RIP: Pippi is having a few problems

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Oh Cheryl, Im so sorry.

Max was partially breathing through his mouth for a long time and no, it was not a good thing. He would often sort of choke on his food because he was trying to breathe. Whats his nose like? Any discharge or sneezing? As you know, rabbits are obligate nasal breathers, so they dont breathe through their mouths unless theres something obstructing their nasal breathing.

Let us know how the appt goes. Pippiandyou arein my thoughts and prayers.
I hate to mention this, but as Haley and Flashy said, it's not good, the open mouth breathing. Bun Bun did that with his heart failure:(. It got worse over time to where his mouth would be further open and he'd really be almost panting towards the end.

I hope he'll be okay Cheryl. I can't imagine what you're going through. You're so tough, even though you say you're not;).

Thinking of you guys. Hugs.
We are back from the vet,Pippi was still breathing like that when we arrived at the vet....i seen a completely different dr today,it was the same surgery that i see the lady dr....they have about 4 Dr's working there...i had seen this Dr while i was in the waiting room and have said hello to him before.....his name is Dr Joshua Wysoke...and he is just an awesome Dr....he is very nice.

Anyway when he first seen Pippi,he said that he's worried about that he went on to check him with his stethescope(sp),he was listning for quite some time,but after he finished he said that Pippi is getting air in both he's not sure what the problem could be....he said that all he can think of is the heat....but i'm not sure if rabbits do that when they are hot...i don't think i've seen the others do it,i think i would have noticed.He took his temperature and that was fine......i asked him if Pippi is dehydrated...he said just have a very sick little bunny....i still asked him about the sub q's,but because he's drinking he said Pippi don't need it and he also said that they cannot really have it everyday because it can cause more problems in the end for Pippi,so no sub q's,only in an emergency.

He cannot find the problem with Pippi and why he's breathing like he is :?,but he said it is a worry though....and he's also not willing to give Pippi anymore antibiotics or anything..he said this boy has been through enough already over the months,and he said that really there is no reason to give him any meds anyway.

He was reading Pippi's file on the pc and mentioned about his bladder not working properly and i asked him if he knew anything,and he said the nerve's have probably been damaged.

We had a nice little conversation and i just enjoyed the chat i had with him but in the middle of talking about Pippi,i cried a few tears,because i let the stress build up..i have had a terrible year this year,i have been trying to deal with Pippi for a long time nowand i lost my most precious little bunnies as well,i have carried the stress with me all this time,it just builds up and up until i cannot handle anymore and then ibreak down and cry.

Well we don't know why he's breathing like he is,his lungs are ok.....all he really said is that theEC is slowly taking Pippi away bit by bit :('s just a matter of time,but as the doctor said to me,it's not how longi have with him,it's the quality of his life that's important.

Pippi also has absolutely no fat on his body,i cannot remember the word the Dr used now,it started with a s...i knew that anyway,that's why he's so skinny

Reading your messages guys have really scared me now,why would he be breathing like this but his lungs are ok?

Haley,yes i remembered about Max's breathing...when i first seen Pippi doing it,and i knew it wasn't normal your Simon had his little mouth open as well?....what did your vet say about it?

Crystal,now you got me worried about heart failure....i don't know if he checked his heart now...he checked his breathing for quite a while though.

Just before i walked out of the surgery i said to the Doctor,if he gets worse,i'm bringing him straight back here,he smiled and said yep i know you will.

cheryl wrote:
Crystal,now you got me worried about heart failure....i don't know if he checked his heart now...he checked his breathing for quite a while though.

Just before i walked out of the surgery i said to the Doctor,if he gets worse,i'm bringing him straight back here,he smiled and said yep i know you will.

Cheryl, I'm certainly sorry. I just feel it my job and will to disclose something I kno-even if it's not what someone wants to hear:hug:. But, I knew you'd accept it and be strong or I wouldn't have said anything. I just feel I owe it you and Pippi.;)

If it were me, I'd rather people told me these things, as I'd wonder exactly what could be going on. You have to make some sort of sense of it in your own head, to be able to care for and carry on with Pippi or any pet you love like you love them and like Pippi knows you love him.

Has an Xray been done on his heart?
Good question Crystal! he has not had a xray on his heart....actually that sounds like a very good idea....i'm not sure but wouldn't the doctor have heard something if there was something wrong with his heart?....he had his heart checked when he was justat the emergency vet

And Crystal,yes i would rather know things as well,actually i didn't even think of his heart :(

All sorts of things seem to suddenly be going wrong with Pippi....i know he has a lot of health problems...but by much can one little bunny take.
Some of my buns breathe with their mouth open when it's hot, one in particular who has a really thick coat.

He might have checked the heart when he used the stethoscope. My vet explained to me that they can't pick up subtleties like that, but can tell if it is beating healthily and stuff, so hopefully your vet did check that.

It's good you cried,

Thinking of you both.
Flashy wrote:
Some of my buns breathe with their mouth open when it's hot

Oh Tracey,i hope that's all it is with Pippi(i guess i worried a bit to much)'s been very hot here lately,but i just haven't seen my other bunnies do it that's all,and he's just been very lethargic the last two days....i've also been giving him his glucose drink to try and get some energy into him....he won't touch the nutripet anymore..since i made him eat it the other morning when he had gas.

