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Wow that is a really tiny kitten its kinda weird to see a piggie bigger than a kitten. I am sure it will do well now its got such a good home:D
Faith has only been here for 8 days and I've already figured out her middle name....its TROUBLE...with a capital T and capital every other letter too.

She's learned her way out of Robin's room - so I go and put her in Robin's room and if I don't shut the door and she wants to be with "Grammy" - she takes off running to beat me back into the living room. Then she sits and grooms herself and waits for me to walk by so she can reach out and grab me with her claws. Then she jumps up on me (or climbs up on me) and starts jumping on the desk and messing with things and heaven help me if I'm typing 'cause she HAS to be in on that.

She loves watching some of the rabbits and she has an extreme fascination with the guinea pigs. I think we're going to have to put a cover on them.

We used to find her sleeping in there now here is what is starting to happen (btw - this morning when Robin woke up - the piggies had her cornered or something so she couldn't get out of the cage and she couldn't get off the igloo or something like that).

ARG - photobucket is giving me fits - I'll share the video in a bit...

I'm so wiped out - we went up to see Eric today & show him Faith and just sort of have a birthday celebration as the kids turn 23 next week (yes - they're twins).

Anyway - when I went to wake Robin up this morning - Faith was in the guinea pig cage again.....and tonight after she came home from the trip - she went back in the cage and settled down for a nap.

I don't understand - Robin thinks she likes the bedding...or maybe the socialization of being with other animals?

All I know is somehow - the piggies and her seem to have made some sort of peace about the situation and I think she's now an "honorary piggie"..


If only Miss Bea and Popcorn and Tiny and some of the others felt that way - she could be an "honorary bunny" too!

Oh well...

That's life in Lionhead Land...

TinysMom wrote:
Anyway - when I went to wake Robin up this morning - Faith was in the guinea pig cage again.....and tonight after she came home from the trip - she went back in the cage and settled down for a nap.

I don't understand - Robin thinks she likes the bedding...or maybe the socialization of being with other animals?

All I know is somehow - the piggies and her seem to have made some sort of peace about the situation and I think she's now an "honorary piggie"..

Hehehehe. This is hilarious to me :biggrin2:! My piggies are so cuteeee.
We are getting so excited about the pigs coming here. We are discussing where there cage will be.

undergunfire wrote:
TinysMom wrote:
Anyway - when I went to wake Robin up this morning - Faith was in the guinea pig cage again.....and tonight after she came home from the trip - she went back in the cage and settled down for a nap.

I don't understand - Robin thinks she likes the bedding...or maybe the socialization of being with other animals?

All I know is somehow - the piggies and her seem to have made some sort of peace about the situation and I think she's now an "honorary piggie"..

Hehehehe. This is hilarious to me :biggrin2:! My piggies are so cuteeee.
You will enjoy having them there, Alicia :).

It reminds me, I need to start researching about flying the piggies. Work and not feeling well right now has me sleeping a lot....and I am still stressing over the poor little loose bunnies.

undergunfire wrote:
You will enjoy having them there, Alicia :).

It reminds me, I need to start researching about flying the piggies. Work and not feeling well right now has me sleeping a lot....and I am still stressing over the poor little loose bunnies.
I just remembered about the health certificates for the much is that going to be?

Amy...will you be able to pay for that before your buns get shipped to me in about a month?
maherwoman wrote:
I just remembered about the health certificates for the much is that going to be?

Amy...will you be able to pay for that before your buns get shipped to me in about a month?

Yes, I can pay for it. I think what Peg was going to try to do was a group vet maybe she can get a discount for the multiple bunnies...then we can figuer out the price from there. If not, then I can pay for my bun's vet checks.

It's going to be hard though, as I have to pay for Morgan's vet check and flight home, plus gas to get to the airport as well. I really don't make a lot of money and have sooooo much stuff to pay for in the next 4 months it seems like.

I wish I knew how much money I was looking at here, so I can start planning it all out ahead of time.
Its hard to give prices here because I might call the vet and get a price today (for the vet I want to use) and then get another price a week from now 'cause he forgot what he quoted me. However, he's the cheapest vet around for stuff like this....and really a nice guy. I don't want to have to drive to Uvalde to see the vet for this.

