Nala and Gaz

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Ok, I stand corrected. He's as naughty as the other bunns! He got a little psychotic around 3:45 in the morning, lol. Over the last two hours, he's settled down and then gotten psychotic again *repeatedly*. I can't blame him for wanting more after getting a taste of space, considering he was crammed in a ridiculously small cage at the animal shelter.

I'm going to see if I can't arrange a bigger run area for him for a bit... perhaps the kitchen if I get that christmas tree to the trash, clean the floor quick and he doesn't insist on tripping me while I'm cooking and cleaning in there.
I think you have an alien from another planet disguised as a bunny! What better way to sneak in & take over than disguised as an aloof, sometimes almost loving, adorably cute bunny! lol After realizing he made the mistake of being too perfect as a bunny he now has to correct his mistake with the random psychotic bunny behavior to maintain his cover until all his alien "bunny" friends are in place for the alien "bunny" takeover! lol Okay, still not enough sleep so I'm in my weird funny mood! Darn! I was already to tell him he could move in here if it didn't work out with Nala & Gaz! Especially if he would teach my girls! lol
Well, kitchen's a no-go. A) I realized that the kitchen, the shower bathroom (ie the bathtub) and the (full) closets are really the only *truly* neutral territories in the apartment... and b) I was tidying up the kitchen and a freaking roach ambushed me - since that's been a "no pets zone" for a while now, I went right for the can of Raid and doused the crap out of that little f*cker (he was on the floor)... meaning I have to really deep clean that floor (multiple times) before I'll even consider letting any bunnies in there due to Raid's residual effects and my paranoia when it comes to my babies.

He seemed to go to sleep anyway and it's gonna take quite a while to set him up a nice, big area, so I gave up on trying to do a rush job. I'll see if I can get something set up for him by tonight. He's in an area at least twice the size of most pet store cages, so it's not like he's suffering... he's just mildly hyper at times :p. Besides, you're supposed to leave them in their cage the first 2-3 days anyway so their potty habits don't go to hell, so I don't have to feel *too* mean about the lack of space.
Darn! I was already to tell him he could move in here if it didn't work out with Nala & Gaz! Especially if he would teach my girls! lol

Hell, no! He's teaching mine first, darn it! His litter box has tons of poops now, and quite a bit of pee. I've gotta make him a bigger litter box, 'cause this dish pan one is going to need to be changed at least once a day. Or rather, I've gotta make him a bigger space so I can give him a bigger litter box (since I've got another empty bin cage I can convert into a litter box for him).
Hopefully he just has some pent up energy to burn off. Laverne and Shirley drive me crazy every night making a racket. Hubby sleeps through it but I don't. I was spoiled with Thumper since he settles down for the night when we go to bed. He'll get up to eat or use the litter box but really makes so little noise when doing so.

If all buns were like Thumper I could easily imagine having ten. When he was naughty it was nothing major and you couldn't stay mad at him because he was good and sweet so much of the time.

With the girls it is different. They rarely allow pets and when they do it is only for a moment. You cannot dissuade them from doing bad by any means. They never run out of energy. They make a mess inside and outside of the cage. I covered the floor in thick cardboard to keep them from chewing bare spots into the carpet. They simply got together and dug a spot through the cardboard and then went after the carpet. The carpet is ugly enough as it is without bare or thin spots throughout.
I'd like to take a moment to single out some of the poster children for loserdom I've come across here in Houston. There's so much competition, as I live ghetto-adjacent, but a few folks really go above and beyond! The stories are accompanied by so many (mostly incredibly special) visual aides that I had to delete a couple emoticons to not go over the 10 image limit (boo!).



1) "East Side Clover Leaf" = dumbest wanna be gang name EVER. Even the Power Puff Girls at least have street cred.

2) Who the f*ck tags the laundry room... and does such a sh*tty job?? That crap is to real graffiti what a toddler's scribble-doodles are to Picasso. Wait, I take that back, I wouldn't want to insult toddlers. I bet Morgan's son could draw circles around whoever took a Dollar Tree marker to the laundry room - AJ's stuff is good enough to put on your fridge, which is more than I can say of the crap pictured above.

FYI, laundry room dipsh*ts, this is what legit tagging looks like (and it's not even the GOOD stuff):



3) lrn2geography, yo.


^ If we were any further west, we'd practically be in Katy.


