the time my license expired and I had to go in, I drove anyway. I know that's throwing caution to the wind but the lines here take forever and I hate to subject any friend to the boring task of sitting and waiting in the DMV while I wait to get my license renewed...
Pfft, like I was gonna do anything else. I have no problem driving there on an expired license, I just think it's stupid that I have to

. I've actually been driving with an expired registration sticker for a full year now, lol. I paid it last December but the new sticker never arrived... they wanted $7 to send me a new one. F- that. I figured if I ever got a ticket, then I'd cough up the $7 for the sticker. Failing that, I'd just wait until I renewed again this year and hope my sticker actually arrived this time.
The back of traffic tickets have all the fines listed if you want to just pay them online/by mail and be done with it but if you're willing to go to court, you can get out of most fines. I got caught with expired tags (inspection and registration) once when they were actually expired - I just paid to get them up-to-date, took the proof to the court place and they dismissed the ticket without charging a fine. All told, I think I paid a whopping $10 more than if I'd done it on time and never gotten the ticket... and that was because the place where you renew your registration charges extra for whatever reason if you've been ticketed for letting it expire and I had to pay $3-4 for parking at the court house.
Besides, I'm good with cops - if I got pulled over for some reason, I'd probably manage to escape with just a warning after explaining that the DPS had been closed since noon on Monday and I was on my way there now to renew my license. Heck, I got pulled over twice in a week not long after moving to Houston, both for a tail light being out, and all I got both times was a warning (the first time was in a rental car that I had while mine was in the shop, the second was in my real car after I got it back - weird coincidence).
Big-city cops are generally easy to deal with, as they've got better things to do than get on your ass about a license that's been expired for all of a day. In Houston, especially, routine traffic stops are mostly just an excuse to sniff around for the bigger stuff - they're after DUI/DWIs, drug dealers/traffickers, active warrants, that sort of thing. If you don't appear to be what they're looking for, they're eager to move on to the next traffic stop.
As long as you're sober, give the appearance that they'd come up empty handed if they searched your car and are polite, respectful and compliant (ie look innocent and don't piss them off) then more often than not, you'll get a warning for anything minor and only get ticketed for major stuff.
When I got pulled over in San Antonio for expired tags, the cop didn't even write me up for not having proof of insurance (I explained that I had forgotten to print out an updated copy the last time I renewed it and did have a long-since expired copy in the glove box but he had no way to know for sure that I wasn't lying, except perhaps an internal BS meter).
When I got pulled over in my real car for the tail light last summer, the cop didn't say sh*t about the registration sticker... and I saw him look at it as he was turning to go back to his car after he'd already run my license and finished giving me a warning about the tail light. He had already decided I wasn't "up to no good" and opted to move on to someone else, I guess.