Raphael's photo thread

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I am now feeling more and more like I have ababy than a rabbit. My house and cupboards are slowly being taken overby a variety of baby items: Pedialyte, Desitin cream, baby blankets,and now...diapers.

Yesterday I went grocery shopping with my sister and decided to pick upa bag of diapers to try out on Raph. I have puppy training pads that Iplace under him when he lies with me on the sofa, but with the volume(and trajectory) that the boy is capable of when he decides to imitatea water fountain, everything within a rather uncomfortable long-rangefocus gets hit. So after a lot of trial and error (and a lot of ribbingfrom my sister), I managed to get a pair of diapers on Raph. I mustadmit they seem to work, though it's an effort to get them positionedproperly so he cannot squirm out of them. But something funny happenedthis morning, and I wanted to share....

I brought Raph out of his cage and put him down on the dog's bed on thefloor, then put a diaper on him to keep the area clean and dry. He wasfine, sitting there grooming himself, not showing any signs ifindignity over having to wear pants with dancing bears on them (maybeto him they were a sign of 'coolness'). Well, I had my back to him as Isat at the computer, when suddenly I heard *riiiiiiiiiippppp*. I turnedaround to look, and what did I see? Anna had come running over and wasyanking the new cool panties off her partner! She'd undone one side ofthe diaper with lightning speed and was about to go for the other sidewhen I grabbed her. I had to put her back in her cage while Ireadjusted Raph's new duds and then assured him that he indeed, did notlook like a bunny nerd, as Anna so obviously thought.

What's ironic is the fact that those two reminded me eerily of my dadand stepmom several years ago. If they were going out to dinnersomewhere, my dad would change his clothes and come out of the bedroom,only to have Marion take one look at him and demand, "Oh John...you'reNOT going to wear that, are you? You look ridiculous...go and changeinto something else right now!!"

Yep...Anna and Raph...my dad and stepmom...many similarities there....:?
LOL, I missed the diaper fiasco, that is too funny. Raph is such a good boy though.

How's he doing, by the way? Ive been thinking of him. :pray:
Haley, with Raph every day is different. Somedays he looks 'off'...just not feeling great; yet others he lookstotally alert and his old self. This morning when I got up he wassitting in his cage and eagerly awaiting breakfast, very alert andbright-eyed (always starts my day off great seeing him like that). Partof the morning routine with him now is to sweep out his cage, clean hisfur of any glued-on poops, give him some lettuce, syringe-feed himfluids, give him his meds, then prepare the rest of his breakfast. So Iwas cleaning his hind end today and was surprised to see him reacharound and start licking his back leg and pulling off bunny balls onhis own...prior to this he couldn't reach that far back. I've beengiving him glucosamine/chondroitin every evening as someone from thedisabled rabbit forum suggested it might help with joint mobility. He'sbeen on it for some time now...3 months perhaps...and I wasn't sure ifI was seeing much in the way of improvement and was ready to take himoff of it. But after seeing him do that this morning, I guess maybe itis helping.

Poor guy has no muscle left in his hind end now...atrophy fromnon-use...so he looks and feels rather boney back there. But thankfullyhis bedding is very soft and it helps keep pressure sores away,something that is always a concern with an animal that can't walk. I'malso constantly dealing with urine issues in Raph too...he has atendency to get a buildup of sludge in his urine and sometimes hasdifficulty going now. So added to the routine...expressing the bladderfor him if it seems he can't. But it is all so worth it when I see himalert and eager for his meals! I was sort of hoping that I could get abigger cage and house Raph and Anna together so she could keep himcompany during the day, but alas, it wasn't meant to be...Anna has noconsideration for Raph at all. Left to her own devices, she will justas soon sit on his head and make herself comfy, while Raph gets upsetand dishevelled underneath her. (I can just hear his muffledcomplaints..."Hey, my hair! My hair!! (ala 'O Brother Where ArtThou'.)) And I also discovered yesterday that Raph, despite being quitedisabled, still has raging hormones. Anna hopped up to him as he lay inhis little doggie bed on the floor, he took one look at her, reachedover and grabbed the fur on her face and began his 'grunt-grunt-grunt'sounds (translation...'C'mere woman...yer mine!!'). Needless tosay, Anna was not impressed and huffed out of the room. Well, I guessRaph was entitled...payback for her sitting on his head that onetime...:?

So he's doing as well as can be expected...perhaps even better thanexpected, considering all the problems he has. I never thought he'dmake it this far, but Raph has an appetite like a horse and a strongwill to live, and that's enough for me. :D
Im so sorry I missed your response!

I am so glad to hear he's doing okay. I really hope that youre rightand that medication is working for him. You are doing such a wonderfuljob with him. I know how difficult it can be but it is so rewardingwhen they give you that "thank you" look or lick your hand or snuggleup to you.

I'll be keeping him (and you)in my prayers.
Well, I posted in the forum last week that Raphhad to go to the vet's cuz he wasn't feeling well. He's going forx-rays next week, but the good news is, his appetite has come back. :)He wasn't entirely off his food but didn't eat with the same enthusiasmas in the past, and wouldn't clean up his dish (highly unusual forhim). So we upped his pain meds and that seemed to help; he's now morealert again and has a healthy, eager appetite.

