New-Update on Jack (RIP sweet Jack)

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Hey Rebecca,

Goodness i can't believe it's been so long since i updated on Jack,

Well he's still doing good,we have had no issues with him for a while now...he's still bright and alert,he takes in all the lovings and groomings that the bunnies give him,especially Sunshine...she takes good care of him...i notice her grooming him more now than she ever used too...maybe she knows something is up with him...anyway i find it very special.

He still has so much to give..regardless of his situation...but it still doesn't stop me from feeling for him..and keep wondering...

But he gets so much attention...i take him around the house with if i'm watching tv in the lounge room,i will bring him in as well...just so he's not in one spot all the time...i'm sure he likes that as well.....i haven't been able to take him outside as it's been a bit to hot and to many flies...i don't want anything to happen to him.

Another thing i was always worried about were pressure sores...but Jack has not ended up with any sores or anything...maybe cause i move him around...and he does move himself around slightly as well..i'm just glad he has not ended up with any.

He still has his daily baths,which then i apply baby nappy rash cream,just to keep his skin protected,i also putcornflour on himas's funny cause when he poops they are all dusted with cornflour.

Gosh the last few days,he has seemed to be extra hungry..he always seemed to always want more....he's been eating plenty of veggies,it's like he cannot get enough...but i do know when he's had enough,cause he will just leave the rest and turn himself around.

Anyway i will have to get and take a few new pictures tomorrow of Jack on his new blankie...he got some for christmas...even though they are for all the bunnies to share..i just had Jack in mind when i bought themcause i have to change them a couple times a day.
It's wonderful to know Jack is doing well. :hug: "Sunshine, she takes good care of him..." (and Cheryl too!!). Smiles on this NY Eve. With disabled sweethearts each day with them and good quality of life is ever so precious. Thanks for the update, cheryl. Cute note on the cornflower dusting upon his output. The buns touch our hearts and lives in so many ways... :hug:
Cheer to your crew ~

Will be looking for to the new blankie picture :hearts

Thanks Julie...i appreciate all that :hug:

Jack sure is my special little treasure.

It's weird cause he still makes me pat him lol...i will be patting him and then i will start to give his face a little scratch and he will move his head in a way,that is demanding me to pat him on the head,and when i do that..he will stop moving his head as much...he is one clever little bunny...he still gives out the kisses.

Another thing that warms my heart is when i see him grooming another bunny,it's just cause of Jack's situation..why it's so much more special when i see him do that.

Yep i will definitely get those pictures taken of his new blankies has little elephants on it's so cute.
Yeah i'm happy he's doing well also...Jack sends his love to you both.

Here are a few pictures i took not long ago tonight...

Jack eating hay...



Jack is such a pretty little bunny...I know he wouldn't like me saying that..but he has such a sweet lovely face...he has always been such a gorgeous boy..I still wish everyday that this never happened to him's terribly sad...but he is one special little boy.


He looks very happy in this picture... :)

cheryl wrote:
Yeah i'm happy he's doing well also...Jack sends his love to you both.

Here are a few pictures i took not long ago tonight...

Jack eating hay...

Thanks Rebecca :)

Yeah he does look happy in that picture...he loves munching on his should see him get excited when he sees me coming with food...he's such a sweetheart.

Just thought i would post this picture of him that i forgot to post last night....i had put some cornflour on him as you can see it's on his blankie...he also has a little bit on his nose..

That's one of his new blankies..i thought i would just mention that ;)


Hehe,i'm sure he does love his blankie....but then he has no choice lol..i think he loves his blue one better though lol

I remember a few years ago now,i had brought this little tent for the was a little kids one...actually a little girls one cause it was purple with fairies on it was the only kind they had,and i wanted it! lol

Well when i set it up for them,they checked it out and everything...but Jack just sat there for a minute and gave it a weird look lol then he dicided to just chin it,all the other bunnies were going in to check it outbut not Jack...noooo i'm sure he thought you have got to be kidding me..well i'm to manly for something like that...but i will just chin it anyway...he was so funny that day...he finally gave in much later though lol...i guess he just couldn't resist temptation lol...i have pictures of that tent with Lulu sitting by it..and everytime i see the pictures it just reminds me of Jack.

That's just a funny little memory
Yes you can,i have downloaded all my old pictures onto a cd,so i will put them back onto my laptop today and i'll post the picture later on today.
Ok here we go..

This is the picture of the kiddies tent with my blind girlLulu sitting beside it..

I used to put their hay in there and they loved it...Lulu used to hang out in there sitting in the hay box lol.....but boy did the bunnies love pooping in there!...i was always cleaning it.

Wish i had taken more pictures of all the bunnies with the tent now.


Oh my goodness,i hadn't looked at all those older pictures for a long time,since i put them onto a cd...and the memories!...they are back from 2005!...i have so many of Jack when he was younger..oh my what memories.

Hehe..i can still see Jack giving that tent a weird look lol

Awww, Jack is looking so adorable. I'm thrilled he is doing so well. Thanks for the update. I've been away for Christmas...just got back to read the news. :)

Hugs and God Bless, Arlette

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