RIP: Pippi is having a few problems

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Sorry guys,i should have updated yestersday.

Pippi is home..thank goodness,and he's doing much better,his eyes look a LOT brighter now,where as before they just looked dull and lifeless,he was ok during the night,there were no dramas,but he was very quiet and very sleepy though,but other than that he was fine.The Dr said that he looked like a different bunny in the morning,he was sitting up and everything..and they finally got him to eat some pellets as well,where asthat nighthe didn't want to eat or drink anything,so that is why he had sub q fluids.

The only thing is now that he's had a seizure,there could be a possibility that it can happen again,as if poor Pippi hasn't been through enough already

He also had his weightchecked and he weighs just under 1.6 kg,he's lost more weight:(,before his illness he weighed a healthy 1.9 kg,it's sad to see him so thin,and knowing that no matter what i feed him,he justwon't put the weight on :(

But he's home now,and i'm just so happy,because with everything that has been going on,i thought i was going to lose him to,and i was really stressing out

I really want to say a BIG THANKYOU to all you guys,you really are the most sweetest bunch of people:hug:
Bless your heart. I'm so glad for your both that he is home :)

My Boofy had a seizure when she was a few months old, she lived another two asnd a half years and never had another, with hindsight, shre probably had EC too. so just because he has had one, doesn't necessarily mean there will be more weven if there is a higher chance there will be more.

I;m glad he is still fighting. keep us updated and you know where my PM box is.

take vare.
Flashy wrote:
My Boofy had a seizure when she was a few months old, she lived another two asnd a half years and never had another, with hindsight, shre probably had EC too. so just because he has had one, doesn't necessarily mean there will be more weven if there is a higher chance there will be more.

Thanks Tracey,that does give me some hope,i would just hate for him to have another seizure....i lost my little girl bunny Lulu on the 7th August 07,she had a terrible seizure one night,and while i was rushing her to the hospital,she had 3 more seizures and i had to put her to sleep,she had other health problems as well:(,i just didn't want to go through that all over's avery,very sad thing to see.

It seems as though Pippi'shaving his up's and down's,some days he looks good,not perfect,because if you seen him in real life,you would notice straight away,that there was something wrong with him,he's still unsteady on his feet,he can clean himself but it seems to take a lot of effort for him he still loses his balance,he also still drags his left leg now and again....poor boy.

At the moment Pippi's just hanging out in the loungeroom,relaxing by the window where the sun iscoming through...that was Marshmallow's favourite spot :(

ra7751 wrote:
Many of the treatments used for horses can also be safely used on rabbits.

In light of this, with my own rabbit vet being further away than the local feed stores that cater to horses and cattle, can you recommend any staples for my home in case of an emergency, or for general use?
cheryl13 wrote:
It seems as though Pippi'shaving his up's and down's,some days he looks good,not perfect,because if you seen him in real life,you would notice straight away,that there was something wrong with him,he's still unsteady on his feet,he can clean himself but it seems to take a lot of effort for him he still loses his balance,he also still drags his left leg now and again....poor boy.

At the moment Pippi's just hanging out in the loungeroom,relaxing by the window where the sun iscoming through...that was Marshmallow's favourite spot :(

I'm glad to hear that Pippi is doing better!!! Every thing you siad sounds positive now, then again I'm not a vet, but I think he'll be okay!

Keeping you in my thoughts,

-TK :pray:
Oh Cheryl,I am glad Pippi is doing better. I hope he gets all better soon. Seeing a rabbit having a seixure is one of the saddest things I have seen. I feel for you. :hug:
Thankyou Leaf and TK:hug:

MsBinky...the first time i had ever seen a bunny have a seizure was my little girl Lulu,and i lost all my self control as i just didn't know what to do...i know it sounds very silly,but i just didn't know what to do...she died that night 7th august 07.

And then when Pippi had a seizure...i didn't see him having the seizure though,i was just so scared that,i thought i was going to lose him...but thankfully he is still here with me :)

Thanks MsBinky :hug:

I was sitting with Pippi today,and i was calling him to come to me

This is what he thought..


