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AHHH! So much cuteness! I can't stand it. I'monly one week away from meeting you Peg and having Lily in my arms! Itcan't come soon enough.

Those were soooo funny, Peg!! :D

I just loved watching those lop ears bouncing around, and all the HUGEbinkies they were doing across the yard from you!! What asight!!

I have to admit...I'm slightly envious of your'sGORGEOUS!! And they looked like they were having SOOO muchfun, too! :)

Too funny...what a joy to watch...:)

Oh, and believe me, I can't take ANYmore buns at this point.There's just no way...I very literally wouldn't have the space at thispoint. With the Boys, I have a cage for them to be in if theydon't bond altogether as a group of six. And the Girls havetheir cage space, as well. But space for another group, Ijust do not have.

So...the boys are absolutely it for my herd until we get a house...then WATCH OUT!! :D

I think it's funny when I tell my friends about my new babies, andevery one of them remarks that my bunnies are multiplying.Hehe!!

maherwoman wrote:
I think it's funny when I tell my friends about my newbabies, and every one of them remarks that my bunnies aremultiplying. Hehe!!
Yes, my favorite joke around here is how even spayed/neutered bunnies can multiply! ;)
Well, it looks like Slade, my magpie buck isgoing to be staying here after all. Something has come up and he's notmaking the trip to Nationals...

So now I come back I breed magpies?


I need a place to whine and complain right now - so I'm going to use this space. Pardon me for dumping on y'all.

I was working with the lionheads to get them ready for Nationals - I'mreally really behind on getting them used to being handled so I wasreally trying to work with several of them.

As i worked with my blue doe - I realized that she has more wool on herears than is allowed. She is just at the max weight (2 ounces under)and her ears are just at the max length. She was one of the mainreasons I was going to the show - she has an awesome mane and I thoughtif she placed well - it would help with selling her offspring.

On top of that - her temperament is such that I don't think she'd likegoing to the show. She is just really skittish (she's also wanting tobreed NOW)...

So - rather than take her to the show and risk her catching somethingthere (which is always possible), I've decided to leave her home.

I can handle that.

Then I started working with my little doe that is so gorgeous and foundsome "extra" parts. I checked the cage mate and realized - I'd movedthe bucks and the the doe I had been sitting at my deskadmiring - is a buck...and the buck that I thought was turning outbetter than I'd originally a doe. Ok - I can handle that.

Then I go to look at a litter that I might take to sell. When I did thebreeding, I knew that there was a chance that dad might throw bad teethas his mother did (I have his half brother) but he had NEVER EVERthrown bad teeth for me before. Several of my rabbits have him in theirpedigrees. The doe is out of very nice lines- her name is Pow Wow andshe has just the prettiest face.

Well..turns out that one has one bad tooth (malocclusion) - and thesecond one looks like the jaw could be heading that way for bad teeth.

This means two more bunnies I'll be keeping to care for. If the onethat has the one bad tooth clears up after a trimming - I can let himgo to a pet home....his uncle needed his teeth trimmed for a bit andthen suddenly they cleared up when he was done growing.

But this means that I need to retire Pow Wow (who I was really planningon using for my breeding program). Now I find myself Itake her to Nationals and try to sell her as a pet? I don't want anyonebreeding her. Do I be selfish and keep her for myself? No matter what -she will not be bred anymore....and some of my other girls that I'dhoped to use won't be bred either.

So its not been a good night/morning here....I think I'll go cry andget some sleep and finish working on rabbits tomorrow (only to startworking with them again so they can get lots of handling).

I guess I'm just sick at heart about my blue doe. She's fine forbreeding - but if she's shown she will most likely get disqualified(even though she did ok at our local shows).


P.S. I still have three or four that I hope place well at the show.
Yeah. Art & I went out for breakfast and talked...that helped.

Oh - and Lisa said, "I'd bring her to the show anyway (blue doe) - she may do better than you think and kick some butt...".

So maybe I'll continue working with her then to get her to go..


JadeIcing wrote:
:(Sounds like one of those days where you just need to kick something.
I'm so sorry you had a rough day. That kind ofthing seems to be going around lately! BTW, you can't keep talkingabout this gorgeous blue doe without any pictures!
Aww...and you and I had such a nice conversation, too...:(

I hate hearing that someone has a horrible time after we finish talking. :(

Lisa may be may be worth a shot...ya never know!Is there any penalty to you or your future breeding/selling/showing ifshe gets disqualified? If not, then I would take her, and gofor it! :)

Wow...and the gender fairy struck TWICE! :shock:That stinks...:( Does that mess up your breeding plans much?

I think this will all work out unexpectedly wonderfulsomehow. I think it's all working together for somethingyou're just not aware of yet. :)

So, don't's just a bit of difference in the plan. :)

I'm always happy to hear someone else's husband is as wonderful andeasy to talk to as mine. Everytime I'm having a hard time, Italk to my hubby and always feel so much better. We're such aperfect match, and he's got such a beautiful heart...anything I feellike is too big or painful to handle, he helps me see either the beautyin the situation, or something funny, or just helps me to figure outhow to handle things. Aren't husbands wonderful?

