Well-Known Member
glad to hear he's doing better! sounds like he's headed in the right direction!
My Boofy had a seizure when she was a few months old, she lived another two asnd a half years and never had another, with hindsight, shre probably had EC too. so just because he has had one, doesn't necessarily mean there will be more weven if there is a higher chance there will be more.
In light of this, with my own rabbit vet being further away than the local feed stores that cater to horses and cattle, can you recommend any staples for my home in case of an emergency, or for general use?Many of the treatments used for horses can also be safely used on rabbits.
((hugs))It seems as though Pippi'shaving his up's and down's,some days he looks good,not perfect,because if you seen him in real life,you would notice straight away,that there was something wrong with him,he's still unsteady on his feet,he can clean himself but it seems to take a lot of effort for him he still loses his balance,he also still drags his left leg now and again....poor boy.
At the moment Pippi's just hanging out in the loungeroom,relaxing by the window where the sun iscoming through...that was Marshmallow's favourite spot
I was sitting with Pippi today,and i was calling him to come to me
This is what he thought..