I can't help thinking that the wanna-be tag job in the laundry room is related to a certain Civic that I've mocked the sh*t out of for months.


Driving a Civic automatically makes you a super-cool street racer even if you have NO driving skills. [Seriously, "dude" (I use that term loosely) has NO driving skills - I could drive circles around him in a sh*tty 1980s station wagon with no power steering that was held together by duct tape. He drives like a 15 year old who just got their learner's permit.]


Nothing says "I'm a super-cool badass" like FAKE bullet holes in your crappy Civic. If you're gonna try THAT freaking hard, at least go to a pawn store and buy a real gun to shoot up your POS car with - it's freaking Texas, guns are borderline mandatory here.


It's not what's under the hood that counts, it's what's on your car's ass. Having a big, flashy-looking spoiler makes your car go faster!

Also, everyone knows that serious gangstas front for NIKE. True story.


When I first started mocking it, I was only mocking the "bullet holes" and the rear spoiler... then I discovered that the ridiculous Civic was actually a WORK IN PROGRESS that was constantly being "improved"! Just when I didn't think it was possible, it became even MORE mockable with the additions of the barbed wire decals and the NIKE sticker.

Then he *really* decked it out with a symbol of his mad driving skillz:
(my camera really didn't do the front end damage justice, btw - looks way more spectacular in person)



Yeah. First time I saw that car, my immediate thought was "whoever drives that seriously needs an ass whooping." I mean, seriously, it screams hood rat. Then I saw the "driver" (a pack of four total losers, desperate to be "gangstas") and realized I'd have to recruit a 5 year old to stand in for me in order to make the 1 vs 4 battle a fair fight.

Has anyone ever seen a mobile circle-jerk? Because that's the only way Jay and I can think of to adequately describe the four guys who belong to that ridiculous Civic when we see them walking through the complex. I'm guessing they're in the 18-20ish range, though it looks like their physical development halted at 13-14 'cause the four of them combined don't have a single muscle to flex. I probably couldn't tell them apart if my life depended on it - they're like one entity. They're also the biggest freaking wanna-bes you've ever seen.

The only thing they've got going for them is that they know to shut their ***** and pay attention when my RX-8 rolls past blasting hip-hop on a stereo system that wasn't purchased at a dollar store - the undeniable look of extreme jealousy is pretty priceless... wouldn't have thought they'd even recognize a real sports car if it didn't have fake bullet holes on it. They look away in a hurry whenever I look at them, lol - they definitely don't want none :p.

I forgot to look when I was taking pictures and the car was gone by the time I went back out there to fetch the clothes from the dryer... but I'd bet my bunnies that the Civic is an automatic. Everyone knows automatics smoke standards when it comes to street racing.


I've got one more story of loserdom to share, but it'll have to wait until later as I'm worn out from story-telling and have more damn chores to do. It's gonna be about the spineless bitch who made a half-assed attempt to verbally assault me in the Kroger parking lot to make herself feel better... and how I made sure it didn't pan out the way she'd hoped, lol.
With the girls it is different. You cannot dissuade them from doing bad by any means. They never run out of energy. They make a mess inside and outside of the cage. I covered the floor in thick cardboard to keep them from chewing bare spots into the carpet. They simply got together and dug a spot through the cardboard and then went after the carpet. The carpet is ugly enough as it is without bare or thin spots throughout.

^ Sounds painfully familiar!
On a side note... I want this little guy! Hope I can meet him today when we tour the shelter, hehe.


I also fell in love with this face:


Not bringing the kitty home either, though - Jay and I both agree that a household should never have more cats than people!

Awww. that cat is sooo cute. I'll be surprised if you don't post again next week with that kitty with the new bun bun...
You have just made my day...I laughed so much at your story about the losers and that car...reminds me of Gibraltar..all the "cool" dudes had one, tinted windows, stereo blasting, losers lol.

Definitely think your buns rule the roost and the new bun is their new out haha.
Awww. that cat is sooo cute. I'll be surprised if you don't post again next week with that kitty with the new bun bun...

Oh, hell, no. Our rule about "a household should never contain more cats than people" is taken very seriously! I deliberately didn't go meet that cat when I went to the shelter :p.
My hatred for the Texas DPS knows no bounds. "All driver license offices will close at noon Monday, Dec 23, and will reopen at 8 am Friday, Dec 27."

