New-Update on Jack (RIP sweet Jack)

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Oh Rebecca..Jack had a really awesome time out yesterday! :D

Gordon..I have just your normal iron fencing...but on the other side of the yard i have had to split it with a pool Riley could go out and play as well...Jack hates Riley so it had to be seperate play times....not that it matters now though.

I did have a few more pictures to post...more you say! lol...yep i was going to post them last night as well but i was so tired i fell asleep..

All Jack wanted was to be on the grass..he just kept heading towards it...he did pretty good to get to the grass too!

Ohhh ahhhh


MMM yummy


Such an angel


Haha cannot keep me on that blanket




Gosh i'm cute!


I know Rebecca...i noticed that when i uploaded his pictures.

I just gave Jack his metacam for the morning and he knows when it's time to take it,he lift's his head right up...i'm gonna have to take a video of it...he's so cute!
Aw, what a sweet little angel. It's so nice to see those pics of him enjoying himself. Truly treasure every day you have with him, you can see how happy he is to be alive.
Claire yep i do believe he is very happy to still be here,and boy do i treasure every day that i have with him....i still think about that time when he wasn't doing well and i just thought the worst...boy that was horrible...i'm still just taking each day as it comes though.

He's really taught me a lot,just likemy Pippi taught me a lot as well...the strength of a bunny is just truely amazing.
Cheryl your pictures are beautiful, he's such a handsome litle guy.

I just want to give Jack tons of kisses.

I look forward to many more pictures if him.

Thanks Susan and April :)

Jack is doing good...i think it's me who has the worries...I had a kind of sad moment the other night...I just feel for him so much...but the thing is..he is still a happy little melts my heart the way i see how he gets so excited at tea time.
TreasuredFriend wrote:
Keep on showering Jack with love,
Yep that's exactly what i do,we have much more of a tight bond...oh my gosh do we ever!,I love my bunnies deeply but...Jack needs me and boy is he showing how much he loves me,like i have mentioned before he has turned into a real licker...he will lick me like crazy,something that he has only done rarely before...but i think i just worry to much...way to much that i wear myself out.
That's for sure,Julie

I just woke up not long ago and i went to check on Jack,he can reach part of his back,even though it must be hard for him to do that,but he was grooming the part of his back that he could reach..i can only stand there and just smile...he warms my heart.
Hey Rebecca,

Jack is still doing good,even though he does seem to be sleeping more than usual,but he's eating and drinking just fine.

He is so clever now that he knows when it's metacam time,when he sees me kneel beside him with the syringe in my hand,he can't get to me fast enough :shock:...he loves it!...My Pippi used to do the same thing as well.

I took Jack outside last sunday as it was such a lovely day,we couldn't stay out for long though as the sun was getting just a bit to warm....gosh now it's blowing a gale outside lol..well not really lol,but it sure is windy and cold...the warm weather is supposed to be back on the weekend again..up and down up and down:p

Anway i got more pictures and a few videoes while we were out there,will post them later tonight.

I had given Jack his butt bath last night,i hold Jack while my son Jeremy washes him...well it's more like a sponge bath actually,I alway's feel awkawd while i'm holding Jack cause i'm worried that i'm hurting him in some way and all i do is stress the whole timeand i try not to stress cause i don't want to stress Jack out anymore than he already is..ugh!!...anyway after we washed and dried him,i then put him back down on his blanket and he did a weird thing,he started moving a weird way and he was moving his head in a weird way as scared me as i didn't know what was going on,i thought i was going to have to take him to the emergency vet,but he was alright after a minute...he's fine now though,but it has scared me incase it happens again :(

Gosh going through this with Jack is definitely a hard thing emontionally...but to get all Jack's loving is just the best feeling :)

Good to hear from you. Glad that Jack's still doing good. I know Monsters would perk up when she saw the syringe coming. She loved her meds she really couldn't get enough and a few times she would take it from me.

anyway after we washed and dried him,i then put him back down on his blanket and he did a weird thing,he started moving a weird way and he was moving his head in a weird way as scared me as i didn't know what was going on,i thought i was going to have to take him to the emergency vet

This would scare me too. When I gave Monsters first bath in the sink I plopped her down to try her and after I was done I set her free and she seemed fine but a bit later she had like a whole body spasm. So off to E-Vet we went. She another one a few weeks later. I sure hope that doesn't happen to Jack.

:hug: Rebecca
How sweet! I love to see him outside in the sun, munching on some grass. I'm glad things are going well with you guys--he's a smart little guy for knowing the Metacam is a good thing! I don't know what the deal was with his strange movements after the bath, but I hope it doesn't happen again.
Rebecca,did the vet have any idea why that happened to Monsters?was it the only two times that it happened to her? was scarey as i just didn't know whatJack was doing...i hope it doesn't happen again.

Thanks Claire,i just love taking Jack outside...i'm sure that he wishes he could just hop on down those steps out to the back all by himself like old times...poor boy it must be so hard for him...but he's doing good regardless..he still has so much love to give.

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