Naughty Clan

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So as I was typing the above blog tonight, Baci did not seem his normal self. I know he was spooked earlier when I was cooking and ran upstairs. (None of the buns like my cooking!:()Wenormallysay goodnightby 6:30pm on weekdays so the girls can have their time out. However he was too quiet. We didn't do our normal chasing around the coffee table. In fact he just went under his cage and did the bunny flop. Now I'm getting nervous. I decide to wait for hubby to come home so he can check on him. He walks in and guess what!!! Baci runs up to himto play, waiting to be picked up for his bunny hug. Me~ hewould nip at my shoulder to say Put me down!! Little bugger, he just played us for an extra hour!
It's Saturday morning and usually by 7am the bunny alarm goes off andthe ruckus begins. Sebastian's running around the bedroom, jumping up and down his shelf making as much noise as he can to wake us up b/c he's hungry; Baci's out in the living room picking up his litter pan and throwing it around his cage. And the girls' are chasing each other upstairs. Would be nice if we both can sleep past 7:30 one weekendmorning but NOT!

Also did I say Sebastian is a great WatchRabbit? During the night, he kept thumping but I was too tired to get up. Well this morning we looked out the window and apparently Yogi paid us a visit. Poor thing, he was trying to warn us and I ignored him. Strike 2 for me! When Sebastian had free range of the house prior to his siblings joining him, he would dart into the bedroom under the couch as soon as a car enter the driveway and our driveway is at least 400 feet long. That would be our cue we have visitors. We didn't need the driveway alarm, we had Sebastian!

On a sad note, hubby mentioned to me he thinks Cappuccino is deaf.:( She's only a year old. We noticed today she was cleaning herself and did not move when we walked into their room. Usually she would run b/c she's our little chicken girl. He tapped his foot and that's when she went running. I went back and read some post in the infirmary. A bit of a relief to know it should not affect her quality of life since she's anindoor rabbit.

We're heading up to CT this afternoon to have dinner with my family. It's about a 2 hours drive each way so that means we'll be home late tonight. As silly as it sound,hubby and Ireally don't have a social life b/c we like to be home for the buns. They're on a schedule, weplan it so one is home by 7pm every night. Our friends laugh at us b/c we have no kids but we're slaves to our rabbits!

I know what you mean about having no my husband and I were talking about the fact we are child-free (by choice). He said something along the lines that he wouldn't want the responsibility of a child and being tied down. And then he laughed because he realized that we are tied down...but to little furry pets.
Helen,do you think Cappuccino could have been just to busy grooming herself that she just wasn't taking any notice when you walked into the room? bunnies do this all the time....i will even call their name and sometimesthey will sit there and ignore huh she can come to me...other times they will come when i call...

Cappuccino is such a precious girl...she's an absolute pretty girl who i adore...always have.

Now the schedule gosh i can be terrible and will feel bad if i get behind in it as well...if i go out shopping or something..i always try to get back in time to do whatever it is with my's funny cause they know their routine.
Cheryl, that's what I was thinking.It could alsobe the "lop ears" where it muffles any sound. She's such a little bugger that I can't tell if she's ignoring us or doesn't hear us.
I'm nor sure if this is true but I've heard that deaf rabbits are usually very jumpy. They don't hear something or someone coming so by the time they can see you, they're startled.

We had an adopter who took home a new bun because their deaf bun lived a long life before passing. He lived just as well if not better than a hearing bunny. The adopter told us so many fun stories about this bun and you'd never even think something was wrong, he did just as much rabbity stuff as any other bunny. If Cappy is suspected as deaf perhaps a vet visit will confirm. Or maybe she just has an ear infection that's affecting her hearing - it happens with lops. If she's a year old this either isn't new or something changed, I would think?
kirbyultra wrote:
I'm nor sure if this is true but I've heard that deaf rabbits are usually very jumpy. They don't hear something or someone coming so by the time they can see you, they're startled.