Thank you so f-ing much, Texas. Now I can't renew my driver's license without either paying for a cab (no way in hell), taking the city bus (no way in hell) or breaking the damn law... all because those motherf*ckers don't want to be open on my birthday even though Christmas is OVER by then. In addition to NEEDING to go on the 26th 'cause it's my 30th birthday, I also really wanted to go that day because I figure no one's gonna go to the DPS the day after Christmas unless they absolutely have to so the lines would be short.

I know I procrastinated my ass off, but I assumed they'd be open on the 26th (and maybe even the 24th) like the post office and most other federal/governmental agencies. But no. In my defense, I didn't take care of it sooner because Jay lost his ID years ago/really needs to get a new one and I've been waiting for him to track down his birth certificate so that we'd only have to go to the damn DPS one time.

I don't see why I have to go all the way over there just to get my f*cking picture taken anyway. I honestly don't look any different now than I did when I got my picture taken for my license at 18 other than a different hair color (and I'm always changing my hair color anyway) and the fact that I was wearing makeup (which was rare then and still is now). I just showed my license to Jay and he agrees that the way I look really hasn't changed in the last 12 years - certainly not enough to warrant having to go in to get a new picture taken.

The only silver lining is that I confirmed that the only proof of ID I need is my current DL - for some reason when I tried to look that up before, I ended up being told that they "may" also want to see my birth certificate and/or social security card (both of which are back in San Antonio).

Oh, and if he can't figure out where his birth certificate is, we've gotta go to the damn county clerk's office before we go to the DPS and stand in line and pay $23 for a new one. Fun day! On the plus side, they're actually open on the 26th, so I don't have to drive there illegally on the 27th (though it may pan out that way if we procrastinate :p). Oh, and the county clerk's name is Stan Stanart, lol. His picture makes me laugh for inexplicable reasons.

God damned DPS. "Happy Birthday, come suffer in line for hours!" Screw you, too.

To top it off, I have to deal with my car registration as well, since it expires at the end of this month - I tried to do it online a couple months ago and it appeared to be successful... but then it turns out they didn't see fit to reward me for not procrastinating for once, because I got a notice in the mail that they rejected my renewal. My car is registered to my permanent address in Bexar county and, when they gave me a chance to put in a different address to have my new tags and license plates sent to, I provided the Harris county address where I'm currently living - I'm guessing they didn't like that >.>

Just what I always wanted for Christmas and my birthday - red tape and bureaucracy! *sigh*

Please don't curse. You could say heck or something or put a * in it, at least!
On a side note, boys are weird.

Earlier this afternoon, I walked into our room and saw Jay lying in bed with his eyes open. I looked where he was looking and saw the new bunny looking back at him. I asked if he was having a staring contest or communing. He said he wasn't sure yet. I laughed and went back to the kitchen.

About 10 minutes later, I came back into the room, gave the new bunny nose rubs and picked up the empty colander I'd given him lettuce in the night before. Jay informed me, "He's been asking about that lettuce, and he doesn't like it when no one is in the room." I laughed again and fetched some more lettuce, which the bunn is happily destroying. This guy really loves his veggies!
Please don't curse. You could say heck or something or put a * in it, at least!

Heh... I nearly always do in other parts of the forums (especially non-blog/non-off-topic stuff), but I tend to be a lot more lax about swearing in my blog since I'm used to it only being other adults (many of whom can be swear-happy themselves) that bother reading my ramblings so I only filter things that would otherwise set off the profanity filter.

If the swearing bothers you and you're actually interested in reading this thread, I can try to self-censor the stuff that the filter lets slide the way I would in other parts of the forum, though :).
Good god! Is this new boy what the rest of you are talking about when you say you have a bunny?? Craziness! He's like a house cat that actually has manners.
Noooo I'd rather read it uncensored. You and I are grown ups, and I think even children are used to seeing grown ups get angry once in a while. My opinion is the most important one. Okay maybe not but I hope you listen to me anyway XD
Also, here anyway, you get 3 months after your birthday to renew--you aren't breaking the law until then, lol. You might want to double check how long you can continue to drive after it expires.

I also procrastinated. Mine expired in October LOL I just renewed it >>
I saw no confirmation of an ongoing underage reader, so let the swearing resume! The world's worst neighbors are at it again and I'm about to swear my ass off. It needs to be.

