New-Update on Jack (RIP sweet Jack)

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I had the day of from work today,so i got busy backing up all my recent pictures i have taken since getting my laptop back...I had lost so many precious pictures when my hard drive failed twice...all those pictures of the bunnies and videos...and pictures of Jack when he was doing fine's such a shame!

Ok onto some picture's of Jack i just took recently...

Munching on some hay..


Cute as can be!!


Josie say's..your still so sweet Jack



Jack say's...thank's Josie...mwuahhhh....I still love ya heaps



I have more pictures which i will upload and post soon

I'm so glad he's doing better. I think he knows that he has a lot more love to soak up in his life and he's going to stick around for that! It's so adorable that he grooms Josie!
Thanks Gordon...and yep Jack still loves his salad

Claire i think you are absolutely right about that..

You know,i do miss the simple thing's that Jack cannot do anymore...i miss him following me into the kitchen.....i was just watching Chocolate bunny and Marleygrooming themselves...Chocolate bunny was cleaning her ears and i just wished i could see Jack do that again...but i won't see it no more....he can still clean his feet in a way and i have seen him groom his chest part the best he could....he still tries to look after himself....i find that just amazing...and i just love him all the more for it.

He has already taught me many thing's.
Oh it's sooo good to see him receiving and giving love!! He definitely still has more in him, and is just enjoying each new moment he has... how wonderful. Many hugs to you both!!!!
Thankyou to the both of you. :)..i just cannot believe how well he has been doing..he is just so one of my earlier posts i had mentioned that i was excited cause Jack was way up on his front legs..i caught him doing that a few times's like he's trying to sit up :shock:

Another thing i'm going to do is when i go back to the vet sometime this week to get Jack more metacam i'm going to ask if i can have Jack's xray's so i can post them here,i don't know if they will allow me to have them or not...really i cannot see why not

I don't even know if xray's can be scanned or not..will they still be able to be seen clearly?
Awesome,Stan i never thought of that...and Rebecca i never really thought about that when i go to get Jack's metacam...i'll definitelyask about both...i'll take my camera just in case...i really want to post his xray..don't know why..i just want to....then ya can see what is going on with his spine and how his vertebrae's are starting to fuse together....ugh thatmakes my back achejust thinking about it....poor little boy.

And here i was thinking i could just scan the xray....silly me lol...actually i had alway's wondered how other people are able to show their xray's online lol
I've been gone the past week cause my husbands mother died. I'm catching up on things. I'm glad Jack is well. :pinkbouce: :)

Love the pic's. He is such ahandsome bunny.
Thank's April...Jack is just an absolute lil treasure

I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's mum though

Well the day ain't the best,haven't seen the sun shining...but it's a clear day so i'll be taking Jack out the back to get that fresh air on his fur....i can just see that little smile that he gives already.

I will take my camera out as well :)
Just wanted to say that Jack is having an awesome time out,the sun wasn't really out when we first came out,but now the sun has decided to show up and it's absolutely lovely.

I had put Jack on a blanket and boy he didn't want to stay on it lol,at the moment he's sitting here beside me watching me on the laptop.

I have pictures to upload and post :D
Well as i had mentionedearlierthe day turned out beautiful...Jack enjoyed himself immensley....even though he cannot hop around...I saw the look on his face..i saw the happiness in his eyes....i haven't been able to take him out for a while cause of the weather and the grass was always wet...and i just wasn't going to put him on wet today was just ever so special for him....we sat out there for hours while he just soaked up the sunshine...had the light wind blow in his fur....and just basically enjoyed the beautiful fresh air

It was a bit hard to keep him on the blanket though..he wanted the grass...i did let him on the grass for a while..he just munched away on it.

Ohh and guess what i did today...I forgot daylight saving's had started!!!LOL...yes the clocks went forward from 2:30 this morning lol...i'm such a dork!....lucky it was sunday and i had no work...but monday is a public holiday anyway...lucky!!

Ok onto the picture's





Scratch harder mum!


The sun is out




More to come :D

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