Peg's Lionhead thread / babies/ moms & more

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So I have a question for you Peg. Now I was toldChloe is about 11weeks old, will she always be a ball of fuzz. How doesthat all work out. I see the pictures of yours and they look nothinglike her.

I'm so sorry - I'm only now seeing this thread.

your little girl is a 'teddy' style lionhead. Most teddies will shedout by about 9 months of age and have the standard fur - but I havefound that they don't have the distinct "saddle" are like others have(think of where a saddle is on a horse).

Sometimes they'll shed out around 6 months...and to be honest- it couldtake a year - or <gasp> - it is possible to not shed outat all.

But most of them will not be quite so fluffy by the time they're 9 months old.

(I do have some that have stayed sort of fluffy).


stephiemarie78 wrote:
So I have a questionfor you Peg. Now I was told Chloe is about 11weeks old, will she alwaysbe a ball of fuzz. How does that all work out. I see the pictures ofyours and they look nothing like her.
I am NOT trying to sell lionheads for my friendKelly - but I was on her website tonight and saw some of the is making me rethink my decision about not breeding myBEW (blue eyed white aka "vienna carriers).

Here are some links as I don't have the "rights" to the images..

moz-screenshot-6.jpg ( I think this one is my favorite...but I don't need another doe)..

Oooh...I think I'm on cuteness overload right now.

WARNING: Haley - Kelly WILL be at Nationals with theserabbits - so I will hold you back from getting any if you arethere....but you may have to hold ME back too...I really LOVE thatsable point doe..


P.S. Here is the page where I found them..

The only reason I'm even showing them is that she has probably one ofthe largest selections of "unique" lionheads I've seen. She sellslargely to the pet market and doesn't worry as much about body type,etc. as I do - but she works on having the "unique" lookinglionheads...and I must say many of them are unique!
*runs around yelling I was right and doing the carlton!*


TinysMom wrote:
your little girl is a 'teddy' style lionhead. Most teddies will shedout by about 9 months of age and have the standard fur - but I havefound that they don't have the distinct "saddle" are like others have(think of where a saddle is on a horse).


stephiemarie78 wrote:
So I have a questionfor you Peg. Now I was told Chloe is about 11weeks old, will she alwaysbe a ball of fuzz. How does that all work out. I see the pictures ofyours and they look nothing like her.
TinysMom wrote:

WARNING: Haley - Kelly WILL be at Nationals with theserabbits - so I will hold you back from getting any if you arethere....but you may have to hold ME back too...I really LOVE thatsable point doe..

Oh, Ive seen her site before and they are all gorgeous! Her site wasactually the first site I came across when I was found out Tumnus was abroken tort and was looking for pics of others like him. Her bunniesare all beautiful!
I don't think I have any on my computer right off.

As I look at the photo again, I think I can see where she is sheddingout a bit and her "saddle" is starting to clear up. It looks like shehas shorter fur on her back (think of where a saddle would be on ahorse) that so? If so - she'll be cleaning up nicely and lookinglike other lionheads fairly shortly I think...

I didn't catch that until I just looked at the picture again - how itlooks like the fur is two different textures - really teddy like forthe "skirting" and then sort of shorter for the saddle area.


stephiemarie78 wrote:
its ok just glad to know =) do u have any photos of what she might look like?
Yes her hair is shorter on her back then aroundher butt lol. She starting to shead more around her nose too i think. Ifinally bought a brush and brushed her but lol she's got so much hairand its all white towards the shaft of the hair and tan towards thetop. The white is showing more right behind her ears theres alot oflonger hair there. I have to take some more photos tonight

I purposely avoid Petfinder and other shelter sites because I just KNOW I'll fall for SOMEONE on there! Hehe!!

Good advice...and I shall most certainly take it...hehe...:D

NO VACANCY!! :shock:

JadeIcing wrote:
Rosie back away from the computer. Do NOT look at them to much. :D
I...AM...In... LLOOVVEE!!!With a beautiful Japanese Harlequin baby born on March 28 of this year.I may die, from heart attack. Or cute overload. Too bad I don't have$85 and a ride to Nationals (I also don't have anything set up yet-still no job). But you could bet if I did have everything I would behitch-hiking to Nationals and talking that beautiful buck home with me!

So in Love, RaE
Yes - they are really nice. Kelly has done agood job on cornering much of the pet market for unique bunnies thathave the vienna markings, harlequins, magpies, etc. I wanted to sharethose photos because you won't see most breeders even willing to workwith them. I think there are probably a handful of breeders willing towork with BEW (Blue eyed whites - and the vienna marked) - not tomention harlequin with nice markings and magpies...

I'm very excited to be getting four rabbits from her at Nationals - ablue doe, a broken blue doe, a chocolate buck and a chocolate tortbuck.


maherwoman wrote:
Peg, Kelly's bunnies areBEAUTIFUL!! I really love their colors! :D
Right now I am not sure what to do. Here is my situation (warning: LONG POST)...

a. I have a line of harlequins - but I've just recently foundout that there is a good chance Miss Bea carries malocclusion eventhough I've never seen it in her offspring.

I was going to breed her to a tort buck one last time to set the bodytype and mane a bit better for the line...and to keep her patterngoing.

Problem is - ethically - I am not sure anymore that I should breed hernow that I've heard about this possibility for her. All of myharlequins are either her children or grandchildren - hence they maycarry the gene too.

So....doI continue with harlequins - or let them go?

I'm still thinking it through. I think I may drop them. I love Miss Beadearly and she has beautiful I want to risk passingon that gene for bad teeth to other breeders?

My other option is to breed Sport (my mismarked harleqin) to a tortbuck to try and get harlequins out of her and work on a harlequin linethat way. Problem? She carries (and shows) the vienna gene. So...I'd bea few generations away from having what I want (harlequins that willthrow harlequins without mismarks). Also, Sport is a single manerabbit...

Here's pictures of Miss Bea and Sport.

Miss Bea


maherwoman wrote:
Ooh!! Does thatmean you'll be able to start working on getting magpies or harlequins?

(Excuse the lack of knowledge...)
ARG....I wrote this really long post in themessage about Sport and Miss Bea - and the internet ate it and I didn'tget it saved.

Oh well - I will write it later...

Hehe...I think the internet has possible blackholes here and there...and sometimes our posts just happen to fall intothem. :(

Oh, Miss Bea is soooo beautiful. I also love how shiny her fur is! :)

And Sport...what a beauty...

So, with breeding Sport with a tort buck would gradually bring out more the color rather than the white?

Interesting...So if you breed Sport with, say, Dusty, it would help bring out the double mane as well as the coloring?