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Yay~ Baci likes parsley! Finally.



A friend of mine had bought this sign for me after I told him about Sebastian's thumpingwith the bears.

Baci's was going crazy the last hour non stop running in circles. ( Hedoesn't thump out of fear only out offrustration and anger.) I look out my window and who do I see. Yogi and her 3 cubs!
LOL I have a similar sign. Was going to put it up on Toby's pen but I don't know how, I just forgot to do it. Bought it months ago! I guess the sign didn't work huh?
Wewoke up this morning at 6:30am from Sebastian's ruckus. He was going for lap 5 of the Bunny Nascar b/c he was out of fuel and hungry. Hubby looked out the window and saw a rabbit, not a cottontail that we normally see but a mini rex. It was our neighbor's. We spent 2 hours unsuccessfully trying to catch it, also keeping an eye on the hawk who was also looking to catch the rabbit. We even boughtBaci outside~ it wasn't interested. I'm so upset right now. I know her other rabbit just had a new litter last week. I wonder if she is even aware this one is missing. I wonder how many others also decided to go on a solo journey. I know it's not the first time. I don't even want to know anymore!!!I just came in and gave all my bunnies a hug. I can't even fathom if one of them would leave me. I'd move heaven and earth to find them.

Not a great start to my day.

This is the response I just r/c from my FB page:

There are two brothers that have been running loose since last summer. Quinn, the black/tan one stays in the back yard. Mica, the gray one used to stay right with him, but I think Quinn is now chasing him away. I should catch Mica before he gets in Jack's garden. They are always here for morning feeding.

So I decided to channel my frustration yesterday by building the girls a hay basket. I'm embarrassed to say I've raised messy females.By the end of the day, their room looks like it was hit by a category 5tornado of hay! Currently their hayis served ona small round basket and Cappuccino has a tendency of flipping it over.

We had some extra wood, not enough for Baci's new home, but that will be the next project. The final outcome~


The neighbor's rabbit came back last night, even stretched out under my car and fell asleep yet I still couldn't get to him. We set up a Have a Heart trap this morning with some hay and pellets. He outsmarted us by pulling the hay from the side! It just breaks my heart to see him fending for himself and we have some many predators around here. He was from a litter born last summer so he's still
That's a nifty hay rack! How'd you put it together? I am not handy at all and marvel at those who are!

I hope the neighbor's bun is ok. :/
I love the little hay thing you made Helen,,very clever! the girls like it?

I hope the neighbours bunny can be caught...i just hate hearing about bunnies or any animal out on the streets.
kirbyultra wrote:
That's a nifty hay rack! How'd you put it together? I am not handy at all and marvel at those who are!

I hope the neighbor's bun is ok. :/

It was actually hubby's design. We used pieces from a window shutter.

He came around Sat and Sun but no sign of him today.:?
cheryl wrote:
I love the little hay thing you made Helen,,very clever! the girls like it?

I hope the neighbours bunny can be caught...i just hate hearing about bunnies or any animal out on the streets.
Thanks Cheryl, we realized it was a bit larger than what I'd hope for. I was trying to prevent them from also hopping on it which they did today. They left behind evidence of poop in there! I think this weekend we'll have to adjust the size.
No sighting of the rabbit all day.:( I really hope he's ok and justtrying to stay dryfrom all the rain we had this morning. Wishful thinking that he went home to his siblings. I'm afraid to get attach if he keeps coming around b/c I know the one day he doesn't, I'll be heart broken. For my sanity, I think I'll just pretend he went home. I can't b/l I'm already teary eyes now thinking about him.

Well at least tonight I get to stay up a bit later, meaning Baci also gets more play time. Instead of going in at 6:30, he'll get to stay out till 8pm, his weekend hours. I'm normally home by 4pm and in bed by 7pm and up again at 1:30am. But tomorrow I don't have to go into work. Instead I have to go into NYC for cocktail hours with the CEO of the company at the NYSE.I'm actually NOT looking forward to it. I don't drink and it'll take me at least 1 hr and 45 min to get out there if no traffic andthen the cost of toll and parking. I just hope I get fed also.:p

Damn~ I just looked out the window and guess who came hopping into the yard and under the car. I'm torn, do I go out there and feed him, hoping he'll come to trust me so I can catch him or ignore him and maybe he'll go home?:?
He'll let me get this close and take a pic w/ the cell phone yet I can't grab him. So frustrating! He's really a beautiful bun.


My husband thinks he's the Rabbit Whisperer. He just got home and is now lying on the wet grass trying to talk to the bunny to come to him!Boy doI love him!
What a hubby you have!!! :) :)
The bun really is adorable. Very lovely looking coat! I hope you get can get him so he he can be safe.
Poor little bunny. :(

I hope you or your husband can catch him before something hungry does.
I bought Baci outside today to try to get him to come to me. He wasn't interested.Probably b/c he's another boy? I don't want to try with the girls b/c they are harder to handle and I don't want them to get loose outside. May have to round up the other neighbors this weekend to try and catch him. I asked the owner to bring over a sibling, hoping he'll go to them.
No sighting of the bun since Tuesday nite. Hoping he's safe andwent home on his own.

Cappuccino gave me a nasty scratch on the chest when I was holding her a couple weeks ago. She hates being held and gets fidgety. Usually it heals after awhile but this time the wound opened up. I'm allergic to Neosporin and Bactroban. If it doesn't close within a couple of days, I'll gosee the doctor. My lips are also swollen again. I'm very sensitive and tried this lipstain from Clinique.Apparently I must be allergic to an ingredient in it. Don't ever get old!

Have some pics of Baci, he's been so loving lately. His newthing now is he's makes us feel guiltyas we leave the house. He stood on his hind leg this morning in front of the door as ifbegging me not to go. :(






Is Bactroban the same as bacitracin? My skin blisters when I use neosporin as well and bacitracin works ok for me. I also have a prescription for a topical antibiotic as well but I don't know the name of it - it's really long.
kirbyultra wrote:
Is Bactroban the same as bacitracin? My skin blisters when I use neosporin as well and bacitracin works ok for me. I also have a prescription for a topical antibiotic as well but I don't know the name of it - it's really long.

That's strange b/c Neosporin also contains bacitracin. Unfortunately I don't know which ingredient in both Bactrobanand Neosporin I'm actually allergic to. According to the web, Neosporin is a triple antibiotic ointment and many people are allergic to neomycin so they would need a double antibiotic which only contains bacitracin and polymycin B. I checked with the pharmacist and she did not recommend that I useany of the over the counterointments since they all had ingredients found in Neosporin. If you get a chance, can you tell me the name of the other ointment you use? I told hubby how we're similarin havingthe same allergic reaction. He asked if we were somehow related. (I also tell him about your Kirby, Toby and now Penny's stories.)

Just have to go see the doctor on Monday. Should have done it today.:( Good thing I don't wear any low cut shirts. It looks pretty nasty today.:p
