Hey Rebecca,
Jack is still doing good,even though he does seem to be sleeping more than usual,but he's eating and drinking just fine.
He is so clever now that he knows when it's metacam time,when he sees me kneel beside him with the syringe in my hand,he can't get to me fast enough :shock:...he loves it!...My Pippi used to do the same thing as well.
I took Jack outside last sunday as it was such a lovely day,we couldn't stay out for long though as the sun was getting just a bit to warm....gosh now it's blowing a gale outside lol..well not really lol,but it sure is windy and cold...the warm weather is supposed to be back on the weekend again..up and down up and down
Anway i got more pictures and a few videoes while we were out there,will post them later tonight.
I had given Jack his butt bath last night,i hold Jack while my son Jeremy washes him...well it's more like a sponge bath actually,I alway's feel awkawd while i'm holding Jack cause i'm worried that i'm hurting him in some way and all i do is stress the whole timeand i try not to stress cause i don't want to stress Jack out anymore than he already is..ugh!!...anyway after we washed and dried him,i then put him back down on his blanket and he did a weird thing,he started moving a weird way and he was moving his head in a weird way as well..it scared me as i didn't know what was going on,i thought i was going to have to take him to the emergency vet,but he was alright after a minute...he's fine now though,but it has scared me incase it happens again
Gosh going through this with Jack is definitely a hard thing emontionally...but to get all Jack's loving is just the best feeling