Peg's Lionhead thread / babies/ moms & more

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When you are ready and we can work something out- you let me know. You'd be a wonderful home for any of mylionheads....and if I know a few months ahead of time, I may even beable to breed to make sure I get the color you want..


undergunfire wrote:
OMG!!!!! I may just fall over and not get up.:melodramatic

PEG! How cute would Madilyn and a little REW buck be together?!?!!?


I have to remind myself that I must wait:cry2.

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
I'M READY PEG:sunshine:

HAHA! Ryan actually brought it up last week that when we get settledinto a place and they will allow one more bunbun, then I can getanother bunbun!

We have everything all figuered out money-wise, and we are planning tomove out in 2-3 months. By then, we will have everything purchased forour new rented house and we will have money for deposits and the firsttwo months of rent. I really want to be a month ahead on rent, that wayif we are low on money, we don't have to struggle to save in such ashort time period to get the rent paid.

The bunnies will get their OWN room....we are looking for a 2 bedroomhouse...just so that they can have their own space! How cool is that?:)

Ryan turns 18 (he seems so much older to me!) in October, and then heis going to apply for a bank teller job. It's easy to get one aroundhere and they pay well for us....$15 an hour plus life insurance andhealth insurance. I may just apply for the same job!

So, if the place we are renting will allow another bunny...then I wouldlike to say that by the end of the year/early next year...we will beready.

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
I am happy too! I am happy for you as well!:D:bunnydance:

Now....hrm....I wonder if I should get a male or a female and bond themwith the buns. That would be two males and two females....or threemales and one female.

I also wonder if I should just let Peg send me a "suprise" bunny, inany color:D. I do love ALL Lionheads....brokens, blacks, agouti,chinchilla, magpie, harlie, REW, blues.....okay, I forgot the rest:).

My favorites though are.....sable point, magpie, harlie, REW, and agouti.

Wait.....maybe I can't say I like them all:headsmack.

Wow.....I confused myself times 5.:craziness

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
Aww Peg look at those little faces, so so so cute.:bunnyheart

I love the REW lionheads a lot too, we probably would have went for oneif we didn't already have a REW (Pebble - how can people not thinkshe's adorable?).

Oh, almost forgot, Congratulations on the wins!:bunnydance:
I got some updated photos today of bunnies I'm bringing home from Nationals. I thought I'd share them with you here.

These are from Buffalo Creek Farms..

Chocolate tort buck then:

Chocolate tort buck now:

Chocolate buck then:

Chocolate buck now:

Blue doe then:

Blue doe now:

Broken blue doe then:

and now:

I'm so excited...


OMG!! I want this one!! They are all beautiful, Peg!
Me too....oh wait..I AM getting them all.

(I want them here NOW.....WAAAHHHH!!!).


SOOOSKA wrote:
OMG Peg they are so cute. I want them all. LOL

I am really torn between her and the chocolate buck as being my favorites.

I can so hardly wait to cuddle with them.....


Haley wrote:

OMG!! I want this one!! They are all beautiful, Peg!
Something about her face reminds me so much of Tumnus. She is perfect.

This is why I dont want to go to Ohio, Im afraid Id fall in love withtoo many. Oohh..can I meet her if I come? Will you have her then?
Yes - I will.

And if this buck's ears keep dropping - I'm going to have a lionloptoo......well..he'll look like a lionlop but he should only be alionhead.

His ears are doing the airplane thing..


Haley wrote:
Something about her face reminds me so much of Tumnus. She is perfect.

This is why I dont want to go to Ohio, Im afraid Id fall in love withtoo many. Oohh..can I meet her if I come? Will you have her then?