Well i just thought i would do a little update on Pippi,not that there is really much to say anyway

He's still doing ok,he looks so much better than he used to,he still has the problem with dragging his left leg ocassionally,he kinda has incontinence issues,and his urine can smell like bad ammonia..he still loses his balance every now and again..he's also still skinny,but he's eating like there is no tomorrow so i have no concerns in that part,it's just that he won't put any weight on...he's struggling a bit with his weight.

I cannot get him tested for EC as Adelaide has no animal pathologist here,this is why Dr Lee had no idea where to send the EC test.

Then when i took Daisy to the vet,i had asked the Dr thereif he knew..and he also didn't know where to send the EC test

So when i seen Sally yesterday,i told her about Pippi and that he needs to be tested for EC...she kinda laughed and said that there is nothing here in Adelaide where animals can be tested for things like's because there is no demand for tests like that,as Sally was explaining..people just don't give a sh*t about their bunnies,so it makes it very hard for responsible pet owners like myself who want to do the right thing.

The only way he can be tested is if the sample is sent of interstate to one of the big universities in Melbourne or New South Wales,this would cost hundreds of dollars to do that.

So i have just been looking after Pippi and his needs as best as i can.

Hi Cheryl,

Maybe my rabbit vet in Melbourne could help you with the EC tests, she has really good facilities and contacts. She is really lovely. I'm sure you would be able to send the samples to her, or she could tell you where to send them to in Melbourne. Layla has had a lot of culture tests and they only cost me around $150.

Ihave sent you a PM. :)
Thanks heaps's just ridiculous how Adelaide has nothing over here.

You know the equine flu that is going around..well the horses here cannot even get tested,they have to send the samples away interstate.

Oh and i replyed to your pm,as you probably already know :)

Again,thankyou Eve

Well here i am again,more troubles with Pippi....once again he was at the vets today,because every so often he ends up with a wet bottom..i have had him at the vets numerous times with this problem,every urine test he has had,all came up that he had veryconcentrated urine,he had no infections,but the Dr gave him Baytril anyway,which never did anything,weirdly it would go away by itself,but eventually would come back again.

This time it just would not go away

Well today the Dr did a urine sample again,but surprisingly it showed up that it was very dilute,the Dr then asked me had Pippi been drinking a lot:?,i just don't understand what is going on with Pippi.

He also checked his bladder,and it was full!,for some reason,Pippi's bladder isn't working properly,i forget what else he said,and he also mentioned about maybehis kidney's are not working properly,but i told him that Pippi has hadblood tests to check for kidney failure,he's also had xray's,everything came back ok,except that he had one kidney bigger than the other..i don't know if that is normal or not.

So what i have to do now is help Pippi pass his urine,so i have to squeeze his bladder gently...the Dr had to do that today,and poor Pippi had so much urine in his bladder,it was stretched to the max for some reason....something is wrong with my Pippi.

This boy has had so many problems,i'm scared his little body is justgiving up slowly

Gosh,i have just had enough with all this worrying :(

*screams...why me!*

Seems they could give him something to help that condition. Did you ask about that?

How old is Pippi?
No i didn't ask about that,..but i have to take him back in two weeks for a check up,so i can ask a bit more about it then,but at the moment he's just basicallyguessing anyway....Pippi isn't able to empty his bladder like a normal bunny,he just does little bits at a's just getting fustrating...and everything bad seems to be happening to me all at once.

Pippi is just over 31/2 years old


All this time,i was thinking Pippi had slight incontinance,Dr Lee had said the same thing,we knew it wasn't an infection because the baytril never cleared it up,and after taking Pippi to this other vet,he says something different,and now i believe he didn't have incontinance at all,he's got something wrong with his bladder like this other vet said (Dr Steven Crouch)...but i still don't seem to be getting the answers that i want though.

You know before April this year,everything was fine no problems,nothing!..and then all of a sudden Pippi ended up with all these health after the other...he was kinda living at the vets :shock:

I keep all my vet reciepts for every bunny that goes to the vet,and Pippi has this little pile going on :shock:

But i just wish i could just get some answers..even though i just wish i could have a break from all this worry,i just went through a bad time with Daisy.

Could it be that his little body is just breaking down slowly?..but he's still eating like normal,he's still very skinny though..when the Dr weighed him yesterday,he weighed 1.6 something kilos(but that was while he had such a full bladder),he used to be a healthy 1.9 kilos,for a mini lop that's an ideal weight

A very frustrated mummy here!


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