New-Update on Jack (RIP sweet Jack)

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Crystal,yep good mum am i....such a devoted one lol..our bond has grown so much stronger though.

The boss at work knows about Jack....cause i broke down and cried one day...when he had a few bad days a while ago,and i was over stressed about she understands my situation.luckily.
Yeah i know Crystal and it's sosad.

Well i just came back from the vet,i got pictures of Jack's x ray...i used Pet bunny's idea...i used my camera....i also brought the x rays home...for legal reasons the vets do not let you have the x rays...but cause they know me and trust me very well they said i could take them home as long as i take them back to the vet.

So my sister will be here soon,and as soon as she goes home i will upload the pictures and see how they turn out and then i will post them.
Aww thankyou April :)

I had to take pictures of Jack's x ray yesterday as they don't have digital

The big looking circle that i drew around his vertebrae is/was the worst one,that one has the non canceroustumour growing under it....i'm sure by now it would look much worse.

Jack's x ray...gosh you can just see where i circled them...i should have made it darker :p



I just had to get the stupid light in this one
just been catching up on here and what gorgeous pictures of you and Jack.:D
I think when you see x-rays of bunnies it makes them look so delicate as their bones looks so thin and fragile.
I'm glad you are both doing o.k.:hug:
The X-ray pictures are fascinating! Thank you for posting these, Cheryl.

It's hard for me to figure out what's going on however, since I've never seen a "normal" rabbit X-ray.

Very interesting to see, though! :brownbunny
That is really fascinating.

I found some pics of rabbit spine x-rays online (

This is a normal spine

Although the rabbit has bloat in the stomach(arrow)

This is a fractured but otherwise normal spine

It looks like the difference to me is that on the ventral (toward the belly) side, the places where the vertebrae come together are bigger and may have denser bones (more white). I bet the tumors are a tissue reaction to the inflammation--kind of like when people get arthritis, the joints affected swell up.

I know Clare their bones are just so delicate...and thanks

Gordon,i know it's hard to understand to know what is going on in the x rays,the little gaps between his vertebraes are starting to close in.

tonyshuman wrote:
It looks like the difference to me is that on the ventral (toward the belly) side, the places where the vertebrae come together are bigger and may have denser bones (more white).
Don't want to sound silly but is that bad?,I cannot even remember what Jonathon was even saying about the x ray now,he mentioned about the little gaps in betweenJack's vertebrae are just starting to close in.....the x ray of the bunny with the fractured spine looks sad poor thing....luckily Jack has no fractures or anything.

When this x ray was taken,Jack could still hop,even though his back legs were starting to get more 'lazy'..he was just slightly starting to drag his feet a little more then...after the x ray his hopping started to decline almost happened all to fast.
I was just trying to explain what I see is different about Jack's spine in the x-ray, particularly in the areas you circled. They just look like the spine is denser. I'm sure that your vet noticed that. It's just part of spondylosis.
Hey Rebecca,

Jack is doing prettywell,he still has his healthy appetite.....

It's still hard seeing him like this...everyday...i know Jack's problem is genetic..and it was gonna happen no matter what...but it's not fair!.....but....i am so glad that Jack is with me though...i'm glad he came home with me just over five years ago.

I look at Jack,and i still see my same old Jack....he just cannot hop :(....which breaks my heart every's sad.....but while he's doing good i try not to think about what's gonna happen down the track...or anytime..really...but having to make a choice like that is the most hardest thing...even if it's for the's still ahard thing.

I just take one day at a time

But yeah...Jack sends his love to you

Hi Cheryl,

I'm happy to hear our Jack is doing good. I know what your going threw and it is tough. I can remember when Monsters started getting worse. But she made it for a year. The last 6 month she was at her worst where she was going threw a lot. I miss her. It is a hard decision to let them go. And I know you will make the right decision for Jack when it's time.

:hug: Rebecca
Jack is SO lucky to be in your family, Cheryl! He may miss hopping, but he still loves life and that's what matters. When he looks into your eyes with pain and not happiness, you'll know he's no longer a happy guy and that you've given him as wonderful a life as he could possibly have. Big hugs to you, Jack, and the crew!
Thankyou everyone..I appreciate all this..i really's just so nice to be able to come here and just express everything and have people that understand...i thankyou all so much.

I am dreading the day when i see that look in Jacks eyes...when he tells me thats enough,and then knowing what i am gonna have to do...i know i keep repeating myself (cause i'm a worrier) but i know that our pets have to leave someday...but making the choice to take a life really effects me in many ways that seems tostay with me for a very long's hard to even think about.

Anyway off that subject...

Jack loves his massages...i will give his ears a little scratch for him,i rub his back legs for him...he really seems to enjoy it....he will let me know when he's had enough cause he will turn himself around.

He still loves giving me kisses,and it's funny cause sometimes he gets carried away and tries to nibble my eyebrows...i'm like 'Jack..nooo they gotta stay where they are' lol.

Oh my should see him when i give him some oats...he gets so excited,it makes me smile everytime to see him excited...i always picture him hopping and bounding over to me with such delight for some tastyoats...i miss that.

You's beenroughly almost 2 months since Jack stopped hopping :(

I remember the day very clear...i came home from work,and Jeremy my son was home from school and as i was opening the front door,he came to me and said that he thinks Jack cannot hop anymore...i remember that sinking feeling of my heart dropping...and sure enough when i went to look...he was just lying on his boy could no longer hop...that was the end of Jack bounding down those back steps...out to the backyard.

Thanks again guys.

Thankyou...Jack sends his love back to your girls

Gosh Jack has never been such a lover boy before all this...i just treasure everything he gives me everyday

I couldn't take him outside last weekend as it was way to hot for him...but hopefully will be able to take him out this weekend...will take more pictures of my special little boy.

He moves himself around pretty good...not far of course...but he does move around a bit...he's just an awesome little bundle of love.

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