I'm thinking he told me before that it would be $30 for the office visit plus $10 for the certificate and he would put as many bunnies on the certificate as he could fit. However, each shipment needs its own I'm not sure if we're looking at $30 for the visit plus $10 for the rabbit going to Amy plus $10 for the rabbits to Rosie plus $10 for the piggies to Alicia - and I don't even know what piggies need in order to be able to fly.

Right now I'm just really really busy - I had to go and start mystery shopping again - didn't I? Darn it - I never realized just how busy I would be between shopping, submitting reports, and of course...looking for MORE shops. No - it isn't a full time job or anything like that - but it does take time right now to get back in the groove. (A neat thing is - I came across mystery shops for vets in San Antonio....pays for the report plus up to $100 for the vet visit. Only bad thing....its for cats and dogs only...otherwise I'd get some bunnies neutered or whatever...).

Anyway - my point is....I just don't have a lot of time for research right now - maybe after the second week of August I'll have more time.

The biggest problem will be coordinating all the flight times. You see - I can only take them to the airport TWO hours ahead of time. So let's say that Rosie's bunnies leave at 11 am .... Amy's leaves at 3 pm and the piggies head off to Alicia at 5 pm. That means I have to go to the cargo place at 9 am....then keep bunnies in the car till 1 pm....and then take the final load of animals at 3 pm. In other words - thats a lot of time to keep animals cool in the car...know what I mean? So we're going to all have to work together to coordinate that if possible. From what I read on the websites, the airlines are pretty strict about the two hours too - I can't just drop them all off at the earliest time...

Anyway - give me a bit of time and I'll try to do more research. The gas will probably be about $50 (depending upon price of gas) to get to the airport and back home....I figured we'd wind up paying that as I may have another shipment going out the same day if we can work things out. I'm even thinking about arranging to do some shops and maybe even stay in San Antonio overnight if I can get a hotel mystery shop and some good "dinner out" type shops.

Well - Art will be home soon and we have a late night date (aka mystery shop) so I need to review my paperwork so I do it correctly. The neat thing is....with this company - I should have my money by the middle of August...hopefully in time to do another shop?

Oh Peg, youre such a wonderful person. Not many people would give so much of themselves to help others in need.

I hope you know how much we all love you. Youre the best :kiss:

PS. If the flight times are a problem, maybe MyLoki could help? Shes in SA, right??
Nope - she's not in SA anymore....she's moved back home.

Well - I'm off in a minute - now to decide for our late night dinner - do I want taco salad - or the shrimp basket again? Decisions....decisions....I think both are the same price...


P.S. BTW - we think the little baby that looks like Tumnus - is a girl.....

Now to flip a coin and see how right we are....

Haley wrote:
Oh Peg, youre such a wonderful person. Not many people would give so much of themselves to help others in need.

I hope you know how much we all love you. Youre the best :kiss:

PS. If the flight times are a problem, maybe MyLoki could help? Shes in SA, right??
Oh BOO! I've always wanted to help with transports and temporary fosters, but I've always been too far away. Now I get my chance and I'm futher away still. I moved 4 hrs south of SA in May! :grumpy:


Haley wrote:
PS. If the flight times are a problem, maybe MyLoki could help? Shes in SA, right??
As I said and Rob agrees. Send them when ever is best for you. We are ready when is best from you. The airport is 20minutes from us. Towards my moms. So we will make a day out of it.
WARNING: This next blog entry is NOT about lionheads. Its about some things happening here and I'm writing it to make folks smile. I hope you enjoy the stories more than I enjoyed them when I was actually living them (and as much as I can enjoy laughing about them now).

First of all - as many of you know - I've decided to start mystery shopping again. One of the KEY aspects of being a mystery shopper is the ability to be OBSERVANT and attentive to detail. Normally I am like this....

But lately....well...let me just share the stories. Then I'm going to bed for I hope a nice LONG sleep....and will wake up more refreshed.

