I am bawlng my eyes out right now and I have to share something with y'all.
In one of my first four litters of rabbits here, I had a doe that Iwound up naming Ainsley. She was a sable point doe and I loved herdearly. She had the cutest personality - she was a doe that liked to becaged (vs. having free time) but she HAD to have her cage on an end andnot on the middle of a row. I'll never forget one time we wererearranging the rabbitry and Art put her cage in between two others andI said, "Ainsley won't like that" and he was like, "She'll befine..". Within five minutes or so she was just tearingaround her cage and frantic. I looked at him and he moved her - and shesettled down and went to sleep once she was on the end of the row. Ithink maybe she was claustophobic.
I lost Ainsley last fall very suddenly. It was a total shock - a realdevastation to me - as I had sold her offspring and had nothing fromher anymore...
Well, this little girl - is Ainsley's granddaughter. Her mother, ElRey's Dallas, was sold to Kelly last year at Nationals...and so now -I'll have one of Ainsley's offspring living here again.
I wish I could explain how I am feeling - how joyful I am about this -and yet how much I'm crying for Ainsley too. She died when Robin washome and Robin was there with me when she died - we'd gone out shoppingone afternoon and she appeared to be fine - we got home and she had hernose in the air and was breathing funny and she was gone within 15minutes. I think she held on so I could be with her at the end...
At first I wouldn't let Art & Robin take her to bury her - Ijust wanted to hold her and cry. It was so unfair.....I was so angry -at Ainsley for leaving me - at God for taking her - at Art &Robin for having the audacity to bury her.
Now - in a way - I'll have a part of her back.
Thanks for letting me bawl and share this with y'all.
TinysMom wrote:
I gotsome updated photos today of bunnies I'm bringing home from Nationals.I thought I'd share them with you here.
These are from Buffalo Creek Farms..
Blue doe then:
Blue doe now: