Tiny & Bun Jovi...hmm...may see what I can do on that later this week.
Do we have any more baby buns???? Can I cry?
Well - those are a start for how I feel right now.
As many of you may remember - I have does that live together on the floor of the rabbitry. They usually get along just fine and so things go great.
Well - I broke my own rule last month when I put Marmalade in a bottom cage. I only put bucks at higher levels - but I was out of space for him in there other than the bottom cage and I didn't want to put him in the garage.
One day I went in and found that Aggie had let herself in his cage. (What I didn't know was that apparently Sundae had paid him a visit too). So we have 8 babies from those two mamas....
But a few days later - he got let out of his cage. I thought he was only out for about 15 minutes or so because I'd been in there to let the dog out and then came in a few minutes later and his cage door was open. Maybe I was wrong...maybe he was out longer...
'Cause we're just now finding out how many does a young energetic buck can "play" with during an escape.
So yeah....I have more babies....and I'm waiting for what I hope will be the last of the does to deliver.
Fortunately, they'll all be chocolate carriers.
Ok...now I'm going back to :bigtears::laugh:
P.S. He is now out in the garage anyway! As are a bunch of other bucks....
EDITED TO ADD: I didn't want him in the garage 'cause I didn't want him to go sterile over the summer due to the heat. Now .... let's just say I threatened him with losing certain parts if he ever did this again. At least he can't get to any does in the garage...
polly wrote:
Hi Peg, i know you are really busy but if you have a spare 5 mins can i have a tiny pic and abunjovi pic. I am getting withdrawl symptoms at not seeing them

Have you had any more baby buns?