New-Update on Jack (RIP sweet Jack)

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Jack says thankyou..April...he sends lots of bunny love :)

At this moment Jack is grooming himself...he still likes to take care of himself the best he can....he hasn't done that strange thing for a while after he has a bath either...and another strange thing is that he doesn't get terribly poop stuck to him..only occasionally he might get a bit stuck to his leg...he still gets toeat his cecalsmost times as well...amazing bunny!

When i got home from work today..Jack didn't want anything to eat,and i'm thinking..oo i let him go for a while and tried him later...luckily he ate...whew!...he actually ate a few more pellets too.

Of course the other little piggies (bunnies;))ate their food lol,i just love coming home from work and being greeted by my little fluff's like mummy...mummy..your

I haven't been on a lot lately, but when I do I always check for updates on Jack. The new pics are wonderful btw! I just want to say a special Way To Go to you for doing all you can for Jack. Everything you write, about your anxiety, fear and crying... well it rings very close to my heart. I'm the same way, and I do understand how hard this is on you... perhaps not entirely everything you're going thru with Jack... but I was feeling the same way with Jacub. And to this day I wish I had done more for him. So you're kind of my hero.

(((MAJOR HUGS))) for the days ahead... I am glad you can treasure the time you have with him.

Rebecca,your comment kinda made me giggle cause Jack has always been such a gentleman...i should say though that he doesn't eat them straight from the source..of course...he finds them i said there has been a few times when they have been squashed on his leg,but not very often...i know he eats them cause sometimes i have just caught him,sometimes it is lying by him so i give it to him,and other times i can smell it on his breath...then i'm like 'umm offence but i will talk to you from a distance' lol....i just love this little boy like crazy.

Sandra...You loved Jacub with all your heart,that in itself is so much is a hard and emontional thing when you go through something like this or other illnesswith a beloved bunny...never thought in a million years that i would be going through something like this thoughwith one of my bunnies...and cause i'm a worrier,and i don't deal very well in stressful situations..i get all panicky when something changes in his behaviour....i still wish everyday that this never happened to him.


I fully understand and appreciate that! We just want them happy and healthy... and we hurt when they hurt. Jack is a very lucky boy!!

Take care,
MagnoliaDee wrote:
We just want them happy and healthy... and we hurt when they hurt.

Exactly!....when this all happened in the beginning,i had so many sleepless nights,i don't know whatJack was feeling,but i felt everything....still do.

Jack is doing well today...just gave the bunnies some veggies...they are all happily eating now..including Jack.
Hey Rebecca,

Jack has been doing good...i have had no recent dramas with him..he is still so interested in his surroundings..a lot of the timeswhen he sees me coming with food he gets excited..he will move himself forward with his head held high...and he's eager to see what i have...he also knows the routine of when the bunnies get excited,he knows there is food coming,of course he knows that....he absolutely loves his veggies.

He's also eating his pellets againbut will occasionally knock them back...but i guess as long as he's eating his veggies and hay,he is fine...once or twice he has not wanted his veggies though....i try my hardest not to worry.

Sunshine was grooming him this morning,she was cleaning his eyes...i just love it when bunnies do that...

I know i told you this before,but when i'm giving him his metacam,Charlie.Josie and Sunny all fight for it lol...the others don't bother as they make me feel bad cause they don't understand that it's for Jack i give them each a few syringe full of water each and then they're happy lol....such silly bunnies.

The weather has been nice here the last few days..thank goodness...i know the weekend it's supposed to rain and thunder but i hope it doesn't cause i want to take Jack outside,he hasn't been out for a while.

You know Rebecca...what makes this whole situation hard is the fact that Jack still has so much love to give...this is what tears me up inside so much...the love that he shows shines through....sometimes i don't seem to see it though,but i see it more than not....i think sometimes i'm just trying to think for Jack...that might sound weird but i know what i mean lol.

I love Jack...and sometimes i'm just scared of things....don't worry i know what i mean...even if it sounds strange lol.
Oh my goodness..Jack just freaken scared me to death,

I gave the bunnies their pellets about an hour and half ago,and i put some in front of Jack and he started eating them,and then i went into the laundry to do a bit of washing before i went to bed,all of a sudden i heard a weird sound and gagging noises coming from some bunny,i quickly rushed into the room and it was Jack,i could hear this raspy noise coming from him and he was making this noise like he was trying to bring something up.....i didn't know what to do,so i called for my son Jeremy to get his basket so i could rush him to the emergency vet and i stayed with Jack...i was panicking of course and my heart was racing really fast cause i was worried and i didn't know what to do...the raspy noise was very loud in his chest and he gagged a few more times....all the time i was telling him i think i'm gonna have to say good bye,and i will do what's best for him..i'm not going to make his life miserable in any way.

All of a sudden he stopped making that gaging noise and the raspy noise went away as well...Jeremy had already got his basket ready..but Jack seemed fine and actually ate a tiny bit of endive...i knew for him to eat that he must be ok..but it was only a tiny bit.

I don't know if he was choking or it was something else....he seems ok now...but it's 11:30pm and i'm worried to go to sleep in case something happens...i have to get up and go to work tomorrow...but Jack is my main concern right now.

First time i ever heard such a noise like happened in the matter of about 5 mins..if that...but seemed like a lot longer.
Hey Cheryl,

That's great to hear that Jack is doing very good and that Sunshine is keeping him clean. I remember when Monsters would clean Fluffy's eyes and ears it was so cute. I think I have a video of her very involved in cleaning his ears.

Metacam is a yummy med and everyone still wants some. Maybe you tell them why he gets it they'll leave yah alone. I guess they aren't that smart if they accept water. LOL

I found a recent thread about bunny's choking take a look. I don't know how scary that would be, but I can imagine how scary it is and not know what to do.

Give Jacks some nose rubs for me.
Thanks Rebecca,

It's 4:30 in the morning here and i just got up to check on Jack....he is fine,like nothing happened...the raspy noise that he was making last night sounded like a bad chest cold,like when you need to cough real bad,maybe he just ate his pellets a bit to fast...but he's ok now.
Sorry bout that,i know..i don't usually post in the morning,usually getting ready for workand i'm not usually up until 5-5:30am...i was kinda worried to check on him myself,i gave him a few pellets and the others of course lol...he's eating just fine....anyway he ate more veggies before i finally went to sleep last i kinda knew he will be fine.....but still..that was scarey to hear that noise...

but yeah..i think he just gobbled his pellets a bit to fast...but everything is all good now.....hope i never go through that again with any of my bunnies...gee that was the first time.
Wow, Ceryl, that must have been really scary. It does sound like he was choking on something. Glad he managed to cough it up!

It also sounds like his spine is stabilizing, that seems to happen with spondylosis: The initial time, when the bone spurs are growing, is more painful. Later on, the spine stabilizes, and is less painful.

I hope Jack keeps doing well. I don't write much, but I love seeing his pictures :)
Thanks April and Hilde

I still can't get over what happened last night,was that raspy noise that Jack was making cause of the pellet that was stuck in his throat?,well i guess it was....i have never seen or heard animal or humanchoke ever,human i know would just make a gagging noise,like Jack was making,but that raspy noise was very,very loud...and yes i'm just so thankful that he was able to bring it up himself...oh my just scared the crap out of me...what a scarey thing to hear and see.

He's still doing fine,he's eating just fine as well...but now after witnessing that,i'm gonna worry more about him now,gosh..worry..worry..worry.

When i first heard it,i thought something was seriously wrong...i didn't realize he was choking at first...i seriously thought last night was the night to say goodbye to my boy.

But Jack is all good good as he can be anyway.

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