New-Update on Jack (RIP sweet Jack)

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cheryl wrote:
Rebecca,did the vet have any idea why that happened to Monsters?was it the only two times that it happened to her? was scarey as i just didn't know whatJack was doing...i hope it doesn't happen again.

The vet thought it was likely neurological problem. It only happened twice. Pretty close in days.

I also hope Jack doesn't do it again.

:hug: Rebecca
Luvr of Wabbits and Polar Bears wrote:
cheryl wrote:
Rebecca,did the vet have any idea why that happened to Monsters?was it the only two times that it happened to her? was scarey as i just didn't know whatJack was doing...i hope it doesn't happen again.

The vet thought it was likely neurological problem. It only happened twice. Pretty close in days.

I also hope Jack doesn't do it again.

:hug: Rebecca

When it happened to her,did it last for very long?,i mean like was it only a few seconds or minutes?

If it happens again to Jack,i will take him to the vet
cheryl wrote:
When it happened to her,did it last for very long?,i mean like was it only a few seconds or minutes?

If it happens again to Jack,i will take him to the vet

She just fell over and started to shaking/twitching. I was really scary I only lasted a few secs but felt like minutes. If you go back and look through some of my post you'll find where I posted it in the Infirmary. If you can't find it I'll post it for you in the morning. It's way past my bed time now. I really should go to work tomorrow.

Thanks scary for you,as that is how i felt when Jack was acting weird the other night...he's been fine ever since...but that worry won't go away now.
Well it was a beautiful sunday afternoon,so i took Jack outside again,i just love seeing him happy,it makes me happy.

I mentioned before how when i picked Jack up to wash him and when i put him down he acted all funny...well he is starting to do it more now...when i picked him up today to wash him and then took him outside to dry him...and when i put him down his eyes go all funny....i don't know why that is happening to only lasts for a couple of seconds.

I got pictures of the bunnies as well todaywhich i will have to post in my blog which i have been meaning to updatefor ages now.

Anyway i will just post a few pictures of Jack...ohh and i finally worked out how to get the date of the pictures now,i was messing around with my camera a while ago and didn't know what i did to get the date onto the pictures,but i found out lol


I wuv you mum


MMM...yummy grass


Jack and me..

Jack's butt is wet cause i just washed him and had just brought him out to dry him




I'm sorry to hear this part.. I wish I knew why they did that. It's heart breaking to seem like that.. :hug:

Cheryl wrote:
I mentioned before how when i picked Jack up to wash him and when i put him down he acted all funny...well he is starting to do it more now...when i picked him up today to wash him and then took him outside to dry him...and when i put him down his eyes go all funny....i don't know why that is happening to only lasts for a couple of seconds.

Great pictures of Jack, so good to see him happy. He's such an handsome fellow hanging out with his mommy. Keep up the great work with him.


Dear sweet mom Cheryl, those are beautiful pictures of YOU and Jack, and Jack on his snuggie blankee. :D

About the eye movement, was Jack titered for e.c.?

Was a neurological test performed at the vet?

Likewise on Rebecca's note, keep up the great work with him.
The issue with the eye is most likely nystagmus (eye twitching). I remember Smitten doing the same thing towards the end. It is a neurological problem according to the info I read.

Just keep Jack comfortable.
I am guessing that if the spurs on the spine have started to occur farther up the spine, closer to the brainstem, they could cause that type of neurological issue. It could also be a secondary issue of infection or parasite in the brain. I'm so glad he had a nice day outside and is still enjoying his time with you. :pray:
Gosh,i'm doing nothing but worrying about Jack..guy's...he doesn't deserve all this at all.

Julie,he was not tested for E.C as this has never happened to Jack before,the first time it happened was when i mentioned it in one of my earlier posts....oh my gosh..i lost my dear sweet Pippi through E.C :(....such torcher for me...and with Jack like's so heart breaking....i miss seeing my boy hopping around:(

I really hope this has nothing to do with E.C....he just doesn't need this on top of everything's not fair!.

I don't understand about the eye thing..wouldn't there be other sign's along with head tilt or something?....I don't know..I have no idea...and now i'm worrying even's amazing that my mind hasn't exploded yet through all the worry...I just wish i could make Jack all better again...he's just a little innocent beautifulbunny :(

Claire,Jonathon never really told me much about spondylosis and what it can actually do,I know that his vertebrae is fusing together..or has fused together.....but what about the spurs?..they can cause neurological problems?...I didn't know that...oh my gosh!

When i went through 8 month's of heart break with Pippi i prayed,please never let me go through such a rough time again with any of my beloved bunnies...but here i am again....just in a differen't situation:(


Just remember you are doing everything you can for Jack. I know it's not to worry. As long as his eye's aren't moving back and forth all the time it's not that bad. Something is happening when you bath him. Maybe there's a sensitive area that your touching.

Just remember that Jack loves you and is happy to be here.

:hug: Rebecca
I am not sure about spondylosis, but having seen some x-rays of it, the idea that there are spurs all along the spine that can cause pain and possibly tissue damage is what I based that idea on. I could imagine a spur high up on the spine putting pressure on the brainstem to cause some uncontrollable movements.

If I remember, vertical and positional nystagmus are more common for neurological-issue infected bunnies, and horizontal is for ear infections. This describes the way the eyes move.

Positional nystagmus describes that the eyes don't move in coordination with the body moving. For instance, if you're looking at something and you turn your head, your eyes move in their sockets so that you can continue to focus on what you were looking at. We don't have to think to do this, it just happens. The brain takes info from the vestibular system in the ears (that tells you which way is up, and if you're moving--the inner ear stuff) and processes it, and sends info to the eyes to make them move in a way that corrects for this. A lot of this is done by some lower/back of the head brain structures, near the spine. If your body wasn't able to do this, it would be positional nystagmus. I'm not sure how you'd test this in Jack, though. You'd have to get him to focus on something and then move his body and watch if his eyes move too.

(I've taken a ton of neuroscience courses, so please let me know if that description was too technical.)

I know that you can handle this, and when you and Jack can't take it anymore, you'll know. He is getting great care and is having some happy days. He gets all the food he wants, baths, naps in the sun, and time with the people and rabbits he loves. [[hugs]]
Thanks Rebecca,you always make me feel better :hug:

Claire,the info was great,and thankyou for the explaination,idon't see nothing wrong with Jack's eye's,they don't flicker or anything,it's only when i pick him up and then put him back down like Rebecca said..maybe i'm doing something when i'm holding him...which makes me even more nervous cause i don't want to hurt him in any way....i'm just trying my hardest here.

Jack still has a healthy appetite....he hasn't knocked anthing back for a long time now....well since he had those bad few days a while ago,and i thought it would have been time for me to let him go....butsince then he has not really had a bad day like that..he still loves licking if he was really bad..he just wouldn't do always makes me happy when he shows his love for me.

Claire,i always appreciate the info that you always give don't know how much i really do appreciate it...thankyou :hug:

I was late for work this morning...I woke up and Jack had a poopy butt...I had to clean him first...which was weird cause he has not had a poopy butt like that,it wasn't like a great deal or anything though..but it just smelled bad....after i got him all cleaned and comfy,i went on my way to work,and i swear that i could smell Jack all day lol...i know i didn't though lol.

And cause my son had already gone to school,i had noone to help me wash him,which i find hard doing it on my own,but we got there in the end.

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