Ok,i just got the call from Dr Lee....and it's not really good news at all...Dr Lee found nothing at all...he said that when he inserted the catheter,his urine came out fine,but he had a hell of a lot of stored up wee though...i already knew that though..as you can feel his bladder swell up
There is no reason for Pippi not to be able to do a wee properly...but something is wrong!
So Dr Lee mentioned about that medication i was talking aboutin one of my previous posts...and there is still more bad news...the medicine is not recommended for bunnies....but as Dr Lee said..i really don't have any other options rightnow..we have been through everything!
So i will get the name ofthe medicinetonight when i pick up Pippi,maybe someone has heard of it....maybe not either.
Now i have exhausted all of my options with Pippi....he's had numerous blood tests..scans..xrays,he's been operated on and now that's it
Dr Lee still seems to think that EC has been causing all these problems with Pippi..he seems to think it's neurological (sp)
The most extreme bad news..is putting Pippi to sleep....i knew that i was losing him slowley...i just knew it! :tears2: