Peg's Lionhead thread / babies/ moms & more

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Oh, I'm ALL IN for a trip to Peg's...hehe!!!

I've only watched two videos so far....but I'm wondering something....

Peg, would you be willing to get a video of my baby, either with herfamily or alone?? That would TOTALLY make my day!!!:D

Oh, by the way.....BEAUTIFULLY-sounding windchimes!! I'vebeen thinking recently about getting some...I think they'd be splendidout in front of our door. :D

I am going to try to take a video or two of Daisy and her family laterthis weekend but I'm about to return to "book mode" since the book issupposed to be done by 4/15. Plus...I need to recharge my batteries(again). And I only have the one pen and don't want to makethese ones move back to their cage.

I'm actually freeing up another cage so I can split these guys uptonight between two cages - but they'll be back to back so they can seeeach other....

Aww....they are just too cute!!! Baby bunnies remind me of popcorn...:D

Okay, I shall remain patient, hehe! :) Really, it'sabsolutely no bother...she's worth the wait! :D

Love and hugs and lots of encouragement for your book-writing!! :D:D:D

Rosie and the Girls :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
Jade....I'd join you in a heart beat!

I looooove those little sable points:inlove:.

What Lionhead don't I love?

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
Well, I was writing and I had a phone call. Someone here locally was wanting rabbits.

Now you guys have seen the videos - you know I have rabbits right now - right?

I (gasp)...lied.

Ok - I didn't quite lie.

I said, "I don't have any babies"

(I do).

He was like, "When can I get one?"

and I said, "I won't have any more rabbits available for about a month- you'll have to check back sometime after Easter...a few weeks..".

I just can't sell a rabbit right now unless it is to someone I know.

I feel bad for lying - but in a way - it wasn't. I mean - I reallydon't have any that I'll make available right now other than to peoplewho have bought from me before.

But I feel guilty for sort of lying..


Do NOT feel guilty. You did what you had to do....protected your babies.

This whole Easter thing makes me so angry. I could just get into my carright now and go to the two pet stores in town and take all the babiesand run away.

Woah....did I say that? I am typed that because I am angry!

I KNOW the little pet store around the corner from me has bunnies rightnow. I was there months ago and they had two lop eared buns in aAQUARIUM! It looked no bigger than a 30 gallon long. And you know what?I am getting they have about 5 or more in one right now.

ERRGGGGGGG. I just want to punch someone:banghead.

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
Peg, I love love love thevideos! Iwish you lived closer to me, I would come over all the time and playwith your babies! Im so jealous.

And I second Rosie's request for a vid of the brokens when you get a chance ;)

Dont feel bad for lying, its good that you are conscious of who you areselling to this time of year. The lady at the rescue I help at and Iwere talking about this, she said she has no problem adopting bunniesthis time of year, but she just has to screen them very thoroughly. Somany people want a stuffed animal and not a real rabbit.

Your such a good breeder mama :hug2:
I'm actually going to do a couple of posts here.

This first post is going to show our show winners from the last show wewent to. Mischief (who I don't show with his ribbon) took Best of Breedin show A and my little black buck (who is not yet named) took BestOpposite Sex in show B.

Now for those who may not know - when you are at a show - they pick theBOB (Best of Breed) first - then the judge picks another rabbit fromthe opposite sex to be "Best Opposite Sex" - which is why a buck tookBOB in the first show - but another buck took BOSB in the second show.

El Rey's Mischief





At this point in time - both bucks will be going to Lionhead Nationals- and I am thinking I will be selling both of them - I haven't yetdecided. I hate to sell my winners - but honestly, I need cage spacefor my new rabbits coming in and these guys might help out someoneelse's breeding program more than mine. It is just a tough call. I'mgoing to work with the smaller black buck who is a brother to this oneand decide which one I feel is best - as I think they might carry thedwarfing gene which would help in reducing size on some of my rabbits.

