Nala and Gaz

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Wow... I'm still pretty floored that anyone would take the time to send a nasty PM like that. I understand that not everyone can always get along even if we're gathering together under one forum out of a mutual love for the same thing, but if one particular member really pisses you off that much... Why not just leave the site without the pointed and uncalled for PM?

Like the others have said, I'm pretty new here too so I don't know you from long ago, but I really appreciate all your replies around RO! Sometimes I check out threads completely unrelated to anything that might concern Mocha just to see what you (and JBun too) have to say because you're always full of helpful information and links. Thank you for coming back and I hope she didn't put you off from continuing being your usual self on the forum!
Yeah, it was absolutely wonderful when JBun joined! I make a point of getting to health-related threads (particularly ones that seem urgent) ASAP when I'm online, but of course I'm not always online. Not only is Jenny often around to help when I'm not, she's also knowledgeable about a number of health issues that I know very little about. Usually if I admit to being stumped or only having very limited information to offer, she's the first one to come along and pick up where I left off.

Also, we can both probably rattle off GI-stasis symptoms, at-home remedies and warnings that it's time to get to the vet even in our sleep (and we both really prioritize threads that sound like potential stasis cases). GI stasis seems to be the most common serious ailment in bunnies, probably because it has so many possible causes and can be a symptom of so many other issues - having multiple people who are quick to give thorough advice whenever a "my bunny isn't eating/pooping" thread pops up is a potential life-saver. I'm always relieved when I log in very late at night/early in the morning to see an hours-old thread with a potential stasis case and find that JBun has already doled out advice in a timely fashion - not reading how serious stasis can be and what should be done for it until the next morning could end very badly for a bunny!

It's great that you've started checking out threads even when they don't seem relevant to you - that's how I got started! I read the advice being given for various ailments and issues, paying extra attention when I saw the same advice come up repeatedly/through different sources for a certain problem, until I got to the point where I was able to start giving it out myself when the "usual" responders weren't online. I eventually got into doing extra research on my own as well, but it all started with snooping around the forums :D
I'm already starting to notice a lot of the same issues popping up, actually! I doubt I'll ever become as knowledgeable (or if I do it's going to take a looong time) but I always enjoy seeing all the detailed explanations you guys give. I'm sure I'll have more experience as time goes on (since I've only had Mocha since April) but hopefully I won't have to take him to the vet for anything serious for a long time yet! *knocks on wood*
The other thing that really got me expanding my bunny knowledge was scouring the "pets - other" section of Yahoo Answers for bunny questions, as they tend to slip by unnoticed or get godawful answers if one of the few bunny-savvy answerers doesn't spot it. I also used it as a way to point people towards RO for future questions - I found this forum because someone recommended it on YA (wasn't my question, but rather a random one I was reading answers to). If someone's asking on Yahoo Answers, they're almost certainly in need of a good bunny forum :D
It's not "pictures" per se, but the girls and I made an "educational video" this morning... though to hear them tell it, it was forced labor and animal abuse - they claim to have not been bribed with an appropriate number of craisins. I happen to think that considering no bunnies were harmed in the making of the video and one human was most definitely bitten, they should consider themselves lucky they got craisins at all. Yes, bitten. That naughty, naughty Gazzles nipped me at the very end! She claims she was only trying to help by giving me a real life example of someone disciplining a bunny for biting by pressing their head down like a momma bunny would do to a kit. It's plausible, and yet I don't believe her >.>
The other thing that really got me expanding my bunny knowledge was scouring the "pets - other" section of Yahoo Answers for bunny questions, as they tend to slip by unnoticed or get godawful answers if one of the few bunny-savvy answerers doesn't spot it. I also used it as a way to point people towards RO for future questions - I found this forum because someone recommended it on YA (wasn't my question, but rather a random one I was reading answers to). If someone's asking on Yahoo Answers, they're almost certainly in need of a good bunny forum :D

Oh man, Yahoo Answers... I learned very very early on not to trust 95% of answers from that place because most replies are either purposely awful (ie. lame attempts at trolling) or genuinely wrong. I found RO through Google because a lot of the questions I had - and typed into Google - would bring up old threads from this forum! It took me ages to finally sign up for an account of my own, but am I ever glad I did :D It's great to find like-minded people here who actually understand what a bunny lady I've become ever since Mocha came into my life!
Yeah, it can be an iffy place, indeed - hence why I hung out on there for quite a while and tried to lure people away to RO while giving them well-supported answers (there's a reason I've got a crapton of bunny links in a notepad file so they're easy to copy/paste!). For the bunnies' sakes, I felt compelled to steer people towards a far better alternative!
I'm so happy to see your thread pop up in my notifications again! I've missed you lots! Sorry about the idiotic PM. I struggle on a daily basis to let crap like that slide off my back, but there's always one or two that bother me a lot. I need to get out of retail. Or off Earth.