I'll try and get a picture of him later

And thanks Tracey :hug:
Have you given him a frozen water bottle? Or something like an apple juice ice cube? Mine love both of those and it helps to cool them down. Or make up an ice cube with small bits of their favourite foods all mixed in too. I did that this summer and it was a big hit :)
I should have maybe put the air conditioner on,but i didn't really think it was that hot inside though,and the other bunnies are fine....but if tomorrow is going to be hot,i will turn the air con on and i will see if that makes any difference..maybe i'm just worrying way to much about him,buthe just didn't seem 'normal'..what's 'normal' for him anyway..he just seemed different yesterday,he was just acting different.

You know sometimes when i go to bed at night..i lay there and just think about Pippi and i always wish that i could wake up in the morning and my old Pippi is back to good health again....if only..huh?,it seems as though i'm forever taking him to the's just like having a sick child to look after...but i'm finding this very stressful..because i don't know what's going to happen next
Simon did develop pneumonia at the end. He was breathing heavy probably due to that and the heat. I had to be careful not to make him too cold. He slowly wasted away in the course of a couple of weeks. It was sad. Anyway, I think he was very happy living with me during the last year of his life. He had a sad life before he came into the rescue. Another story for another time.

Just make Pippi comfortable and happy. And remember all the good times you had and still have with him.

keeping you in our prayers and sending healing vibes.

The only thing I can offer is about the heat.
When it gets around 75F, a few of my buns start to show sign of it affecting them....less activity, less eating (less pooping as result), shedding, all stretched out, faster-than-normal breathing, etc.
80F and up, they all show signs.
Humidity is a big factor as well.

I've never noticed any breathing through their mouths, but I have seen a few damp nose/muzzles.

Could it possibly be a sinus obstruction/swelling/irritation/allergy?
Pla725....when it was winter time..i also had to keep Pippi warm,because he is so skinny,i was worried that he would catch a cold or something.

Was Simon still drinking when you were giving him his sub q's?.....because both dr's that i have asked said that Pippi don't need it...i'm just curious that's all

thanks heaps :)

Jim,Pippi was breathing quite fast,to me he looked like he was having trouble,but maybe it's because i do worry to much though...Pippi's nose wasn't damp or anything though..he just had his mouth slightly open and his little nose was wriggling very fast...and it scared me...because i thought he was having breathing problems....and he was also very lethargic.

But it's been hot here for a couple of weeks now,but he showed no sign of over heating just happened two days ago.

Now i'm wondering if the heat could be affecting him more because he has no body fat to regulate his temperature......i'm not sure about thatthough...i should have asked the Dr for moreinfo.

We have had a dramatic change of weather today,from being hot..muggy and sticky for the last couple right at this momentit's raining and thundering and the weather is cool..and Pippi seems to be a bit better today..

Thanks heaps also Jim :)

That's why i love this forum so much...because different people have had different experiences with their bunnies...and that way they can give other people advice because they have been there already

Just thanks so much guys :)
Ok i just thought of something....if it was actually the heat that caused that....wouldn't his temp be high?......when the Dr checked his temp was normal
Simon couldn't eat or drink by the last week of his life. This was late September which is fall here. I was giving him critical care with some baby food and water via baby food feeder and syringe. Then I started the sub q's. It was already too late when I started the sub q's. It was a last ditch attempt. He got some sub q's at the vet's office and more the next day. He was just too sick by then. He did died the next day.

BTW his temp was high.
Geeze, its so frustrating not being able to offer any more help. The only thing I can think of is that bunnies are so fragile and sensitive and everything seems to be connected. When Max's breathing was so bad, every Dr. swore it wasnt connected to his mouth abscess and sure enough it was. Something as abstract as a mouth infection caused runny nose, open mouth breathing,choking on his foodetc.

Max unfortunately lived for months open mouthed breathing most of the time, so while its not good it doesnt mean its the end. Just keep an eye on him for any signs of labored breathing, weezing, nasal discharge etc.

Im sure you remember how much stress and pain I went through with Max. I had prepared myself many times for his passing. The only thing that got me through it was just doing everything in my power to make every day wonderful for him- by showing him how special he was to me. I know thats what youre doing for Pippi. And you can see it in his eyes that he knows it too.

Youre very strong, Cheryl. We're here for you. Just do what you can and take it a day at a time.

As always, youre both in my thoughts and prayers.

Thanks guys,

Pumpkin....Pippi was fine yesterday....but now this morning something is up with him again

Pla725,Pippi's temp is fine..i know that's a good sign...but it doesn't mean that there isn't something else going on....i really feel bad that you lost your Simon to this nasty parasite,just like i'm losing my Pippi :(

Haley,yes i remember all your heartache with Max,i followed your thread like crazy,and i have to confess that when i wasn't here on the forum for over five months,i thought about Max a lot,because he was still sick when i left.

But as soon as i got back on the pc,5 months later,the first thing i did was to look to make sure Max was still with you...and he was and i just smiled to myself :)

Well anyway,i just got out of bed this morning at 6:00am...i always check Pippi first,and he's breathing like he was before again,and it's not hot here at the moment,the weather has gone crazy here and it's raining and cool.....and he won't eat again,i don't know what's happening,he seems to be suddenly going through all this crap.....but why the breathing again.......he was fine yesterday morning..but by midday i noticed he was going quiet and didn't move much....but he was eating so i wasn't to worried until this morning when i noticed his breathing,and that's when i went to get him something to eat,and he wouldn't touch it......i can only do nothing but worry about this boy
This sucks.

I'm sorry he's not doing well Cheryl. I hope he has a better spell soon. Over Christmas would be rather nice :)

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