I also want to share - for those who have IM'd me and talked to meabout this over the last couple of months - I am finally making my waythrough the grieving process of missing GingerSpice so much. I stillmiss her - but I think I am finding myself ready for another "heartbunny".

You'd think with all of my lionheads, I'd have a heart bunny - andthere are several that I love dearly (and I love Tiny dearly)....butwith a heart bunny - they have to have a special relationship back withyou...and well...many of these just don't feel that way....includingTiny. Oh, he loves me for treats and stuff like that - but he won'tsnuggle with me like Ginger did those last few months.

But at least I'm doing better.....and that is good. Now to find anotherheart bunny - hopefully I already have it here at home and just haven'tdiscovered it yet!


Now for pictures of some of my babies that I'm taking to Nationals I think. Some I'll be selling - some I'll be keeping..

Romance's sable point buck



Pow Wow's sable point buck


Acacia's sable point "pick" doe (she's the "pick" of the litter -the best one in it - or appeared that way at a young age). I'm a bitconcerned as she's staying tiny (like Rosie's Daisy) and I'm not sureif she'll make show weight in time for Nationals




Acacia's sable point buck - he turned out nicer than I thought hewould and I'm very pleased. I am debating between keeping him orRomance's sable point buck - or selling them both - tough choice!



Acacia's REW doe - aka "Dumbo Ears"...I'm torn between selling her(I only have her mom for a REW doe) and keeping her. I know her earsare bigger than I'd like but she looks EXACTLY like her mama - and lookat what her mama gave me for sable points!


Acacia's REW buck - I will be selling him for sure - he is nice -but I really need EXCELLENCE in bucks and he just isn't as good asanother buck I have...but he's oh so cute!


*sigh* I want them all, Peg.

Lionheads have become my favorite breed. Until I met that little girlat the shelter I had been under the impression that maybe Tumnus wasjust one of a kind. But, after meeting her, I realized that they areall that special and fun to be around (ok, maybe not all, but most ;)).

Im not usually fond of REWs, but in a lionhead they are just precious!


Oh man look at that face. I want to kiss it. Since I can't will you do it for me?

TinysMom wrote:
Acacia's sable point "pick" doe (she's the "pick" of the litter -the best one in it - or appeared that way at a young age). I'm a bitconcerned as she's staying tiny (like Rosie's Daisy) and I'm not sureif she'll make show weight in time for Nationals



OMG!!!!! I may just fall over and not get up.:melodramatic

PEG! How cute would Madilyn and a little REW buck be together?!?!!?


I have to remind myself that I must wait:cry2.

- Amy (Mallory, Morgan, and Madilyn-Mae):hearts
Part of the problem is - with these two litters- I want them all too. (That's bad for a breeder to want thatmany). I'm also not a big fan of REWs but Acacia really haswon my heart (now if I could just win hers). I'll have to take herphoto sometime and tell y'all all about her.

Although these two litters did thump me off when I went to take photosof them. I've been so busy with the forum and my book that I haven'thandled them like I usually do and I paid for it at picture-takingtime. So for the next four weeks - my show line will have to be mypriority over the forum so I can handle them every day and get themused to it.

If I could find someone I trusted for the REW doe...I'd pet her out ina heartbeat. My problem is - if I sell her to a breeder, I can'tguarantee she won't be overbred...which is part of why I want to keepher here. She is sort of wanted by some breeders because of her dad(who has only given me two litters so far)....

But I think lionheads in general (not all of them) if raised with loveand some attention - just have the best personalities. I thinklionheads and lops go well togehter and are a lot alike...


Haley wrote:
*sigh* I want them all, Peg.

Lionheads have become my favorite breed. Until I met that little girlat the shelter I had been under the impression that maybe Tumnus wasjust one of a kind. But, after meeting her, I realized that they areall that special and fun to be around (ok, maybe not all, but most ;)).

Im not usually fond of REWs, but in a lionhead they are just precious!
