RIP: Pippi is having a few problems

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Flashy wrote:
This sucks.

You got that right girl!.......this really does suck like anything....the whole situation's just horrible for me to watch Pippi go through this.

Thanks Tracey

I just got Pippi to eat a bit of watermelon....but he did the weird thing by picking it up and then dropping it...just like he did a few days ago...but he got the taste and went searching for the bit he dropped..he took another tiny bite and i mean tiny,usually he loves watermelon and will munch away on it..but then heleft the rest:(...i really wanted him to eat it....i'm like saying to Pippi just before 'please Pippi eat for mum..please Pippi just eat'.

He still has his little mouth slightly open,his teeth are showing....and i know that just isn't normal in any way...and it's not hot here today.

His eating habbits are changing slowly now.

Pla725....i just have to ask....did Simon ever seem like he was in pain or anything?,i don't know if EC can cause bunnies any pain or not.....i'm worrying about him,but if i take him to the vet again...they won't find anything wrong with him....and that's what really stresses me out because i just don't know what to do
Oh Cheryl, I'm sorry to hear this. Poor Pippi.

I've been away for a couple days, but regarding your question about the heart xray, not sure what prompted my vet to do the xray. Possibly just his breathing alone at the time. Upon examination of the xrays, it was then confirmed that he had heart failure as his heart was enlarged and surrounded by fluid:(.

The symptoms you're seeing now could simply be the ec escalating. Of course, I am just speculating, as I have no real experience with ec.

Of course I will be thinking of you and Pippi, I hope you get a bit more advice.:(:pray:
I'm sitting here crying because i don't know what to do!....Pippi won't eat or drink now,i don't know what's going on with him....i want to take him to the vet...but if i take him they won't find anything.....he's getting air in both lungs

I just don't know what to do


I cannot watch Pippi go through this anymore! *sobbing with tears*

Aw, Cheryl, so sorry... :(

I would think seeing as EC affects the brain that it's affecting the respiratory functions centered there, but that's just a guess.

I know you must feel so helpless.

Maybe Pippi's telling you it's time. :tears2: He's tired. And you're tired. Sleep on it if you think that's best and see how you both feel tomorrow.

sas :sad:
I was thinking the same thing. That happened with Simon. I could see it in his eyes. He was grinding his teeth in pain. He just had enough. He even pushed the spoon of pumpkin I was offering him away. It took everything I had to gather up enough courage to do the right thing for him. I will leave it at that.
I didnt reread your post above (sorry its late here) but did the vet check his teeth/molars and around his jaw for any lumps or abnormalities? The not eating makes me think it could be tooth related. That could also explain the open mouth if a spur was hurting him.

As always, Pippi is in my prayers tonight.
At this stage no decisions are easy. You know where I am if I can do anything.

I'll be thinking of you both

:bigtears:Cheryl...I'm so sorry you and Pippi have to go through this. I know how scary the mouthbreathing is, when Ruby was breathing like I was in tears having to watch her suffer like that.I just wish I could do more for you.:tears2: Thinking of you and Pippi, whatever you decide we'll support you.:hug:


GUYS...PIPPI IS STILL WITH ME!!......he's here for christmas! :D

I tried to post yesterday,but something was wrong with my computer or kept stuffing up all day..everytime i tried i couldn't post anything.

That day i posted my last message..Pippi wasn't doing well at all...he wouldn't eat and he wouldn't drink....i tried so hard all day that day to syringe him his glucose drink...but he wouldn't even touch that....he would just turn the other way from me or he would sorta hop away....he was could see it in his eyes.....i didn't know what to the only thing i knew what to do was just sit there by his side and bawl my eyes out like a baby...and said please Pippi not now....i love you....i know it's silly and i know i should be in control of myself...but sometimes i don't know how.....i'm the biggest wimp around....i'm such a fool...i know that....if you knew me would understand.

But yeah....this is very hard to deal with all this...people say he's just a rabbit....he and the rest of my bunnies and my two boys are all i have in my life....nobody understands what they mean to ex took everything from me one time(my life),but he will never take anything from me again....i love my bunnies....they don't hurt me like people have...nobody understands that though....they have brought happiness to my life again....even going through this with's hard watching him go downhill slowly but i will never ever give up until he's ready to give up....and at the moment he still seems to be willing to fight.

