Naughty Clan

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The weather hereisso unpredictable today. First a thundershower this morning, then sunshine followed by 30-40 miles wind and now the temperature is dropping. Baci has been going crazy the last hour following us all over the house and thumping. Seems like he's trying to get our attention and warn us about something. The last time he was acting like this was last summer when their was an earthquake a couple towns away. We never felt it but apparently Baci did. He's been jumping up and down the couch so I finally sent hubby to sit on the floor with him. Currently he's being spoiled enjoying a personal bunny massage from the other slave!
hln917 wrote:
kirbyultra wrote:
Is Bactroban the same as bacitracin? My skin blisters when I use neosporin as well and bacitracin works ok for me. I also have a prescription for a topical antibiotic as well but I don't know the name of it - it's really long.

That's strange b/c Neosporin also contains bacitracin. Unfortunately I don't know which ingredient in both Bactrobanand Neosporin I'm actually allergic to. According to the web, Neosporin is a triple antibiotic ointment and many people are allergic to neomycin so they would need a double antibiotic which only contains bacitracin and polymycin B. I checked with the pharmacist and she did not recommend that I useany of the over the counterointments since they all had ingredients found in Neosporin. If you get a chance, can you tell me the name of the other ointment you use? I told hubby how we're similarin havingthe same allergic reaction. He asked if we were somehow related. (I also tell him about your Kirby, Toby and now Penny's stories.)

Just have to go see the doctor on Monday. Should have done it today.:( Good thing I don't wear any low cut shirts. It looks pretty nasty today.:p
LOL - many a time have I walked outta the house "revealing" what must look like domestic abuse, and was a little mortified after the realization. V neck line or short sleeves! Little do they know, I'm actually a slave at home :shock:

What I have is triamcinolone acetonide - OMG I just looked it up and it's not an antibiotic at all! It's a corticosteroid! I can't believe I never knew this. I guess it makes sense for me because I break out in eczema blisters whenever I put OTC antibiotic creams on my skin for even simple stupid cuts like paper cuts or bun scratches. I suppose once I have a steroid on my skin to deal with the blistering and rashes, my skin can properly concentrate on healing on its own. If this is the problem you have, you might want to ask about it. Here's what webmd says about it:
This medication is used to treat a variety of skin conditions (e.g., eczema, dermatitis, allergies, rash).

I don't kid around - I've literally had paper cuts that have taken 4 weeks to heal because of reactions to creams that are supposed to aid healing but were counterproductive instead. When I got this cream, my gnarly 4 week old, and now-in-MUCH-worse-condition little cut was 90% better practically overnight. I call this little tube the Magic Sauce.
kirbyultra wrote:
LOL - many a time have I walked outta the house "revealing" what must look like domestic abuse, and was a little mortified after the realization. V neck line or short sleeves! Little do they know, I'm actually a slave at home :shock:

What I have is triamcinolone acetonide - OMG I just looked it up and it's not an antibiotic at all! It's a corticosteroid! I can't believe I never knew this. I guess it makes sense for me because I break out in eczema blisters whenever I put OTC antibiotic creams on my skin for even simple stupid cuts like paper cuts or bun scratches. I suppose once I have a steroid on my skin to deal with the blistering and rashes, my skin can properly concentrate on healing on its own. If this is the problem you have, you might want to ask about it. Here's what webmd says about it:
This medication is used to treat a variety of skin conditions (e.g., eczema, dermatitis, allergies, rash).

I don't kid around - I've literally had paper cuts that have taken 4 weeks to heal because of reactions to creams that are supposed to aid healing but were counterproductive instead. When I got this cream, my gnarly 4 week old, and now-in-MUCH-worse-condition little cut was 90% better practically overnight. I call this little tube the Magic Sauce.

Wow~ this is too funny.. I was recently diagnosed with eczema myself. The ointment prescribed is Halobetasol Propionate. I looked up the difference b/tw yours and this one. Yours is medium to strong potency and mine is super strong. (Probably b/c of my age:p) Within the last couple of years, I've noticed any burn or cut I get also takes awhile to heal.I'm alwaysquestioned by my colleagues at workwhy I always have a band-aid in a different spot every week.

I had to give up onone of those trial Tiger SchulmannKarate exercise class b/c I burned myself ironing my uniform and that's when I learn I was allergic to Neosporin and Bactroban. It literally took over2 months to heal and the instructor thought it was an amusing "story."

Yep this is my Magic Sauce and I never leave home without it!

