M Maureen Las Supporting Member Joined Nov 30, 2005 Messages 10,317 Reaction score 56 Location , , May 8, 2010 #401 I am so very sorry, Cheryl; Ialso think that you made the right decision. It is so very hard when you are used to caring for him and then he is gone. I feel that way about Beau. Many hugs... things will get better for you over time Maureen
I am so very sorry, Cheryl; Ialso think that you made the right decision. It is so very hard when you are used to caring for him and then he is gone. I feel that way about Beau. Many hugs... things will get better for you over time Maureen
pla725 Well-Known Member Joined Feb 2, 2007 Messages 2,018 Reaction score 3 Location Burlington County, New Jersey, USA May 8, 2010 #402 Oh no. I just saw this. I'm so sorry. You did everything you could to make him happy and comfortable.
Oh no. I just saw this. I'm so sorry. You did everything you could to make him happy and comfortable.
Pipp Well-Known Member Joined Mar 1, 2005 Messages 12,878 Reaction score 58 Location Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada May 8, 2010 #403 :sad:
cirrustwi Retired Moderator Joined Dec 29, 2004 Messages 2,368 Reaction score 2 Location Myrtle Beach, SC, USA May 9, 2010 #404 I'm so sorry. I actually just read most of this thread. What a fighter you had on your hands. I bet he's doing some great bunny binkies right now. Jen
I'm so sorry. I actually just read most of this thread. What a fighter you had on your hands. I bet he's doing some great bunny binkies right now. Jen
cheryl Well-Known Member Joined Jul 1, 2005 Messages 7,764 Reaction score 1 Location Adelaide, , Australia May 9, 2010 #405 Thankyou, Having a disabled bunny was the hardest thing in the world...my time was revolved around Jack by taking care of him...i miss that already...it had made our bond so strong..then to just let go of all that is mighty hard and very tearful. I wrote a tribute for Jack in the Rainbow Bridge.
Thankyou, Having a disabled bunny was the hardest thing in the world...my time was revolved around Jack by taking care of him...i miss that already...it had made our bond so strong..then to just let go of all that is mighty hard and very tearful. I wrote a tribute for Jack in the Rainbow Bridge.
TreasuredFriend Well-Known Member Joined Dec 8, 2006 Messages 2,554 Reaction score 715 Location Kindness Matters - Waukesha, WI, , May 9, 2010 #406 ~ Beautiful tribute. :hearts
AngelnSnuffy Well-Known Member Joined Sep 20, 2006 Messages 8,913 Reaction score 3 Location Blah~Central, Illinois, USA May 9, 2010 #407 You are a wonderful person. Thank Goodness there are people like you. Jack thanks you, so does Pippi and all the buns. Happy Mother's Day!! (I know this is a day late for you.) :big kiss::hug:
You are a wonderful person. Thank Goodness there are people like you. Jack thanks you, so does Pippi and all the buns. Happy Mother's Day!! (I know this is a day late for you.) :big kiss::hug:
cheryl Well-Known Member Joined Jul 1, 2005 Messages 7,764 Reaction score 1 Location Adelaide, , Australia May 9, 2010 #408 Thanks heaps Crystal...my bunnies are my everything...and yeah eight months of heartache with Pippi as well...my boys. From deep in my broken heart thanks again everyone.
Thanks heaps Crystal...my bunnies are my everything...and yeah eight months of heartache with Pippi as well...my boys. From deep in my broken heart thanks again everyone.