He's back to eating again...but i know that he can do a sudden turn around again and not eat again anytime soon....he seems to be going through some weird stages that are confusing me...but i do know it's because that nasty parasite is destroying his little body.

At the moment i'm just thankful he's still with me.

I wish i could give each and everyone of youa hug at the moment :hug:

Oh gosh,i just have to tell you all though,that i went to check on Pippi yesterday...he was lying down...flopped out......this is nothing new to bunnies do it all the time...where ever they like....sometimes i have to walk over them....but yesterday i seen Pippi and my heart just stopped...and said 'ohh no..he's left me'...i couldn't see his stomache moving....i was just shocked and i started to cry...silly me...then all of a sudden he stretched his back leg....oh my gosh..was i relieved.....what i should have did was call his name or at least poke him lol....but i just freaked out.....and all that time he didn't wake up....and i was able to get a few pictures...before i finally disturbed him....

I really thought he was gone here...


I hope he stays good for a few days :) even longer would be better.

Sitting by him and crying doesn't make you a wimp, it means you love him. Often crying can help us resolve issues too.

You seem to underestimate people here, you say that no one understands, and no, no one can ever understand, but I know a good few people on here who can relate, me being one of them. I know what it's like for your rabbits to be your world, to give you happiness and hope, to not hurt you and to be there when no one else is. They are amazing creatures.

Pippi is so lucky to be a part of your family, as are your other buns, because they couldn't have found a more loving home :)

I hope you all have a very merry Christmas together.

Flashy wrote:
You seem to underestimate people here, you say that no one understands, and no, no one can ever understand, but I know a good few people on here who can relate, me being one of them. I know what it's like for your rabbits to be your world, to give you happiness and hope, to not hurt you and to be there when no one else is. They are amazing creatures.

Without my bunnies....i would still be this sad human being....they did something to my life.

And yeah...sometimes with Pippi it's hard for me to be happy because he can change in a blink of an day he's doing ok...the next day he's not's like being on an emontional roller coaster at the moment with him....but i do know that he will never ever recover from as i do expect the unexpected..i cannot help but get a little excited when he is having a good day.

I hope you have a wonderful christmas...Tracey :D

I've been so worried about Pippi - I'm so so so glad he's still with you Cheryl!:hug:

I love that little guy - he is such a fighter!:)Give him a big Christmas kiss from me Cheryl, and sending a virtual hug to you too!:hug2:
cheryl wrote:
Flashy wrote:
You seem to underestimate people here, you say that no one understands, and no, no one can ever understand, but I know a good few people on here who can relate, me being one of them. I know what it's like for your rabbits to be your world, to give you happiness and hope, to not hurt you and to be there when no one else is. They are amazing creatures.

Without my bunnies....i would still be this sad human being....they did something to my life.

And yeah...sometimes with Pippi it's hard for me to be happy because he can change in a blink of an day he's doing ok...the next day he's not's like being on an emontional roller coaster at the moment with him....but i do know that he will never ever recover from as i do expect the unexpected..i cannot help but get a little excited when he is having a good day.

I hope you have a wonderful christmas...Tracey :D

:hugsquish:I believe that people and animals enter our lives for a reason. It sounds like yours came to you to bring you happines, hope and a fun future, plus much more that you will know and I don't.

It's good to get excited when he is having a good day. When someone is that ill, you have to enjoy the good times, so enjoy them as much as you can :)

You're not as alone as you feel because you have lots of people who can relate to what you are going through and will be here for you.

Oh Cheryl,

I was sooo glad to see this post. I've been worrying and praying for you and Pippi, and I didn't want to ask, in case something had happened.

Pippi, darlin', you just keep on keepin' on. You are a real blessing, and we all love you.

Cheryl....don't EVER, EVER think that there's something wrong with loving as deeply as you love this little guy. He feels your love, and that's what helps him fight!

Have a wonderful Christmas.

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