Halobetasol is super potent, yeah! I have been using clobetasol propionate for years for eczema, which is in the same class as that. It does the job really well, but I don't like to go there unless I'm really itching like nuts. The thing with cuts for me is that if I do nothing to it but keep it clean, chances are it will heal, but slower than most people. If I take bad care of it, I'll regret it for weeks. When it's gone downhill, I tend go to with a milder steroid to help with the blistering because clobetasol makes the skin thinner which is counterproductive to the healing process.

I like to blast the swelling other symptoms of the eczema with hydrocortisone if it's swelling or if it's a bunny scratch, and then keep it clean, put a bandaid over it... I suppose now that I know the magic sauce has been a mild corticosteroid that's stronger than hydrocortisone all along, then the approach is the same, just a different drug!

How recently did you get diagnosed? When I first got diagnosed and finally made my way up the drug tree to clobetasol, it was like finding heavenly relief! I NEVER left home without it! And my skin was so bad that all I could think about was the itchiness. Once I got over that initial hump, life was better. Over the years I learned to kind of work with my skin to prevent the symptoms so I didn't reach for it as much. I still go on vacation with it, no question about it. You never know when a change in climate will make the eczema go nuts! :(
It's been one of those day today! Took Shades to the vet this morning to have her front teeth trimmed. The vet said her molars were good and as long as we keep the front trimmed regularly, the molars will be fine. So that was good news. That's about as good as the day got. On the way home I get a phone call from work that I may have to go in. So here I am scrambling to go to the supermarket with Shades to getmore lettuce. I had to leave her in the car, which I don't like to do but I didn't have time to go home. (Idid leavethe windows open for her) Justas I pulled intomy driveway, work calls again to say stay home. Yay!! I hate to leave any of the buns after a vet visit so I was a bit nervous when I got called in.

Good thing I stayed home because after an hour of being home, the girls decided, after 1 1/2 yearstogether, to rumble. I'm not sure who started it. By the time I ranupstairs, fur was flying all over the room and they were both jumping on each other. I separated them with a baby gate. After an hour they were both at the gate looking at each other so I felt bad and took the gate down. I was the hall monitor in the bunny room having an asthma attack.Cappy would go up to Shades to sniff her and Shades would pounce on her. After an hour I left them alone since all was quiet though they still sat apart at a distance. Every little noise I would run upstairs with Baci behind me. Talk about a good workout! Just as I thought all was fine in the Naughty household, I decided to clean and broke a mirror. Not good~ as I'm very superstitious. As I'm vacuuming, I hear more rumble. I run upstairs, they are now rolling around and I go to grab Shades while Cappy pounce and bit my hand b/c it got in the way. Yes it drew blood. As I'm holding Shades, she's putting up a fight and claw the infectedwound that I had on my chest. I have been keeping it covered b/c clothes irritate it so today I decided to leave it uncover and just wear a very low shirt. Well that backfired! I'm also taking antibiotic for it but may need a stronger dose.

So now the girls are once again separated by a gate and I have to wait for hubby to come home before I can run out to do errands. I don't want to leave them alone. I really hope it's just a female temperamental issue and they will kiss and make up soon. I hope the bond isn't broken. Getting stressed just thinking about it.

I learned my lesson and will definitely take them both with me tothe vet next time.

On another note, I'm volunteering at a Bunny Spa tomorrow so looking forward to that and I finally get to meet someone!:D

Shades on the way to the vet this morning~

Mommy where are we going and why do you drive like a grandma?


This place smells like cats and dogs! I don't like it mommy!


Today was Bunny Spa Day sponsored by Safe Haven Rabbit Rescue. It was also my first time volunteering. What a great experience for such a great cause. All the buns were so well behaved. I also finally had the pleasure to meet Kirby, Penny and their Slaves, Helen (Kirbyultra) and hubby. Kirby and Penny were the hit of the day. Everyone was amused how the couple has the matching one white paw. Yes they were meant for each other!

Hubby also bought my little Baci to the event. I was so proud of him. We haven't taken himon any car rides unless it's to the vet.He usuallybecome stressed, however hubby said he was eating his greens in the car and just chilling.At one point during the day, I look over and a twinge of jealously hit me. I seethis female (another volunteer) holding my baby with hubby standing next to her! Hubby's telling her how Baci is not very sociable and does not tolerate any strangers holding him. She was petting Baci and commented how relaxed he was b/c his ears were back. I found it amusing b/c that's actually Baci's PISSED OFF look!!:biggrin2:

It was a long day and I was so anxious to come home to be with my babies now. Baci ran to the door to greet me when I walked in, such a great feeling. He's been so loving last night and this morning. Demanding attention and play time. So off I go to be chased by Baci..............

Oh my gosh that picture is too cute!

Yeah..when ears are back..that usually means they are not happy! LOL.
Hehehe that lady just has no idea!

