Peg's Lionhead thread / babies/ moms & more

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Oh're getting me started on genetics...shame on you! Now this will REALLY be a long post..

Ok - the harlequin markings come from the "e" gene slot genetically -and they are known as "ej". They are the most recessive gene in the "e"slot except for "e" itself if I remember right.

By the way "e" is for "extension of color". A rabbit that carries "ee"in this slot - only had the color on the ears and stuff - like a sablepoint or a tort, etc.

So what I need to do is to breed a harlequin to a tort so that theharlequin gene won't be able to hide behind something that is moredomnant.

Sport has the white though because she is a vienna carrier (or amismark). This gene is what gives us Blue Eyed Whites - and in fact,she has had BEW kids when I bred her to a BEW buck.

Because she carries this - a large proportion of her offspring willeither carry the gene - OR show the gene (with mismarkings like her).

So what I need to do - is to breed her to a tort buck....and hope toget some harlequins that don't show the gene OR carry the gene.

Then - I take those - to other torts (I can take a girl back to herdad) and hope that I can basically get away from that vienna gene.

It will take about 4 generations before I would feel "safe" about the vienna gene - and even then - it can still crop up.

But it would be one way to get really nicely marked harlequins (justnot the same as Miss Bea's markings) - hopefully without risking themalocclusion gene.

Of course - Sport has been locked up in a cage for three days (and isnow pouting) because she's been attacking everyone (including Tiny)trying to breed with it. Now that she's settled down...I've missed areally opportunte time to breed her and have her WANT tobreed.


I will rewrite my long heartfelt post in another program and then copyand paste it here so y'all will know what I'm struggling with...maybethat will help you to understand my thoughts, etc.

I need a "safe place" to share and i need to get input from others..

Ok - I am trying to rewrote the large portion of the post that I lost...

Rosie asked about magpies. I do have a pair of magpies that I boughtspur of the moment last year at Nationals but have sold the buck. Inever bred them - partly because I almost quit breeding last year dueto financial problems and partly because Maggie Mae has lost her maneand I didn't want to wind up with rabbits that didn't look likelionheads. However, another breeder who also bought a pair of magpiesfrom Kelly at Buffalo Creek (where I bought mine) had this happen tohis - yet they were producing beautiful magpies that were keeping theirmanes. So - I am debating about breeding Maggie Mae before Slade leavesnext week. It is a tough decision - and part of why it is tough is inthe long diatribe written below here..

You see - I'm struggling with breeding and with where to focus myefforts on breeding. I love so many colors .... I would love to breedthem all. But I live in a small town - I'm a 3 hour drive from SanAntonio...if I was living there - I would have no problem selling mylionheads. Instead, they tend to stay here till they're no longer atthe 'cute' stage and suddenly I'm stuck with rabbits that most breederswould consider putting down so they could have the cage spaceavailable. I won't do that.

Right now I have about 25 bucks that I hope to rehome after Nationals -several are black (which folks don't care for as much) and some aresingle mane that have lost their manes. I also have other bucks thatneed homes. In addition to this, I have my retired stock that hassometimes been retired because I found out they threw rabbits with badteeth...I never breed them again when I find that out.

So I have a lot of rabbits.

But here is my problem with breeding right now...

a. Do I breed to sell rabbits where the best money is (whichhelps pay for the food) - and that is for fellow breeders and for showrabbits?


b. Do I breed the colors I like - for the pet market? If Ilived in a big city like San Antonio - I'd do the pet market in aheartbeat.

I'm getting fed up with breeders. I have one young doe that I sold lastyear - she's going to her FOURTH home in May. I wasn't able to buy herback (Lisa will buy her back for me as soon as she becomes available asthe breeder who is getting her gets bored easily and sells rabbitsabout 2-3 months after she gets them). I don't like the way breederswill buy a doe (who tend to be more territorial), breed them once, keepa baby - and then move them on to another breeder. A doe can go through3 or 4 or more homes in a year that way.

Now a buck can frequently adjust just fine to changes like this - but adoe likes to have her cage just so...they are often more territorial.

Plus some breeders will breed a doe again...and again....and again....without breaks.

So I guess I'm just sort of struggling now with what do I do?

