RIP: Pippi is having a few problems

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I'm just a bit frightened at the moment....usually i wouldn't worry as muchas i am now

I guess i'm not going to get much sleep's 11:22pm here now
There is a big difference between not eating and drinking and fighting being forcefed.

When Flash was ill and he stopped eating and drinking, he went downhill very fast and was dead within a few hours. Might it be worth taking him to the vets tonight? For both you and him?

I know that's a bit of an about face for me but I was just thinking about it all.
Yeah,i know how fast they can go downhill when they stop eating and dinking...i almost lost two bunnies through GI's pretty scarey when they go through that.

I don't know if Pippi would be strong enough to beat something like that

But yeah..i'm thinking about that vet more and more now...i just didn't want to stress him out anymore that's all.
It's hard isn't it.

When they are ill and stop eating and drinking, that might mean he is too weak to do it, or his body is shutting down (which I hope it's not).

I guess in a way it's different from 'traditional' GI stasis in that he is already weaker to start with than those who go into it because of a moult or whatever.

He might get stressed, but he is used to vets and it won't stress him too much because it is normal for him. If you don't go, and something happens to him, might you forever blame yourself for not going?
Flashy wrote:
It's hard isn't it.

When they are ill and stop eating and drinking, that might mean he is too weak to do it, or his body is shutting down (which I hope it's not).
That is the first thing i thought when he wouldn't eat..'.what if he's giving up'....i said 'please Pippi not before christmas'
Flashy wrote:
cheryl wrote:
I just went and put some nutripet on Pippi's mouth....he wasn't very happy with that
What did he do?
He licked it of,and then he turned around...he got mad at me for doing that...but i was happy that he licked it of....i don't know if that would make much difference or not though
It might not be that, it might just be he needs some sub-Q or something to help him on the way.

could you maybe get him a rice sock to help him keep warm?
I'm sure your heat is enough, you don't want to over heat him.
When did he last poop and pee, and how was his output?

It's so tough to say, Dill acts like that with a gas attack, but with Pippi's history, who knows what's going on in there.

Does he seem dizzy? Uncomfortable in any way? Can you hear his tummy making noises? How does he react to a tummy rub?

Hope he feels bettersoon

sas :pray:
The last time i saw him eat was when i gave him some veggies around 1:00pm,i watched him eat them..he was anywhere from 1:00pm-8:00pm something happened..he was sitting by his hay..but i noticed him sitting there for longer and he just looked odd,so i went and got a biscuit straight first instinct....he wanted it because he took a tiny bite and just ate it very slowly...strange...then he just wouldn't touch anything else

No he doesn't look least now i know what to look for...his eyes are not acting the way they were before when that first happened to him

His tummy sounds very quiet....but when i massage his tummy i can feel like little bubbles in his tummy...if that's what they are.
Oh well..i have his basket and everything ready,just's 12:27am here,it couldn't have happened at a worse time
He honestly could just be having a gas attack. You're not hearing any gurgling? Does he seem comforted with the tummy rubs?

When did you last see him pee and poop?

sas :?
I'm hoping with all my heart that it is just a gas attack.. Sas

The last time i seen him poop was around 1-2pm when he was eating his veggies,i had him on his own...he has weed because he cannot wee properly and he just does little dribbles and i seen him do it not long ago.

His tummy is not making loud noises,it's more quiet but when i massage his tummy i can feel which i think is air bubbles,i'm not sure.

I have been rocking him like a baby...i just put him back in the loungeroom with his blankets for a little while
I really hope things are ok as they can be.

I'm really worried.

Thinking of you both.

Sorry i took so long in replying back but boy what a day i have had.

I wrote my last reply in Pippi's post and then i turned my pc of which was around 1:00am this morning,i then went to try Pippi with some water,but he still wouldn't drink it...i also tried to give him some more infacol but he would just let it dribble out the side of his mouth,so i sat on the lounge and watched tv for a bit while i massaged Pippi's tummy....his tummy was very quiet,there was no usual soft gurgling noises that you can usually hear in a bunnies tummy,it was just deathly quiet........i was panicking because Chockie,Cassidy and Sunny have all had GI Stasis and their stomaches went bloated and hard,like they swallowed a brick.....but i knew Pippi wasn't suffering GI Stasis though.......i know he had very bad gas

Anyway..2:30am came and he still wasn't any i packed Pippi up in his basket which was already waiting just in case...and of we went to the emergency hospital.....i just didn't wan't to take the chance...because since he had bad gas..i was worried that if he didn't recover very soon then it would develop into Stasis....and i just don't think Pippi's body would be strong enough to handle something like Stasis.

We arrive at the have to ring the bell at that time of morning,this emergency vet clinic is so's just nice!....anyway we get in to see the Dr and it's the same one i saw back in June when Sunshine had very bad Stasis...her stomache was rock hard..the vet didn't expect her to live that night.....anyway she remembered me straight away because she said that it's unusual for someone to bring in their pet rabbit at this time of morning....she said i'm very dedicated and very caring...i told her i would do anything,and i just cannot stand to see an animal in pain.

Anyway she checks Pippi's heart and lungs,they're ok....his stomache was still quiet she was holding him in her arms and she was feeling his tummy and the next minute his tummy made this really loud gurgling sound...then it kept continueing for a couple was loud!......after that she just gave Pippi a sub q injection,there was nothing else she could do for him,she also said that if Pippi makes no improvement then i have to take him back to my regular vet.

We got home sometime after 5:30am....i was so tired and just exhausted...i put Pippi in the loungeroom and made him all comfy with his blankies and stuffand i laid on the lounge and went to sleep for a little while....i woke up about 8:00am and checked Pippi....he was sitting in a differen't spot now...that was good that he had moved....i went and got him something to eat..but he still didn't want anything..i went and got him his glucose drink.....and he started drinking from the syringe!...i was so excited to at least see some progress....he was drinking again...but somehow i had to get him to eat.....all day i tried giving him this and that but no....ugh! i was ready to take him to the vet again...but he was drinking everytime i gave him some water so i was happy for that.

That sub q injection did the world of good for Pippi

And then finally around 4:00pm..i go and check to see if he's eaten the few pellets that i had left him...and they were gone!!! i went and got a few more and he ate those as well,boy i was just so so happy and so relieved to see him eat again :D

I love my boy!

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