My love to you and yours,

Well, hopefully a week from today we'll bepulling into Columbus, OH for Lionhead Nationals. This is the "biggest"convention of the year for lionhead breeders and they'll all the timesay, "If you have to choose between ARBA convention and Nationals - goto Nationals". They're right in my opinion..

I think last year there were something like 600 lionheads entered inthe show. Some folks didn't show up...but still yet- the numbers werepretty good. Others that showed up were scratched because people hadregistered extra rabbits so they would be able to coop rabbits theywere selling but might not be showable colors, etc.

So what is my week going to look like?

Well - I have to clean out carriers and prepare them for the rabbits.I've read of a new way to keep the odor down - lets hope it works. Ihave 25 coops reserved plus I'm bringing along another few rabbits thatwill be picked up at the I think I'm going to have somethinglike 8 carriers...I need to sit down and figure that out.

I also need to figure out who is going in what carrier. It helps if Ihave the sable points together and the blacks together, etc. etc. - asthe rabbits at the show will be cooped by color and then age. Forexample - all the tort Sr. bucks will be together..then all the tortSr. does will be together..then the tort Jr. Bucks..then the tort Jr.Does...etc. etc.

So by planning ahead who goes in what carrier - I will hopefully not have to run around as much.

We need to tattoo several rabbits this weekend. I hate doing this - andArt hates it too. has to be done....we will probably be usingour Pen tattoo if we can get the rabbits to stay still.

Speaking of staying still - I need to continue to work with them onbeing handled so they won't bite the judge when they go to check theirteeth - or kick them when they go to check their privates.

Then I need to prepackage some bags of food for the ones who are goingto live in a new home for sure. I need to make up a container of myfood to take along - I need to feed 25 rabbits forFri/Sat/Sun/Mon....that's a lot of food.

I need to make sure the water goes with us (I bought some bottled jugsof water) and I need to make sure I pack things like vanodine and acidpak (to treat the water with).

I need to remember to bring their toys and some of them will have their litter boxes come with them.

I need to make sure I have 50 food/water crocks as this year they aren't being provided by the show.

Oh - and I need to groom them, print up the pedigrees of the ones thatare sold or for sale...plan out our route and make last minute deliveryarrangments for ones we're delivering..

Can you tell its going to be a busy week?


Oh yeah - and I want something nice (not too dressy) for the banquet at Ryan's steakhouse on Saturday night.

So if you don't see me on least you'll know why!

Wow, Peg!! That's a whole lottawork! I wish I lived nearby so I could give you ahand! I think it would be fun! Not only that, butthink of how much I would learn from helping you!:)

Anyway, I hope things go smoothly, and as planned. I'm sureyou have a list going of to-do's (I've always got lists comin' out myears when I'm planning things like that). And to think,that's just what you've gotta do for the BUNS!! That doesn'teven count what you guys have to pack for yourselves, and such.

But, I can't wait to hear how fun your trip is (please take pics?) and how well your buns place. :)

Have fun! And let me know if there's anything I can do to help with your planning, ok?

So happy that at least the situation with the boys worked out so nicely! :)

Hugs and lots of patience with all you've got to do...

I feel like a new parent or grandma - opening her wallet and saying, "Wanna see my new pics?"

One breeder very graciously sent me some updated pics today - and I'malso going to share pics of two that landed in PA today from WAstate...and Lisa will be bringing them to Nationals for me..

First is Legendary's Insenstar - a siamese sable doe (they look blackwhen they're younger). This picture is about a month old -Lisa is going to take another one tomorrow for me.

Next is Legendary's Sting - her siamese sable brother. Once again, ihope to get a newer photo tomorrow - as the picture is about a month old

I haven't yet named this little girl - she is going to be bred to Stingprobably....her mother Cathie is just a cutie and she's turning out tobe just as nice..

Finally, I haven't yet figured out how long I can eat beans and rice toget her - but I am considering this little gal and a blue doe - bothfrom Kelly of Buffalo Creek Farms. This little gal carries chocolate...

Aren't they just cuties??

I really do like her a lot - and the fact that she carries chocolate is great!

My biggest concern right now is - coming up with the moola before Nationals on Saturday.

Now mind you - last year Kelly wound up selling me rabbits on the spotthere and letting me make $50 per payday or per month payments onthem....something like that. She knew me and I knew her and we had abasic level of trust there.

If I get this girl - I'm tempted to get the blue doe too (I'll have toshare her photo later) as she'd be giving me a discount for gettingboth of them....and she has said she might like to buy a chocolate backfrom me next year (or two or three) so we could sort of merge our linesto create some chocolates.

I breed more for type and mane whereby she breeds more for color - soit would be interesting to see where a line of chocolates would be insay 3 years if we kept exchanging rabbits every year andbringing them into our lines. I'm not saying she has suggested that -but that is something I always consider when someone buys a color thatI may someday pull a certificate of development in..


undergunfire wrote:
I'd eat beans and rice for a LOOONG time just to get that little sweetie!

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts

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