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I just wanted to say that Iam so excited that you are going to Nationals. It doesn't look like mydad is going to take me.:( I hope lots of pictures come back.


P.S. You should breed magpie. Then I would have to come and kidnap them(magpie and harlequin are my favorite colors followed closely by solidblack. ^.^)!
I am bawlng my eyes out right now and I have to share something with y'all.

In one of my first four litters of rabbits here, I had a doe that Iwound up naming Ainsley. She was a sable point doe and I loved herdearly. She had the cutest personality - she was a doe that liked to becaged (vs. having free time) but she HAD to have her cage on an end andnot on the middle of a row. I'll never forget one time we wererearranging the rabbitry and Art put her cage in between two others andI said, "Ainsley won't like that" and he was like, "She'll befine..". Within five minutes or so she was just tearingaround her cage and frantic. I looked at him and he moved her - and shesettled down and went to sleep once she was on the end of the row. Ithink maybe she was claustophobic.

I lost Ainsley last fall very suddenly. It was a total shock - a realdevastation to me - as I had sold her offspring and had nothing fromher anymore...

Well, this little girl - is Ainsley's granddaughter. Her mother, ElRey's Dallas, was sold to Kelly last year at Nationals...and so now -I'll have one of Ainsley's offspring living here again.

I wish I could explain how I am feeling - how joyful I am about this -and yet how much I'm crying for Ainsley too. She died when Robin washome and Robin was there with me when she died - we'd gone out shoppingone afternoon and she appeared to be fine - we got home and she had hernose in the air and was breathing funny and she was gone within 15minutes. I think she held on so I could be with her at the end...

At first I wouldn't let Art & Robin take her to bury her - Ijust wanted to hold her and cry. It was so unfair.....I was so angry -at Ainsley for leaving me - at God for taking her - at Art &Robin for having the audacity to bury her.

Now - in a way - I'll have a part of her back.

Thanks for letting me bawl and share this with y'all.


TinysMom wrote:
I gotsome updated photos today of bunnies I'm bringing home from Nationals.I thought I'd share them with you here.

These are from Buffalo Creek Farms..

Blue doe then:

Blue doe now:

Looks like we'll be eating beans and rice duringthe first part of June as I pay for her...and the little blue doe whoisn't as cute but will be a sweetie too...


TinysMom wrote:
Finally, I haven't yetfigured out how long I can eat beans and rice to get her - but I amconsidering this little gal and a blue doe - both from Kelly of BuffaloCreek Farms. This little gal carries chocolate...

Aren't they just cuties??

It's been a LONG 24 hours...and very sad. Forthose who don't know - it looks like we won't be going to Nationalsthis year. The van is having problems with the electrical system andalthough Art fought hard to get it ain't gonna happen. sweeties are NOT up for grabs. I'm still making arrangementsbut I think that they are going to get a ride to Abilene, TX and wewill pick them up there from a breeder heading back home to New Mexico.(It helps that she wants her two bunnies she's buying from me).

We're going to rent a small car (only need 2 carriers probably) and go up to meet her on her way home.

WOO HOO! I'm so excited...I want to see my babies so bad.

By the way, I just wanted to share that I'm really and truly ok with this. Here are some things I've been thinking about:

a. The van is broken down here - in our own town. We're notstranded by the side of the road with hot weather and a vanload ofbunnies.

b. I get to spend the weekend with my daughter- who had come down to help take care of bunnies.

c. When my son comes down on Saturday or Sunday to pick herup (and have the car worked on) - we'll get to see him AND go see amovie together..

So yeah - this turned out pretty well!


Wow...what a strange turn of events.But, yeah, happy the van broke down NOW and not on the way there, orwhile you guys are out-of-town, thereby possibly stranding you guysthere for a few days (or worse). Good that it happened now.

And...good that you guys were able to figure out a way to get your babies! :D

So, though you're not going to have the week you intended, it's alsonice to hear that there were unexpected benefits, such as time withyour kids, and still being able to get your buns. :)


Just have to share...

We will be renting a car tomorrow morning and leaving for Amarillo, TXwhere we will pick up my new babies tomorrow night. Another breeder wholives in NM will be passing through and we're going to meet up with herand get our sweeties...and give her the ones she had bought.

I'm so excited.

Lisa said its a good thing I'm such a good friend - she would have been tempted to keep some of my girls...

So we will leave at 9 am tomorrow and I'll be back online againsometime on Tuesday night...unless I accidentally leave my web browseropen.

Ever heard the saying, "Man plans...God rearranges" or something like that?

Looks like we're going to New Mexico this weekend to pick up my babies. I'm so ready to cry right now.

There are flash flood warnings all the way from here to Amarillo. Sincewe'd be taking back roads that we don't really know - with an unknowncar (rental) and we don't know where the flood areas are, etc. ~ wedecided to call Kate and see if we could just pick them up from her inNM this weekend.

I'm either going to Los Alamos or Albequerque (sp)....

But first..I'm going back to bed for more sleep - and to cry.


undergunfire wrote:
Good luck on your journey to get your new babies, Peg! :D

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
I was going through some old photos and found these. I just had to share them.

First of all though - the "backstory".

In October of 2005, I thought that Tiny was lonely and "needed" agirlfriend his own size. A breeder was trying to rehome Beatrice and weadopted her. She was a french lop doe.

Talk about a match NOT made in heaven. Tiny hated her. She hated him.They resented each other and it was not a good decision at all.

She wound up living in the rabbitry in Tiny's old cage and Tiny becamea free-roaming bunny in the house (or maybe he had been that already).They alternated playtimes outside and even if both were in our hugeyard together - if one saw the other across the yard - you could counton having problems.

A few months later, someone was here to pick up lionheads and fell inlove with her. The woman's husband said, "no" to taking her - eventhough we would have given her to them for free. We just wanted her tohave a good home. Turns out - I think it was one or two weekends laterthat he drove five hours one way just to come and get her afterall....and she went to an awesome home where she just bloomed and wasso happy.

But during the time we had her - we had some litters born - and one ofthe babies from that litter liked to sneak in and be with Beatriceduring her locked up time. His name was Jacques and he would crawl inbetween the cage bars and be with her.

She loved him dearly - as did I. He was a runt and he was not the mosthealthy - and he would come out and nibble on my toes at the computerif it was past his feeding time for his supplements. Just talk aboutpersonality.

About 4 days after this photo was taken - he passed away suddenly during the night....

But I still have these photos to remember him by...

To get a better view of them - click on them to enlarge them.He is in the top left corner - snuggled under her chin almost..


Those pictures are so sweet :)

And I'm also glad you have a part of Ainsley back with you too (this is the first time I have looked at your blog).
I'm going awwwwwww, ohhhhhhhhh.....ahhhh! Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww..... hahaha Those babies are just..... *BIG SIGH* :D
I can't believe just HOW excited I am at gettingthis baby that is Ainsley's granddaughter. It somehow just feels"right" that she comes home....

The funny thing is - if I remember right - Kelly owns Ainsley' when she got the kits from Ainsley...she was excitedtoo...last year.

I'm sure you can understand how I feel because of the rabbit you lost.

By the way, I was going through my pedigrees the other day and realizedone of my does is from Ainsley....but she doesn't act at all like hermom or really look like her- yet when I look at this kit - I feel likeI recognize her from her eyes and face..


Flashy wrote:
Those pictures are so sweet :)

And I'm also glad you have a part of Ainsley back with you too (this is the first time I have looked at your blog).

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