New-Update on Jack (RIP sweet Jack)

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Jack wasn't interested in his pellets this morning,i went into worry i tried him on some veggies and he ate them just fine...thank goodness...i didn't want to go to work but luckily Jeremy was home from school today so he kept an eye on him for me and i told him if there is any change or anything to text or call me straight away...i did call him during my lunch break though to check on things..but everything was good.

I just got home from work not long ago and Jack will still not eat i offered more veggies...and luckily he ate them....maybe he just doesn't feel like pellets...but if he knocked back the veggies as well..i would worry even more.
LOL...yeah i think so!...such a little bugga long as he's eating something,i'm happy.

Well there is no way Jack or the the other bunnies are going outside now,it's quite hot already and it's only 11 am.

I just came back from dropping Jeremy off at a friends house,and i'm quite glad to be back home and inside lol.
Hi Rebecca,

Jack is doing good,he's still not eating his pellets though..but is still eating his veggies and he's also eating that's good.

Got back from the vet not long ago and have just got Jack settled.

No it's nothing serious....Jack got a pampering today

I had the day of work today,so i gave the vet a call in the morning to see if he could get in to have his butt trimmed up...luckily i was able to get in,well Jack was lucky lol,i could have done it myself...with my son Jeremy's help of course...i find it easier with help though...especially with Jack...but i thought i may as well take him in,then he could have the full treatment and have a bunny bath while he was there.

I was worried about having to leave him there,cause i know how he likes to be held and how he likes to lay and everything...i know their professionals and everything...but it doesn't stop me worrying.

Anyway the nurse called at 1:30pm to say that i could pick Jack up,i picked him up around three though cause i didn't want to bring him home in the heat...goodness gracious me!'s 40*C today!...way to hot...i wasn't going to pick him up until 6 or 7 oclock pm.....but i wanted him home lol....i put the air conditioner on,so he had a nice cool ride home...I also put a sheet over his basket.

So yeah Jack had a great pampering...the nurses all said that Jack was such a good boy,Jack might not be able to hop,but he stillgives that bunny attitude when he needs to...but he didn't give it today lol

While i was waiting for the nurse to bring Jack out,Jonathon came over..he said that Jack is looking good in himself...he also said that i'm doing a very good job with him,and he knows how stressful it can be at times..but just to keep on doing what i'm doing.

We were giving Jack his bath this evening,my son was holding him while i washed him,and Jeremy had him kinda pointed up,and then all of a sudden Jack did a wee lol...i'm going eeeekkk...point him the other way lol...while Jeremy is was a Kodak moment...

Jack is doing good,i'm glad he has the other bunnies to watch over him and cuddle up to...especially while i'm at work,it's been really hot's been 38*C-40*C for the last six days and it's forecast to be in the 4o*C for the next few days...what fun...i hate the theres no going out for Jack.

Jack is such a great bunny!

Yeah,it was a pretty funny time,i have had bunnies wee on me before but not the way Jack did was like a little fountain pointed my waylol...

Ilove this little bunny boywith all my heart,i will do anything for him,it just hurts me inside so very bad for his situation,it has since he was first diagnosed with spondylosis,it has eaten me up inside since that day,i'm not a strong person at all,i don't do very well in stressful situations like this,especially when it's something so close to my heart...i cry a lot when i'm i have cried so much going through this with Jack....i cannot express enough how deeply sad i really am...i love Jack to pieces...i have done so much for him...spending so much time with him has really made our bond so tight.

And Rebecca,thanks for listening to me...i really do appreciate it
Thanks again for everything Rebecca

Thanks Jim,that is so much appreciated

Jack is such a beautiful bunny,and i guess going through this with him has been an almighty experience..we have had our ups and downs,at the moment it feels like a down time...not for Jack but for me..Jack is still doing ok...considering all things.

Going through this with Jack is something that i will never ever forget,like the anguish i went through with my Pippi as well....i have no choice but to be strong for Jack...he needs me....sometimes i just cry.

It's been ridiculously hot here the last week,summer isn't even here yet (almost though)...gosh it's going to be a long hot summer this year.

I took a few pictures of Jack tonight.....gosh i must get the other bunnies pictures up as well...i'm so bad.

I have had to put sheets down now,its to hot for Jack to lay on i still have blankets on the bottom for extra softness and the sheets are on top...

Munching on some hay


Another one...just cause he's so gorgeous..


*smiles through tears*...I love Jack with all my heart
Thanks heaps to the both of you....really...thankyou....this is not an easy thing to go through,not at all,i'm just glad i can come here with my worries and concerns and get advice.

Again i'm so will never know just how much i really appreciate it


Jack says thankyou also


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