Well, I posted in the forum last week that Raphhad to go to the vet's cuz he wasn't feeling well. He's going forx-rays next week, but the good news is, his appetite has come back.

He wasn't entirely off his food but didn't eat with the same enthusiasmas in the past, and wouldn't clean up his dish (highly unusual forhim). So we upped his pain meds and that seemed to help; he's now morealert again and has a healthy, eager appetite.
I wanted to post a few new pics of him, since my son is visiting and Igot to borrow the camera (yay!). Ignore the mess of my kitchen and thebunny cages (Anna's is especially trashed with hay and stuff)...I justtook the pics not long after getting up, and the rabbit cages are dueto be cleaned - bedding washed, etc. The kitchen...well, no excusethere...I'm just messy.
Raph attempting to clean his face:
At home in his house (the black ball in the dish isn't bunny-made...it's a raisin

Eating in his *chair*:
PEE!!! He's been peeing on his own lately, a good sign (and in the meantime, Anna was desperately trying to steal Raph's food)
Another shot:
"I'm too sexy for my diapers...too sexy..."
And a close-up of Anna's face (she insisted):
I have to explain the *chair* that Raph is in. I wanted something forhim that would support his weight and get him off of his side,hopefully giving his muscles and internal organs a bit of relief. Notbeing able to find anything, I finally decided to make something on myown. Not that I'm a carpenter by any means...this thing turned outrather wonky, but it seems to do the trick. As you can probably tellfrom the pics, the sling itself needs to be replaced with somethingmore supportive...Raph winds up slumping in it at times, and is a bittoo low. But overall he seems to rather appreciate going in it; I'msure his acheing muscles do anyway.
Anyway, I didn't even realize it till after I took these pics, but it'sEaster today! So Happy Easter to all who read this thread...and maybeI'll post a couple in the main forum to wish everybody a more properEaster holiday. :bunnydance: