RIP: Pippi is having a few problems

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Oh Cheryl, I'm sorry. I wish I knew what to suggest. Have there been xrays done of Pippi? Usually a first resort of finding trouble. I did with BunBun, who had heart failure. I only suggest it, because, that is cheaper, if they find something. Then go at it.

I'm really sorry though hon. I know how you feel too. I wish I had more answers, as did they.
That's just the thing,he's had scans,x rays,blood tests,urinalysis's,many of them!,it's unbelievable what he has gone through.

I'm wondering,does anyone know if we as pet owners areallowed to have copies of our pets files?,i would love to get Pippi's,but i'm not sure if i should ask or not.

Pippi is also losing a lot of fur,like tufts of it at a time,i don't really know if he's molting or what :?

cheryl wrote:
I'm wondering,does anyone know if we as pet owners areallowed to have copies of our pets files?,i would love to get Pippi's,but i'm not sure if i should ask or not.

Pippi is also losing a lot of fur,like tufts of it at a time,i don't really know if he's molting or what :?

If your bill is paid up, yes. You have a right to those files and test results. You have to sign a waiver or whatever for them to release most info, but x-rays you should just be able to take, without the file, in an emergency or such. The vet will consult with the other. Go for it Cheryl. Get those files transferred over to the other vet, asap. Sending good vibes.:hug:
Yeah,i think i will just transfer him over to this vet,since he was the one who mentioned about Pippi's bladder,but there are still no answers for me as to what i can do,maybe they just don't really know themselves :?

Thanks Crystal,your a gem ;)

I spent a few hours trying to research this this morning, but the possiblities are so numerous (virus, parasite, bacterial infection, various forms of cancer, hidden stones, etc).

Definitely get the records over to another vet.

Here's hoping there's a quick fix out there.

Poor Pippi! Poor Cheryl!

sas :clover:
Sas,when you mentioned cancer...well i've been thinking the same thing for quite a while now,i don't know why,but i have,he's had all sorts of things going on with him,for over 7 months,i've been desperately looking for an answer for my Pippi...he's had tests for this tests for that,he's had scans,xrays you name it,i just don't know what else to do,but i just keep on trying,if i transfer him over then this will be vet no 3 :shock:,the very first vet wanted me to put him to sleep there and then because he was in such a bad way,the vet didn't expect him to make it,really,i didn't think he was going to make it either..but i still had that faith in me,but Pippi survived,this is a reason why i had such a hard time with making the decision for Daisy.

I just feel like i'm forever taking him to the vet and going home with still no answersbut just more problems :(

I have also been trying to find something on the net..but to tell you the truth..i don't know what i'm looking at :?


I was just thinking...if Pippi had something like bladder cancer,would that show up in a scan..xray?.i'm not saying he has this,but i know there is something wrong with Pippi,there's something hiding in there,something that hasn't already been detected..he has to many problems for such a little bunny :(

I ask this question,because Pippi has had xrays,if something was wrong wouldn't they have seen anything?

I have been trying to find info on bladder cancer now,but all i'm coming up with is cancer in humans

It's so hard to say. Looking at this stuff there seems to be a million things. There is a kind of cancer that wouldn't show up in an xray, but I'd think the blood test would have detected it?

But I also read a study about E. Cuniculi in the kidney, and many others that may or may not fit, it's tough to say. There's even a type of kidney stone that isn't detectable on an xray. I'mnot sure about the bladder.

Have they treated for EC, btw? Pretty often vets will prescribea drug like oxibendazole as well as Baytril while waiting for test results. Did Pippi get something like that?

One obvious that I missed (not sure if anyone else suggested) isunsweetened cranberry juice. It can help in a few ways, and I don't think it can hurt.

sas :clover:
When i transfered Pippi from the first vet to the second vet,which was Dr Lee,because it was thought that Pippi had a bladder stone,and this first Dr was going to operate,but Pippi would havehad to wait forfew days:shock:,lucky i transfered him over to Dr Lee,who did an ultrasound or scan and checked his bladderand he never had a stoneand he's had his kidneys checked as well,Pippi just had an over full bladder,and i mean over full,it shouldn't get like that for no reason.

Also no he hasn't been checked for EC yet..a member on here by the name Eve,who is from Melbourne, asked her rabbit savvy vet,about Pippi for me,and Eve wrote back saying that it's not really worth it,because if he does have EC well then it will only show up a very high positive result...i will have to go back and have a look at my pm and see what else it says.

It was so good of Eve to do that for me :)

Anyway when i had taken Daisy for a check up on her foot a few weeks ago,i asked the new Dr if he knew how i can get Pippi tested for EC,he wasn't sure then,but he said he will find out for me,so when Pippi was just at the vet the other day,Dr Steven said he found a place,but they also said it's not really worth doing it now,so two people have said the same thing.

There's gotta be something i can do


I forgot to mention,that when Pippi had a urinalysis done a couple of days ago,it showed up with no infections,or blood,just an overly full bladder.
Can he be treated for EC safely even without doing the test? I am asking because EC is pretty serious and it can attack the system in various ways... I hope Pippi gets better soon :pray:
I don't think theycan confirm EC, but they can rule it out. But if its a hassle getting the test, it's probably not worth it.

It is worth it and safe enough to treat for it regardless, though. Many vets will start a regime right off the bat before any tests are in. The short term effects are pretty safe.

I guess it could be a mechanical problem, but I do wonder about the one kidney being larger than the other. I can't imagine it beingcoincidental.

I'll ask around, maybe on Etherbun. Not sure who's already commented on Pippi's problems here. Randy? Ivory? Pam?

sas :clover:
It could just be a problem with function. that's why I wonder if there isn't something they could give her.
Ms Binky,

Pippi has only been treated with the 30 day course of Panacur(Fenbendazole),i asked Dr Lee what happens next after Pippi has finished his Panacur..he said that there isn't much more i can do after that...i don't know if that is right or not.

Also i was wondering if EC can damage the bladder in any way?,if anyone knows

Yeah Sas..i have been wondering about that kidney being bigger than the other,that seems pretty weird to me

He is still not able to put any weight on, he's still very skinny,no matter what i try to give him to fatten him up


Well there is some underlying problem with Pippi..just don't know what, but with the amount of tests he has had,you would think the vet would at least find something.

Of course he will be going back to the vet,he has an appoitment to go soon anyway for his check up..oh we almost live there anyway...but i don't know what else the vet can do..that hasn't already been done :?

You know..i was looking through Pippi's reciepts yesterday and i counted that he had 7 urinalysis's done :shock:

Pippi is on baytril at the moment..0.4mls once a day..he used to be so good with taking his medicine..even though i had to mix it with a bit of diluted cordial...and all i had to do was kneel on the floor and he would put his two little paws on my legs and take his medicine that way.....Today the little bugger is having nothing to do with it at all! now my son has to hold him for me.
Poor Pippi (and poor Cheryl)

I wish there was more I could do to help. I'll be praying for your boy. I know how frustrating (and expensive)it is to know somethings wrong but have your vet be unable to diagnose it.


Thankyou Haley and Jan :hug:

This is hard for me to go through this with Pippi,and with everything else that has happened..i just want to have a rest now...i wish it would all just stop!

There has to be a vet that know's what is wrong with Pippi!

I think i will just take Pippi to see Dr Lee again on Thursday...he's got everything there of Pippi's...he was supposed to have an appoitment with the other Dr next week...i will still keep that appoitment at the moment though.

I will ask him a few more questions


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