RIP: Pippi is having a few problems

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Thank GOD for that!

I'm so glad Cheryl :biggrin2:what a relief for you both.

Oh it is definitely a relief for me :)

Pippi has never had gas before,he's 3 1/2 years he's done pretty good....i have dealt with gas and Stasis in a couple of my other bunnies but never Pippi...and by 2:30am yesterday morning,i was getting worried....i'm so glad i got him to the vet though...i'm sure that sub q injection helped him out a bit...and the long car ride there and back

Gosh...we had a pretty rough morning...Pippi and me

I worry when the bunnies get gas,but i'm ok with it.......but Pippi is different,he's got so much going on with him...and i started to panic in case it wasn't gas and there was something else wrong....and i didn't want to leave him and wait for the normal vet to open,anything could have happened to him.

Pippi is doing good this morning,he was eating some hay,and i gave him some veggies...and yep he started eating those as well.

It's a wonderful watch a bunny eating happily after having bad gas and not eating and drinking.

It's great he is doing so well.

Have you thought about learning how to do sub-Q injections so that you can then do them yourself?
When i first posted this threadabout Pippi's problems...Randy had replied in one of his posts saying that Pippi should be getting sub q when i spoke to Dr Lee on the phone that day,i asked him about the sub q's,but he said Pippi doesn't need i didn't think no more about it.

But if Dr Lee had agreed to give Pippi sub q's,then i could have done it myself yesterday morning.....even though i know i'm going to be terrified to give an injection.

So i'm definitely going to ask this other vet about sub q's,and if i can do it myself when needed.

I gave Simon sub qs twice. A vet tech taught me how to do it. It is one of those things that I wonder if I did that sooner would he have pulled through. Anyway, I'm glad Pippi is doing better.
Thanks heaps...i'm just so happy that's over with now,for the moment anyway...i was so i said in my other post..i normally wouldn't have worried as much as i did yesterday morning with Pippi.....but yeah..i'm definitely going to ask this other vet about sub q's,he has an appoitment soon,so i'll ask then.

Also i took the nutripet with me to the emergencyvet,just so i could showthe Drwhat i've been giving Pippi...she said it's verygood for cats and dogs,but she wouldn't have thought for a bunny,i told her i learned about itfrom a rabbit forum,she looked at me weird lol.

Anyway Pippi is still doing ok..he's eating and drinking! this very moment he's eating hay.

Hehe something funny Pippi did today,i hadn't given him any nutripet since yesterday morning sometime..umm that's when i put some on his mouth and i made him eat it,and boy he was not a happy bunny..i could just imagine him like this :nonono:no,no,no..naughty mum.

Anyway,i went to give him some today,expecting him to lick it of like he always does...but not this time..he smelled it than quickly hopped away...i think he remembers lol.

My boy

These were taken just today



This picture was taken 3 days ago,i was giving him his meds,you can just see the syringe up top


My vet looked at me weird when I mentioned something about the forum too.Just wait until I hand him the forum leaflet and ask if they will give them out, lol.

I'm so glad Pippi is doing better still :) That's a really lovely start to my day.
Way to go, Pippi and Cheryl. He's such a tough little bunny, and you are an amazing bunny mom. I really think that some of the fight in that guy comes from knowing how much he is loved! Take care.
Cheryl! Great job with Pippi, but you know you're a great mommy:). I'm so glad and happy for you he's doing well. Come one Pippi! We love you. I am thinking of you guys.:hug:


Tracey..that is awesome for what you are doing for the bunnies...great job!

Jan..i can give Pippi heaps of cuddles for you...he is so spoiled as it is with cuddles

Pumpkin...Pippi knows he's loved alright,i think that's why he has fought for so long are always so sweet.

Thanks guys..i really do appreciate it...i'm sure Pippi does to.

:hug:to you all

He has given me quitea few scares recently...and now i have another small problem that i have noticed about him today.....he has his mouth slightly open...the other bunnies are not doing it because i had to go and check them all,just to see if any of the others were doing it,but they weren't....i don't know if it's his breathing....he's still eating ok though....he didn't really want anything to eat this morning and i thought oh no not again...but he was ok later and started eating again...but now i'm worried again about his little mouth being open....i don't know if that's ok or if it's a sign something is wrong.

Anyway he's going to the vet tomorrow.....and while i'm there i'm going to ask about sub q's and i better come home with it to

Gosh,it seems to be one thing after another with Pippi

I do nothing but worry so much about him

If it is mouth breathing then it isnot a good sign, I'm sorry. I can't remember the exact details of it all, maybe someone else will explain, but I think it may mean he is not getting enough oxygen.

Having said that, some of mine have their mouth open if they get very stressed (I can think of one inparticular, and he is in good health), so maybe Pippi is just stressed or something?

Is it possible he is in pain?
No i don't think it's a pain thing....i think it's more to do with his breathing..i don't really know though,i don't know why he has his mouth slightly open

I just don't know.......why...why is all this crap happening to my poor Pippi :(

I have watched him from a healthy happylittle boygo downhill to a unhealthy little boy he is now....gosh life sucks!


He still has an amazing spirit...and he still gives his mum kisses on the face

I'm so glad that even through all of this, he is happy and gives you kisses!! Pippi has such a strong spirit and he really appreciates all you do for him! Good wishes to you both!!:biggrin2:
Thanks guys :hug:

We have a vet appoitment in a half hour....i was quite lucky actually because when i rang the vet this morning,the girl was saying that they were fully booked out today..i told her about Pippi,so she said she will get a nurse to look at him until the Dr has a spare minute.

I'm going to ask about the Sub Q's as well

Hopefully all will be ok with Pippi


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