I wanted to post a few new pics of him, since my son is visiting and Igot to borrow the camera (yay!). Ignore the mess of my kitchen and thebunny cages (Anna's is especially trashed with hay and stuff)...I justtook the pics not long after getting up, and the rabbit cages are dueto be cleaned - bedding washed, etc. The kitchen...well, no excusethere...I'm just messy. ;)

Raph attempting to clean his face:


At home in his house (the black ball in the dish isn't bunny-made...it's a raisin ;)):


Eating in his *chair*:


PEE!!! He's been peeing on his own lately, a good sign (and in the meantime, Anna was desperately trying to steal Raph's food)


Another shot:


"I'm too sexy for my diapers...too sexy..."




And a close-up of Anna's face (she insisted):


I have to explain the *chair* that Raph is in. I wanted something forhim that would support his weight and get him off of his side,hopefully giving his muscles and internal organs a bit of relief. Notbeing able to find anything, I finally decided to make something on myown. Not that I'm a carpenter by any means...this thing turned outrather wonky, but it seems to do the trick. As you can probably tellfrom the pics, the sling itself needs to be replaced with somethingmore supportive...Raph winds up slumping in it at times, and is a bittoo low. But overall he seems to rather appreciate going in it; I'msure his acheing muscles do anyway.

Anyway, I didn't even realize it till after I took these pics, but it'sEaster today! So Happy Easter to all who read this thread...and maybeI'll post a couple in the main forum to wish everybody a more properEaster holiday. :bunnydance:
Happy Easter to you and your family (bunnies included, of course) :)

Seeing those pics of Raph just breaks my heart. He is such a beautifulboy and he's so lucky to have a mom as devoted and loving as you. Thechair is a wonderful idea to keep him stabilized. What a little fighterhe is (and such a trooper to wear the diapers).

God Bless you for doing so much for this special guy. Youre really wonderful :hug2:
aawww .... thanks Haley, though I think thereally wonderful one is Raph, for having to endure so much (includingAnna's opinion's on his attire ;)). He's a very special guy, and it'sall worth it to be his human slave.
And a very Happy Easter to you and yours too :).I know we all get excited when our rabbits poop properly, but I thinkwe should all be happy that Raph ,anaged to pee on his own too ;). Ilove how you took the time and effort to make him the chair so that heis more comfy - you are a great bunny mom!

And of course Anna insisted on her photo - she is beautiful, afterall :)

And of course Anna insisted on her photo - she is beautiful, afterall :)
And she knows it too! LOL

Raph had his x-rays taken last evening...not sure how they turned outthough. The first ones were a bit blurry (vet said he wouldn't stopsquirming), but so far as he can tell, the problem that Raph's beenhaving is what I originally expected...it's more to do with his spinethan his legs. Actually I'd thought it was both, but according to thevet, Raph's hind legs aren't as in bad a shape as we'd thought. He doeshave luxating patellas, but he should be able to still hop. Sothe problem seems to be originating in his spine. There were a coupleof spots toward his hip area where the vertebrae were deformed...atleast that's what the vet could make out in the first x-ray. He hadn'tlooked at the second one while I was there, as it was getting late andhe wanted to give it time to dry properly before looking at it. Thesecond one was a shot of Raph's upper region, so I will be curious tofind out what it reveals, as he's been having difficulty with hisshoulder area - extremely sensitive there, and he has muscle spasms iftouched a certain way in that area. The vet is supposed to call metoday to let me know.

All told, he was a pretty good little boy during the shoot...because ofthe position they needed him to be in, he was probably prettyuncomfortable, hence the squirming. I got to be in the room for thesecond x-ray, though I had to stand rather far back - behind thetechnician with the lead apron, as I didn't have one - and Raph was avery good boy during that one. They had to stretch him out and get himto lie perfectly still while he was on his back...no mean feat, evenfor a bunny without pain issues. So I'm proud of him! (LOL...I probablysounded like a worried mom when I was there...I kept saying, 'He likesto be scratched on the nose...just stroke him right there...Raph,you'll be okay, hang in there', etc.)

And hey, the vet even liked Raph's diaper...thought it was pretty cool, and apologized when he took it off of him...;)

Oh. How wonderful. I misseda bit of this, sorry;). I bet you are so proud ofhim. What a wonderful boy. I love thepics! I hope he continues to do better. This isgreat news. Let us know what the other xrays show.:pray:
I missed this! That chair isawesome. I bet it's helping a lot, to get him into adifferent position like that. Let us know when you hear aboutthe xrays. I still think your vet is an angel!
Raph is just so handsome :inlove:

I love that chair, what a lucky bunny to be so lovingly cared for :hug2:
Thanks everyone! :hug2:

My vet didn't call me yesterday, so I assume he got busy and/or forgot.I'll try and contact him on Monday to see what he says about the otherx-ray. :)

Well, I'm biased I guess, but I take one look at this face every day


and my heart melts all over again. He's such a treasure to have, and hecertainly teaches me a lot about patience and about handling what lifethrows our way with grace. I've just been blessed to have Raph comeinto my life. He's definitely my heart bunny.


Dear Raphael, I'm sending lots of groomingkisses. Your mom is a terrific lady. My momTreasuredFriend heard about you from naturestee.Please givemy mumtime to review all the postingsand photos of you!! I wish I could hop over and begin lickingyour forehead, Love from disabled Karla in Wisconsin

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