We had an adopter who took home a new bun because their deaf bun lived a long life before passing. He lived just as well if not better than a hearing bunny. The adopter told us so many fun stories about this bun and you'd never even think something was wrong, he did just as much rabbity stuff as any other bunny. If Cappy is suspected as deaf perhaps a vet visit will confirm. Or maybe she just has an ear infection that's affecting her hearing - it happens with lops. If she's a year old this either isn't new or something changed, I would think?
It's funny b/c when I go up there and call her, she does turn and look at me. But then againI'm not sure if she's relying on her sense of smell. I will get it checked out but how does a vet determine that
Well Shades is pissed at me now. I'm calling her Ms. Shakertude! Unfortunately I overlooked her front tooth and noticed on Monday it was overgrown. I called the vet immediately and schedule her tooth to be trim this morning. It was a fairly quick and simple procedure, however every visit always gets her stress and me a nervous wreck.During thetrip home she literally turned her head on me whenever I talked to her and went to the other side of the carrier if I tried to pet her. Every seen a rabbitgiving you a dirty look? I sure did today! Ungrateful little girl. I even cancelled my trip to Seattle today b/c I didn't want to wait another week to get to the vet.

To top it off I drive like a very cautious granny whenever any of my buns are in the car. It's bad enough I hate tailgater:grumpybut especially if I have my precious cargo in the car. One little bump and one day I'm going to turn into the crazy psycho lady!:shame

It's a beautiful day here in Jersey but I'll be indoors, this bunny slave must cater to her every whim today and beg for her forgiveness. Ok~ in reality after every vet visit, I refuse to leave the house so I can check on them every hour. Call me Ms. Paranoia

kahlin wrote:
I know what you mean about having no my husband and I were talking about the fact we are child-free (by choice). He said something along the lines that he wouldn't want the responsibility of a child and being tied down. And then he laughed because he realized that we are tied down...but to little furry pets.
But the love we get in return is well worth being slaves!
I'm nor sure if this is true but I've heard that deaf rabbits are usually very jumpy. They don't hear something or someone coming so by the time they can see you, they're startled.

I don't know that I would go as far as calling them jumpy...I've had three deaf bunnies and while at first they may get startled if we pop out of nowhere, they are otherwise much calmer than any of our hearing bunnies have/had been. We worked around the appearing out of nowhere thing by flicking lights, blowing at them, and just not moving much until I know that they had seen me...
I meant more like, if you didn't know the bun was deaf and you just went about eveything not realizing it had a hearing problem, you may notice the rabbit more jumpy, because you might be "sneaking up" on them. :)

This is NOT the kind of friend I want!!! Do you see me smiling also?????
kirbyultra wrote:
:rofl::rofl::rofl:This pic made me gush tea out of my nose!!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Hee Hee~ the things we do to entertain ourselves at our buns' expense!
Well the good news is everything is quiet on the home front with the buns! And their lettuce has been on sale the last two weeks. 2.50 as oppose to 3.99 so of course the we stocked up.

Bad news is I'm at the beginning of my yearly bronchial infection and being around thebuns, especially the girls, is making it difficultfor me to breathe. I just took Nyquil so I'll be out in la la land within the next 10 minutes!

***Also my services as a potential juror is now complete, I was never called!!!:grumpy
Aw man! Can you take something for it specifically? :( Feel better.

And - you're not a juror? Their loss! :grumpy
kirbyultra wrote:
Aw man! Can you take something for it specifically? :( Feel better.

And - you're not a juror? Their loss! :grumpy

Thanks Helen. I took some Nyquil and picked up my Advair prescription. I actually feel better but the Nyquil on an empty stomach was not a good idea. Worked 1/2 day then back home and slept. Like hubby said, I should have taken the recommended dosage for a child, it drowsiness lasted 48 hours!

I was kept in suspense for 4 days only to say my service was completed. I didn't even get a chance to step into the courthouse!! Perhaps I sounded a bittoo eager on my response!