I started breeding rabbits because I was in a major depression andhaving a rabbit around helped me to become a functioning human again. Ihadn't laughed in a long time - and suddenly I was laughing and likinglife again. I thought that if rabbits could do this for me - they coulddo the same thing for others...

But I live in a small town. I can only sell so many....and I have to make sure I don't overbreed.

I could do what Kelly from Buffalo Creek does...she really has wrappedup the pet market in the non-traditional colors. She ships all over theUS all the time and people love her rabbits. They are hand raisedpractically - great personalities and they are just the most personablerabbits around. You can tell she does a good job with them. But - shedoesn't have to drive 3 hours one way to ship rabbits.

I also want to breed whatever I breed towards the lionhead standard...Iwant to help improve the breed. But I just ..don't know. I'm soconfused.

So now I find myself saying, "Do I breed Maggie Mae so I can preservemy magpie line before Slade leaves next week?" and "Do I go ahead andbreed Sport and my other BEW carrier doe and get blue eyed whites ormismarks?" and "Do I try to breed harlequins at all?"

At this point - I just don't know anymore. I love so many colors. Iwould like to get a certificate of development on otters and chocolatesand siamese sables and chinchillas and frosted pearls when I have fiveyears in with ARBA (2010)....but I need to pick something and focus onit...

I just wish someone else would make the decision - my "non-breedable"rabbits would suddenly go "poof" and be rehomed in safe places - AND -the right rabbits will show up at my doorstep....

Hey - a gal can dream...


The Netherland Dwarf Color Guide
by Glenna Huffman
52 pages w/color illustrations


Rabbit Coat Color Genetics
by Glenna Huffman
142 pages w/colorillustrations

I got mine from

The first one is easier to read I think but the second one I like better and use it a lot.

It dawned one me that I probably should add this...

I do know for sure that I will be working with siamese sable (showablecolor), blue (showable color), chocolate (nonshowable) and broken bluesthis year - along with sable points and torts.

I also will do some otter breedings...

TinysMom wrote:
It dawned one me that I probably should add this...

I do know for sure that I will be working with siamese sable (showablecolor), blue (showable color), chocolate (nonshowable) and broken bluesthis year - along with sable points and torts.

I also will do some otter breedings...


I would like to see chocolate and broken blues. Any on your site?
Not yet - they're somewhere earlier in the thread where I showed the pictures of the rabbits I'm picking up at Nationals.

I already have a chocolate otter doe and a chocolate doe...and I forgot - I have a broken siamese sable doe coming too...


JadeIcing wrote
I would like to see chocolate and broken blues. Any on your site?
Bumping the photos for Alicia

TinysMom wrote:
I got some updated photostoday of bunnies I'm bringing home from Nationals. I thought I'd sharethem with you here.

These are from Buffalo Creek Farms..

Chocolate tort buck then:

Chocolate tort buck now:

Chocolate buck then:

Chocolate buck now:

Blue doe then:

Blue doe now:

Broken blue doe then:

and now:

I'm so excited...

Bumping the picture of this broken siamese sable doe too...she's so cute!

I am thinking about breeding her w/ Dusty (I'm also going to breedSundae w/ Dusty and Butterscotch with Dusty too...and maybe Baby (akaSnookums) if I decide to breed her at all. But she and Dusty both havelonger I don't know).

TinysMom wrote:
I am also toying with breeding the broken blue with Dusty the first time too...

The thing is - Dusty is out of a broken tort mama. I've been told bysomeone who works with brokens - if I want to "set" the pattern and geta nice one - to breed a solid color rabbit from a broken/solid breeding(like Dusty) to a broken rabbit who doesn't have the full pattern (oreven if they do).

So I thought I'd try it..


This was Cocoa when she was little. She looks very much the same now and has kept her mane VERY VERY nicely.

Yes. I'm going to breed them together - maybe -depends upon her ears and his ears..but I'm seriously considering itfor one litter.

And no - I won't let Rosie have any of the babies as she'll have the daddy and be overwhelmed by the cuteness of her six.


On a different note - I've had a rough day...really needed a laugh. Iwent looking for my thread on when the does all got loose in the backyard but couldn't find it - I was going to merge it with this thread..

Instead - I'll just repost the videos - for anyone who needs to laugh...