And now I'm going to be that person who posts pics of their own bunnies in someone else's thread that someone out there might tweak out about, but I don't care. Monty says hi! (Sorry it's upside down)

~ Holy Hand Grenade, that's a huge bunny!

I'm glad as well to see you back. I have been wondering how things had been going. Glad to see everyone is doing well. Sorry about the PM you got. Unfortunately those types are everywhere in life.

I wanted to thank you for the "how to pick up a bunny" video. I started to watch it but everyone kept interrupting but I will get back to it. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest.

I am so glad you and Jbunn are around to offer advice on ailments. I read those posts all of the time but am afraid to offer even the advice I have heard from ya'll a hundred times just in case I mix it up somehow. I do now feel comfortable offering litter training advice.Ha!
Advice is always welcome and you and Jenny are the ones who always get it spot on. I have also started quoting you both if I dare to chip in on a post and have even copied some of the links you provide, you are the gurus of the RO forum :wink
Oooh thank you for the avatar info! Time to get creative! Now the hard part: going through pictures and finding a favourite!
And now I'm going to be that person who posts pics of their own bunnies in someone else's thread that someone out there might tweak out about, but I don't care. Monty says hi! (Sorry it's upside down)

Monty pics (and any other bunn pics) are always authorized! Nala and Gaz are spoiled and doted on plenty, they can suck it up and deal with other bunnies having their pictures in my blog sometimes because god damn it, all the other bunnies in the world are super-cute too!

Oooh thank you for the avatar info! Time to get creative! Now the hard part: going through pictures and finding a favourite!

Downsize 'em to be no more than 100 pixels in either direction and you can easily cram at least 5-6 in there :D

I am so glad you and Jbunn are around to offer advice on ailments. I read those posts all of the time but am afraid to offer even the advice I have heard from ya'll a hundred times just in case I mix it up somehow. I do now feel comfortable offering litter training advice.Ha!

If we don't seem to be around, I recommend offering what you can and just hedging your advice with something like "If I remember correctly you should [_______], but I'm not 100% sure" and mentioning that someone else ought to be around soon who can cover anything you might've missed. That way, they get some help more quickly than they would otherwise but they also know not to take your advice as gospel when you feel like you might be incorrect about something.

In my opinion, it's especially good to do that if the asker's post count is extremely low (because first impressions matter), if the issue is urgent and/or if the asker seems really worried/stressed - in those situations, acknowledging the post and offering whatever help you can often makes a huge difference from the poster's point of view! Feeling like you're not alone when your bunny is sick or injured definitely helps - even if you can't provide answers, you can provide moral support ;).

Also, if someone admits that they're freaking out or on the verge of it, you can help reassure them, remind them to stay calm and if you have time, help them search RO/google for anything they can be doing for their rabbit until a more knowledgeable source of answers arrives. I do this pretty often to this day - while I'm great at potential stasis cases, my knowledge ranges from lacking to virtually non-existent on numerous medical issues (including some pretty serious ones)... but I'm pretty good at preventing people from freaking out in a crisis situation with a "let's figure stuff out together one step at a time while we wait for help to arrive" approach. Someone inevitably comes along to cover anything I've missed, correct anything I hedged on and turned out to be wrong about, etc. and in the meantime, the worried owner hasn't been left wondering when or even if their thread will get attention.

Heck, the whole reason I know SO much about kit-related stuff despite never having bred rabbits is because, for obvious reasons, people get really worried and stressed if they've got an unexpected litter they don't know how to care for or if they're newer to breeding and experiencing problems (like mom rejecting/not feeding) - sometimes it can take a little while for one of the breeders on RO to show up, so I learned how to answer the most common/most urgent questions.

The more you offer tentative answers, the more you'll start to remember well enough to start being confident about!
I don't know what the rest of you have done with your day, but unless you've cured cancer or solved world hunger, I bet I have you beat. I have engineered (ie ghetto-rigged) my greatest cat thwartation device to date!