First of all - Art & I went out the other night for a "date night" at one of our favorite pancake houses. It was great...good meal....service wasn't the best but it wasn't I go to enter my report and go "OOOPS...".

We went at 10:30 pm....and got home around 11:30 pm. Well guess what....we had to be there after 11:30 pm!

Fortunately I had a window of time to do the shop in - so tonight we had another date...this time during the correct time frame.

Needless to say, I didn't turn in a report for the last time we went there - that was on us....this one we'll get paid for. today I had 7 assignments lined up. Two were here in our town while five were in another town about 60 miles away...

I took Robin with me to be my navigator because even though I had everything sort of mapped out....I am not familiar with the town at all. I sure am glad I didn't pick up the five gas station shops I'd thought of ..... I'd still be driving around lost.

BTW - Art's "big boss" at work grew up in that town...and he still gets I don't feel so bad.

So we do our two shops here. Both are fast food....and at the second one, when I placed my breakfast order - I didn't realize there were jalapenos in it (I had my choice of certain items to order). I'm glad I ate it there instead of trying to drive down the road with my eyes full of tears! Next time I'll read the menu better to see what is in certain items - or better yet - I'll just avoid that item altogether!

The worst thing is - I've seen the ads for this item - just hadn't thought about them. (Does that say something about their advertising??).

So we drive down to the other town and find the mall. Good - one of my shops is in the mall....Robin goes to look for a bookstore while I go to do my shop. That goes well - no bookstores though (which shocked me).

From there we leave the mall and go across the street to Walmart and then notice that they're either putting up letters or taking down letters for a Kohl's store....

We decide to go ahead and get another fast food shop done since it has to be done before a set time and we're not sure of the area. So off we go to order our food (same restaurant as where I got the jalapenos). AHA...this time I KNOW to stay away from that product.

Now the instructions are pretty specific on the number of items I have to order. I need an entree, a side dish and a drink. I think to myself, "Aha....combo meal...that will make it easy".

So I order a combo meal of one of my favorites....which has grilled chicken and is in a burrito shell.

Guess what? That combo doesn't come with a side order.

Now what do we do? We have the rest of the analysis done....

So I decide we want to order more (after they've left and we have the food). So we order something else and restart the clock for timings, etc. (This is allowed if you've made a mistake - you just do it over again during the time frame you're allowed).

Hmm...mystery shoppers are supposed to be OBSERVANT...right?

Oh - but it gets better. We for our next shop which for some strange reason seems to be clear across we go across town.

Only guess what...there is a train - a VERY LONG train - in our way. Not only that - but when it winds up stopping - its still blocking two roads.

So we detour and finally find a gas station where we can buy a map. While I'm there - I ask for the directions to the store I'm looking for..

Can you guess where it is?

Back where the Kohl's was.....

We've lost about 30 minutes of our day and gone about 2 or 3 miles out of our way.

So I go to the store where I'm looking for a new refrigerator....and what do I see on the floor?

I kid you not - I see two 4" long COCKROACHES walking around.

So does the clerk - only she has to not let on that she's seen them so that she doesn't draw MY attention to them. She also has to try to focus on selling me a frig......

Well - sometimes I wish I wasn't quite so observant.

From there we have two more shops left to do. One is a fast food place (yummy chicken and the biscuit was to die for) and another one is a cell phone shop.

Now mind you - by this time we've tasted (and mostly eaten) food from three different fast food places....and we're stuffed.

The cell phone shop is closer to home....but we just can't stomach fast food again...yet.

So we go to the cell phone shop - only to realize that we have to backtrack not just a "little ways" - but about 3 miles back to the fast food shop.


So I go in and order and everything goes right - except for the fact that I really don't want to eat another thing right now. I still do take some bites out of stuff and drink some of the soda. I wrap up the 2nd piece of chicken to bring it home to Art.