I think it depends sometimes, and bun mom knows what their bunny is feeling. My buns often have their ears back when they are relaxed or feeling comfy and sleepy. I think Kirby was very comfy with you :) Baci was probably upset though lol :X

Look what I got in the mail today! My girlfriend sent it as a surprise, coin purses. It is the cutest thing. Told her it wasmuch too nice to use. The one with Baci on it has been edited to cover the name.


Bummer, my scratch wound still hasn't healed. Just finished the meds and the doctor wants me to go back this afternoon. He's surprised it's still infected. Unfortunately during the day I have to keep it covered b/c the clothes irritate it, however when I'm home and on weekends, I try to keep it uncovered but it still won't dry up. The way my body works~ I need double the dosage and the strongest prescription out there. He sounded more concern on how I received the scratch. Cappy scratches me all the time, however this time I inadvertly scratched over it therefore opening the wound. Keeping fingers crossed they willfind a healing solution!
Aw, that sucks. It's tough when it's in a bad spot. I had a scratch on my stomach from one of my buns hopping off my chest (I think it was Toby), and it took weeks to heal, got kind of nasty :(

I hope your doctor gets this all resolved. I'm sure Bunny Spa Day didn't help!
I went back to the doctorMonday night and he wasn't happy with cut, it still wasn't healing. He prescribed Levaquin and Prednisone. He also suggested that I try to keep the cut uncovered as much as possible. In other words, wear bare minimal clothing. So I decided to take off today and tomorrow, a five day weekend! :bunnydance:More than happy to oblige by thedoctor's order! Sure the job wouldn't approveof bikini day!

Bunny Spa definitely didn't help it. Only b/c I when I was holding the buns, my shirt was pressing against the wound. However I wouldn't trade that experience, it was well worth it!

Good news, the girls are back together!!

I was so nervous that they hadunbonded, but it looks like Shades wasn't feeling well and just didn't want to be bothered.

Sebastian's fine and now Baci's demanding my attention for more Bunny Nascar!

My goodness Helen..those purses are just the cutest things..i just love them!

Wow it's so good to hear that the girls are back together...what a nice feeling that must be for you..
Thanks Cheryl,who would have thought an unbonding moment can cause so much stress!! B/l it or not, between running up and down the stairs at every single noise and worrying about them last weekend actually help me lose some weight! Well maybe 2 lb!:biggrin2:
Mommy's off and bored today so it's picture time!


Yay~Breakfast time!


What's that smell out there????


It's me girls, Mr. Baci. Can I come in and play???


Come on....Puleeze????


Go away you annoying one! This is an ALLGIRL room!


Grrrrr. It's him again!


"Show him your FANGS Shades, yeah that'll scare him away!"-Cappy


Mommy~ why don't they like me? And who's poop is that!!!
hln917 wrote:
Awww that's so sweet - I love the pics of Baci trying to get some girl lovin' :)

Wow the infection must be bad to be on Levaquin and Prednisone. You're hitting it with the big guns so I'm glad you also have a few days off to complement it. Kudos to you for taking care of yourself!

About 5 summers ago I was wearing a skirt at work and there's this keyboard tray that was installed under my desk. I never use it so I shoved it as far under the desk as possible. I don't know how, but a piece of metal that held it up scraped across my knee and I had this nasty gash! That cut on my knee was about 3/4 inch long, and a month later, it was horribly infected and about double in size and 3x as wide, the immediate area around it was affected too. Multiple visits to the dermatologist... I was going almost every 4 days to make sure it wasn't getting worse too fast. It was an entirely uphill battle with this thing. It got the point where they got me local anesthesia and cut out a part of it to send to a lab in order to figure out which antibiotic to put me on (which, btw, was so bad because it wasn't healing and they made it BIGGER!). Luckily for me it was not a nasty bug, it was just a very bad, deep case of a common bacteria that is very infectious, complicated with eczema and it being on a joint, where the skin is constantly moving and stretching and hard to heal.

I try to block out most of this ordeal because not only was it not healing, but every other silly cut or opening in my skin started to get infected by the same thing. My body was utterly unable to fight this off and every wound was getting infected, no matter how trivial the cut was. I was sooo miserable and I couldn't take any time off because I was killin' it at work. Eventually, I got pretty psychotic about it and with some very special bandage and a dozen different creams and drugs, the gash on my knee closed up and everything else healed after.

Sooooo yeah, definitely take care of that LOL I never ever wish to relive the skin ordeal that I went through that summer ever again. My skin was so bad that I was embarrassed to go out in summer clothing. It was very uncomfortable :(

BTW, did you get the emails I sent you yesterday?