Peg's Lionhead thread / babies/ moms & more

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This next video is almost 9 minutes long and it is of Aggie's litter - they are 2 days younger than Sport's litter.

I'm sorry for getting on my soapbox about what to look for in a breeder and bunny....but I just couldn't seem to help myself that day. I didn't try that hard either.

The sport-marked tort rabbit IS a doe I think (I'll flip a coin just to verify that....(ONLY KIDDING)) she may very well stay here. She is just a lovey dovey little girl...

Oh Amy....I sure wish you were here to help me play with them and socialize them.

Robin (TinysSis) - I wish you were here too....we'd have so much fun w/ them on the bed....

Oh well...

I've got another video and more photos to upload in a few minutes...but here is a video of Genie (the sport-marked tort doe) and two other does...

Sorry for the large number of photos - but I couldn't figure out which ones to not share....know what I mean?

And another video too...

As you can tell - two of these three are really my favorites (so far) of the babies that have their eyes open...more babies are starting to open their eyes though so I now have MORE socializing to do...

Aw i love the black one and the one with the stripe down its back thats always the cuteset age i think when they are just really starting to get up to mischief:inlove:
Oh, Peg. I wish I was there to cuddle all those babies.

I sure do miss everyone there....bunnies, humans, doggies, and kitties.....but surely not those pink geckos outside of your house ;).
I am about 90% sure she is a girl at this point in time.

Why...when I flipped a coin - it even agreed with my guess!


Haley wrote:
Im so jealous of all these beautiful babies!

soo.... do you know if this is a girl??

These photos are especially for Amy - although everyone can enjoy them...

Amy - remember the garage babies...the youngest ones? Well - look at how they've grown....

Miss BigEars wouldn't let me do a photo of her and kept hiding behind her younger I'll have to do a photo of her later...


Edited to add: I'm going to separate them this week - I think the chestnut is a girl and the black is a buck. He's the one that lost one eye....well - its still there just he is partly blind....

I wish you could see just how fluffy they are!


No new pics yet of your little friend - may take some later tonight or most likely tomorrow. I need to check her again too to see if she's a doe...she's coming out of her shell some and that is good.

I wish you could see Sport's babies...oh my goodness. I need to take some photos. The harlequin has a snip of white on its nose...not as much as mama but still yet - some. So does another tort if I remember right.

They're jumping out of their cage (which is on the floor inside a NIC x-pen. So now they're coming out onto the floor and some of them (one for sure) had learned it can get OUT the NIC holes and into the rabbitry. Two others have learned that they can jump back through the bars into the back of the cage if they don't want to get caught....I dread the day they become too big.

And the cutest thing of all - one of them takes off from the back of the cage at a run....jumps the 2" high flashing barrier in the front of the cage and lands outside.

Only problem is....once it landed on mama's tummy as she was sleeping. I noticed baby scampered away pretty quickly after that.

I do need to take photos of my favorites though...Genie is still a favorite as is Carmelita (the broken tort one in the video that I hadn't named at the time)....

WOW :shock:! I miss her so much. She was my little cuddle bunny.

Look at her then....



Well - I guess it is time to share with the board about Faith.

First the photos - then the story about how we got her...

Faith last Thursday (7/19 I think):

She weighed 10 ounces.

Here she is can click on all the photos to see them larger (in another window I think)

She weighed 20 ounces earlier today.

Now for Faith's story......

Last Thursday we were at the feed store (I really do need to ask him to deliver feed to save me from temptation) when a woman dropped by with this teeny tiny kitten. As it turns out, the woman feeds feral cats out where she lives and one of them brought her kitten up to the woman's house or porch or something and dropped the kitten off. Both the mama and the kitten were VERY malnourished (in spite of the woman's attempts to help the feral cats).

Well - upon first getting the kitten, the woman went to the vet and bought eye cream for it and a can of food. From what I learned the next day at the vet's...she ran in with the kitten and tried to get them to take it...but they wouldn't. So she did the next best thing....she went to the feed store where "sucker" Peg was....along with my adorable (animal-loving and very compassionate daughter Robin (even a bigger sucker)) and the biggest sucker of all - Art.

Needless to say - Faith came home with us.

The lady was like, "She can't be more than a couple of months old..." when we asked her how old the kitten was (not knowing the full story). Robin and I sort of looked at each other and went "uh huh...more like maybe a month old?"...

So Friday morning saw us off to the vet to get her checked over because some folks told us she might have a URI (upper respiratory infection). She did.

The vet didn't do bloodwork or anything as he said she needed to keep all of the blood she had in her for now....but he gave us meds for her and we left the clinic $58 poorer but knowing we had formula for the kitten along with meds and her vet visit.

Let me tell you something I learned. A malnourished kitten can become VERY VERY playful once they have some food and formula in their tummy, some time to sleep, and a few toys. Faith has taught us that much.

I'm still trying to figure out how Faith made it into the guinea pig cage tonight since I deliberately moved the item she'd jump on from Robin's bed - and then use to jump into the cage. However she does it....she's very much fascinated with the guinea pigs.

I'm sure that y'all will be seeing more photos of Faith in the days and weeks to come.....along with some of Robin too!


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