We start driving home and a policeman gets behind us. Meanwhile we're laughing and joking about all the food we've had and stuff and Robin starts laughing about what it would be like if we had a food fight and the policeman pulled us over. She's going, "No officer...really...I'm using this coffee as a conditioner for my hair. The sweetner in it helps give it body.." and "Oh is a klutz....she likes to wear ketchup on her clothes and gets it on her all the time" and I wind up saying "Yes officer.....Robin has jalapenos up her nose 'cause she has nasal problems and they help to clean her sinuses.." and we're laughing so hard that I have tears coming to my eyes and I'm about to HAVE to pull off the road. All i can think of is, "we've got to stop joking or he IS going to pull me over...".

Well, at least I was very observant on most of the shops....and was able to make up for any mistakes and have a "do-over" without getting noticed.

Robin and I were laughing about all the driving we did....the train that kept us waiting for the longest time and then STOPPED...the people we encountered...even the cockroaches.

Oh - and tonight - after swearing all day I didn't want ANY more food to eat....Art & I redid our shop at the pancake house. In fact...I'm about to do the paperwork...

I sure am glad I remembered to write down the name of the waitress!

As I told Art & Robin - even counting our gas to go down to the other town and back...I still made as much in 8 hours with her (cleared as much) as I would have made working at one of our stores here in town for 8 hours. So it wasn't a bad trade-off - and if nothing else - Robin and I didn't go hungry!

But the memories we those are priceless.....worth even more than the paychecks (but hey - I'll take those too!


P.S. For those who are wondering - here is what I made:

Local shops:

Fast food place one - $7.50 plus up to $14 reimbursement for food
Fast food place two - $5 + up to $5 reimbursement

The other town:

Department store shop - $10.00
Fast food shop one - $5 + up to $5 reimbursement
Home appliance shop - $15
Cellular Phone shop - $25
Fast food place two - $12 + up to $7 reimbursement

Total: $79.50 + my reimbursements

(I hope to go to that town one day per month along with another town one day per month - but I know the other town much better. I was doing some of these shops as "favors" for schedulers - and usually when you do this and they know you'll do stuff like this for them...they tend to give you first pick of their shops from then on...).

Also - I'm sharing this cause some folks had PM'd me about shopping and asked me more about it - and it saves me from copying and pasting everything several times.

Oh - and I don't have ANY mystery shops for Thursday - HALLELUJAH. I think I need some shops for exercise places and gyms after all these other food shops I've had!
Well - today I did my last two shops that were scheduled so far....oops...scratch that - I remember I just picked up two for this week when I have to go to another town for a drug is at a fast food place...yum yum.

I've earned $350 PLUS reimbursements so far....I think I have that right. That might already include about $20 of reimbursements - I need to think about that. Still yet - got my first direct deposit on Friday of $47.80 for 3 shops I did in July...woo hoo!

But enough about that....I know y'all want to see pictures of BABIES....right? goes...

First for Haley...she's gonna be a poofball - uh - I mean - teddy style...

I haven't had much time to socialize her - I think she may be shy but then again - she could surprise me. I'm going to try to take time this week to really get to know her and others better..

Now for Gandalf - I didn't think he'd make it - but he did (I shared photos of him a bit ago)..

Now for Gingersnap (if I keep her that is) - She reminds us of GingerSpice although GingerSpice had more white on her nose..

That is Robin holding her - not me..

Here's Harlie - he's from Sport and you can't see it - but he has white on the tip of his nose (so does his sister GingerSnap - its almost the same size too)..

and finally - one of my favorites.....Jeannie....she's from can't see it really well but her mane is coming in SO nice..

I am considering keeping Jeannie and Harlie to start a new line of Harlies...but they also could wind up giving me blue eyed whites since both carry the vienna gene...

Hope you enjoy the photos - I forgot to get ones of bad!

Shes just beautiful Peg! We're going to try some bonding with Nigel and Basil and Max and if its a no go we definitely are interested. The tort is beautiful as well! Do you ever breed fawns (or is that the same as tort)? They are so pretty too!

Also, how are you liking your new camera? Im looking for one and Im considering a Nikon Coolpix, which is what you have right?
Wow Peg you sure got a handful there. I am sure he had a blast making babies too.

I just love your lionheads and the lionlops. I miss Linus, Jenniblu has him.

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