Peg's Lionhead thread / babies/ moms & more

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Well, I have pics - but they aren't of bunnies....

here goes...

(I'll try to share more of bunnies later this week - I hope to be able to rehome (sell) the weanlings this coming week....and I want more photos before they go).

One tired her grampy's arms....

Looking cute on grammy's desk (she's Robin's cat)

and what tires her out? Hunting mice of course...

She spends most of her time in the rabbitry if she can...

Haley wrote:

Any more pics, Peg? How is everyone?
I forgot, but did the babies with the missing ears make it? Wasn't there some without legs?

I would love to see pictures of them.

Was there any babies with a stripe or anything down their face? White feet? I would love pictures of them too, hehe.

We did have some that were injured by their mom shortly after birth and I did share about them with a few people - yes. However, they were not born that way. They passed away shortly after being hurt by their mom (who later on turned out to be ill herself) and she's been fighting (and winning) wry neck.

Its been very very hectic here - but I know y'all will want to see baby pictures.

First the backstory on these babies. They've been in four larger cages but we decided to let them loose to play for a bit for the last 48 hours or so. So they have one cage and a 3' X 8' pen area to play in. They love to run and play and binky and have a blast together.

They probably will get put in cages again tomorrow or the next day....but this gave us a chance to sit on the floor with them and play with them and.....take pictures of them.

Haley, you will see a couple of photos of the Tumnus look-alike and I have a few photos in here I think (I took 70 photos in one sitting tonight) of 2 creamish ones that are really funky looking. I need to take better photos of them too.

There is one photo in here of a blue (I think) lionhead. He is Gandalf - I shared a picture of him a couple of pages back when I wasn't sure if he'd make it or not....well ... he has made it. I'm pretty proud of him. His mom is "Princess Cordelia" (she got the Princess name when she and Pow Wow both had wry neck and they were in side by side pens). She lives in our bedroom right now and is sooooo spoiled and has such an attitude. You almost wouldn't know she'd had wry neck....almost. Anyway - he has her mannerisms and looks so much like her in some of his expressions....I can't get over it.

Its probably a good thing Amy isn't here right now....she'd be in the middle of them most of the time playing with them all and they'd be spoiled TOTALLY rotten. Instead, only a few favorites are getting spoiled rotten....

The neat thing is that all but one of these babies carry the gene for the chocolate color. So, I'm trying to decide who (if any) to keep. A couple of them (particularly a blue tort that is one of the photos - I took a photo of him through the bars sleeping just inside the cage) are really nice as far as body type and ear size and stuff like that.

And so ... with no further ado....the pictures...

The top one is one of the two funky looking ones....the second one down is the blue tort that I think has show potential....the third one is the Tumnus look alike.

The top one is actually pretty friendly and a real ham...


JadeIcing wrote:
I want these three.

TinysMom wrote:
One bad thing about having a rabbitry - is the extra work it takes to keep it clean.

Some days....after cleaning just feel like you haven't accomplished anything...

Maybe this video will explain it...

That bucket is filled with the droppings from the cages and from the floor being swept....(LOTS and LOTS of cages).

That was just sooo funny! She was determined to dig to China. And the rabbit in the door just sitting there...."Mom! Look at what she's doing!!"
I just got done feeding the rabbitry. Normally that doe is one of the earlier ones to come eat - but not the first.

Well tonight she came running up to me and it was like, "Mama...I'm SOOO hungry....I worked up an appetite...can you HURRY UP and feed me??"

It was hilarious....and she seemed very proud of herself too...

I must not ever look through Peg's baby pics ever again!!!!! NO MORE BUNNIES - especially no furry little cute lionhead babies named Gandolf...... or any other name........

Robin was playing with my camera today and took some photos from around here...

My guy!

Maybe I shoulda named him Spock?

Sam - Art's cat...

Ditsy Mitzi - a manx

Faith aka "Trouble" - my how much she's grown. She was 10 ounces when we got her - she's now 3 pounds and 12 ounces and almost all lean muscle..

We used to call Mitzi "bunny butt" before we got bunnies (due to her Manx tail). I think she took it to heart....

Seriously though - some of my rabbits have bigger tails than she does!

This is just a few out of the 55 or so Robin took...


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