Jay and I were having to step over a damn 2' high baby gate every time we wanted in the kitchen even after I motherf*cker-proofed the trash can with my first cat thwartation device (of the month, anyway) because he'd still stake out that trash can... and sleep on the dishwasher door, go out of his way to trip you when you tried to do anything in the room, shove his face in the fridge every time it opened and constantly give you looks like "You know you're gonna share that food with me >.>". Fine. Whatever. At least it was better than nearly busting my ass every time I turned around and often hurting myself/stubbing a toe or something in the process because there was a ginormous cat trying to kill me... and it meant that doing the damn dishes, cleaning, cooking, etc. wasn't more obnoxious than it had to be.

Only one problem... the kitten thought that barricade was only for Roo and that she was totally authorized to jump over it at any time.

I came home from Home Depot last night (we always enter/exit through the side door, located in the tiny-ass kitchen) and there she was, staring me right in the eyes as she sat on the wrong side of the gate. I screamed until she got the hint that she didn't belong.

I go back to the car to unload more stuff, come back in the side door and there she is, lurking in the kitchen on the wrong side of the gate AGAIN. I screamed until she left, AGAIN. I made like three more trips to the car and EVERY DAMN TIME I CAME BACK INSIDE, we had to go through the lurking and the screaming yet again.

I once tried to make a half-height screen door for our bedroom (3' tall), but it didn't last long before it got broken and half ripped off the hinges by a kitten vaulting over it whenever she damn well pleased... so this time, I went all-out.

No more stepping over the gate, no more cats in the kitchen... but Roo can still see (and be taunted by) that trash can he can no longer knock over - I built a wood-framed screen door that's a bit over 5' tall, latches securely and can only move one direction... installed in a doorway that was not at all designed to have a door. They do NOT like my newest cat thwartation device. We, on the other hand, absolutely love it!

I'll take a pic later, once I'm not embarrassed of the background view (among other things, there's dirty laundry gathered up in the kitchen which hasn't gotten done yet because I was busy playing with power tools) :p.

On a side note, is it just me, or is it patently stupid that in order to engage the safety mechanism on my staple gun, I have to first discharge it?
Or you could just put the bunnies in the kitchen. That would keep your cats out :)

With my staple gun I'm always accidentally hitting the safety with my hand and engaging it when I don't want to. Yours does seem to have an odd design flaw.
As a newbie to the site I've found all your post informative and highly informational. I enjoy reading them... I honestly do and shared some of them with my husband. if I have offended anyone on the site I have not meant to at all... it was never my intention.

I've enjoyed your video and loved your lop in the box just scratching away!!!
I loved that!!!

I thought the intention of the site was for individuals with rabbits to chat and be chatty... oh well....

Or you could just put the bunnies in the kitchen. That would keep your cats out :)

With my staple gun I'm always accidentally hitting the safety with my hand and engaging it when I don't want to. Yours does seem to have an odd design flaw.

Uh, no thanks :p. The kitchen is freaking tiny, there's a lot of trouble a bunny could cause in there and that's where the primary door to the apartment is (we never use the front door). Also, Nala likes to try to trip me almost as much as Roo does. The baby gate we used until I made the new cat thwartation device was actually purchased primarily to keep the bunnies out of the kitchen (when they were briefly free-roamed before proving themselves unworthy of that privilege), lol.

I never hit the safety with my hand but when using the stapler horizontally, the force of firing (or attempting to fire) it causes the safety to pop up and either lock the stapler after it staples or get in the way, preventing it from firing properly AND causing it to eject a loose staple. Fortunately, that can be avoided by temporarily removing the safety mechanism.

Anyway, my newest cat thwartation device was put to the ultimate test today - I made tuna casserole. There were two woefully unhappy cats on the correct side (by MY definition) of the makeshift door. I did give them each a nearly-empty tuna can, but they were right back to trying to get on my nuts about the casserole as soon as the cans were licked clean.

The one flaw with the thwartation device is that it offers a human carrying a plate of casserole no protection during the long and arduous walk from the kitchen to the bedroom. I need to invent some sort of anti-cat force-field :p.
If I pull that off, I'm gonna patent it and make millions, lol... I'll share with RO folks for free, though :D.

The closest we've come is that Jay figured out a sound he can make that really annoys the crap out of cats - it doesn't work as a deterrent but is a great way to inflict collateral irritation.
Tonks is deaf so she is pretty much unstoppable. She even loves the vacuum! Sounds would totally work with Ollie however. Right now I use a water bottle. Tonks spends half her life soaking wet.