i had to leave him at the surgery...Dr Lee will be putting him under and he's going to insert a catheter into his bladder.

Please keep Pippi in your thoughts today...he's so skinny and fragile..anything can happen

Also just to add to my previous post......Dr Lee was saying that if Pippi's bladder is fine inside..then it 'might' just be the muscles that aren't working properly...and if that is the case then the Dr can give him medication for that.

Thanks heaps Ivory.....i am so hoping that this fingers are crossed..but the worst part is the waiting to hear some news....the waiting is terrible!

Well it is now 2:45pm and still no news..Pippi's appoitment was at 11:40am this morning....i have to go and pick up Jeremy from school soon,i think i may give the veta call after we come home...i'm worrying to much

Ok,i just got the call from Dr Lee....and it's not really good news at all...Dr Lee found nothing at all...he said that when he inserted the catheter,his urine came out fine,but he had a hell of a lot of stored up wee though...i already knew that you can feel his bladder swell up

There is no reason for Pippi not to be able to do a wee properly...but something is wrong!

So Dr Lee mentioned about that medication i was talking aboutin one of my previous posts...and there is still more bad news...the medicine is not recommended for bunnies....but as Dr Lee said..i really don't have any other options rightnow..we have been through everything!:(

So i will get the name ofthe medicinetonight when i pick up Pippi,maybe someone has heard of it....maybe not either.

Now i have exhausted all of my options with Pippi....he's had numerous blood tests..scans..xrays,he's been operated on and now that's it :(

Dr Lee still seems to think that EC has been causing all these problems with Pippi..he seems to think it's neurological (sp)

The most extreme bad putting Pippi to sleep....i knew that i was losing him slowley...i just knew it! :tears2:


I'm sorry Cheryl. I hate to hear this.

I wondered if there was a medicine to help them somehow. There is a medicine that helps people not pee and one that helps them pee...... usually it has to do with a hormone we have..... but if it's neurological - I just don't know how that would work.

Anyhow, I wish there was something they could do. I'm not real educated on EC yet and it scares me. I hope you find an answer other than putting him down. :(

I'm leaving home soon to go and pick Pippi's now 5:30pm..i will leave here about 6:00pm........when Dr Lee called before...Pippi was just waking up and he was still groggy.

I just want to go and pick him up from the vetand just cuddle him...i have been through so much with Pippi :(

My Pippi boy...


Pippi's home!

His eyes are still very watery...but he was eating hay on the way home..yay!

As soon as i let him out of his basket..he went straight to the water bowl...he was so thirsty...poor little guy.

Well i have the name of this's...Bethanechol...Hydrochloride...."Urocarb"

So i'm wondering has anyone heard of this?...Dr Lee won't give it to me yet

Edited to add..that medicine has been used in cats and is suppose to strenghten the muscles

*big hugs to you both*

I can't really offer any comforting words because most likely nothing would help when you have reached this stage.

I truly hope that med works for him, but make sure that you take loads of pics and spend lots of time with him and stuff just incase. I know you know all that anyway because of other recent tragic circumstances.

You know where I am if you want a chat or anything.
Thankyou offspring..Pippi needs all the bestwishes he can get at the moment

Flashy wrote:
*big hugs to you both*

I can't really offer any comforting words because most likely nothing would help when you have reached this stage.

I truly hope that med works for him, but make sure that you take loads of pics and spend lots of time with him and stuff just incase. I know you know all that anyway because of other recent tragic circumstances.

You know where I am if you want a chat or anything.

Tracey...i'm just hoping i can find some info on it...this is my last thing to try,but if i try this medicine it could make him sick..or it could kill him......but like Dr Lee said..i don't really have no other's hard to know what to's just hard

Thanks heaps Tracey



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