Fireworks are ILLEGAL inside the city limits, you f*cking morons!... And while we're at it, holidays do NOT negate the need for common f*cking courtesy! At least this time I'm being smarter than I was on Christmas eve - that time, it was random people on the FAR corner of the complex and I took an instigating walk to figure out what the racket was; when I saw what was going on, I gave them a dirty look that I know they saw (or at least felt) even from that far away and they wrapped it up within a few minutes.

This time, I heard a few very sporadic *BANG* sounds that confused the hell out of me - sounded like a rabbit thump, except the volume would've required it to come from a bunny two stories tall like that robot one on ATHF so it clearly wasn't one of my three (totally forgot it's New Year's Eve, lol). When it kept happening and the animals were obviously bothered, I finally got up... I was about to put on shoes to go outside, but I only walked as far as the living room before seeing a glimpse of fireworks around the edge of the closed blinds (it's morons in the courtyard RIGHT outside our living room window).

I went straight back to my desk and called the cops. I wanted to take that instigating walk SO badly to let them know (with just a look and my general "presence") how obnoxious they are and how much I truly, truly hate them... but objectively, that's simply a bad idea unless whatever BS they're spewing isn't enough to call the cops over. Also, I would've had to put on the steel-toe girly sneakers and that reeked of effort.

Why do these people have to celebrate holidays (and Saturdays) so damn noisily?? I'm about to check, but I already know it's 132 and 134 because it's ALWAYS those two apartments. They act like every f*cking wall and window (6' x 6' windows, no less) in these ghetto-ass apartments is completely soundproof and nothing they do in the courtyard ever bothers anyone. Yeah, I don't have two cats, three bunnies and four sugar gliders freaking out over every obnoxious *BANG* or anything. I'm surprised every yippie dog in the complex isn't barking like crazy right now.

I want a fire hose, damn it. ICE cold water. I'd go right for those faces, too. Maybe I should go use our fire extinguisher on them! Ok, maybe not, since HPD is due to arrive any minute now, lol.

Have fun with the cops, motherf*ckers! They should *really* know by now how readily I'll pick up that phone - my tolerance has dropped below zero at this point; I'm ready to call the cops the moment one of their back doors opens.

I used to think I'd never call the cops on people. To be fair, I still wouldn't call to report criminal mischief as long as it wasn't intruding on my day and no one appeared to be in danger. If I can hear your asshattery from the desk in my bedroom, though, you're being extremely f*cking rude and I'm calling the cops. If your asshattery might burn down my apartment, I'm DEFINITELY calling the cops (and eying my steel toes longingly).


Yeah, it's 132 and 134. Of course. Multiple children under the age of 5 running amok in the courtyard as their illustrious parents shoot fireworks into the air mere FEET above their heads. Gaz thumps with disapproval. Way to parent. Seriously, you people deserve an award for the stellar example you're setting. Those kids are going to grow up to be even more obnoxious than they already are, assuming they actually live to see adulthood with how safety-conscious their ********* parents are.

Learn some manners, motherf*ckers. If you're going to illegally set off fireworks in a freaking apartment complex (a sh*tty one that would probably catch on fire pretty easily, no less), then at least have the decency to buy QUIET fireworks. Failing that, buy the quiet ones because you have an ounce of common sense, don't want HPD on your ass and god damn know they're going to get called. Of course, if they had a brain cell between them, they'd pack it up and go inside in less time than it would take for the cops to show up instead of still being out there over 20 minutes later.

They finally STFU, presumably because HPD rolled up. On the one hand, it took the cops what felt like forever to get here... on the other hand, I didn't call until 12:03 and I'm sure the previous three minutes involved a constant stream of nearly identical reports - I honestly thought it would take them longer to get here tonight than it did; I guess there aren't an overwhelming number of people who are as stupid as my neighbors. That, or there are but HPD scheduled their officers accordingly. My bet is on HPD being competent rather than people not being stupid - seems MUCH more likely. Thank god the cops are still doing their jobs on major holidays even though everyone else is inconveniencing me.

Sometimes I really wish I had a hidden video camera facing into that courtyard but then again, I'd probably see things I would wish I hadn't.

At least this time I didn't have to wait hours for their bullsh*t to be severe enough and/or continue until late at night enough to warrant calling the cops, so they only killed half an hour of my night (I'll let them off the hook for the additional time required to finish ranting, since the rant part is actually fun). When the motherf*ckery starts at noon, I have to wait until 9 pm before my call is unofficially sanctioned by the apartment complex - there are ENTIRE DAYS that the glider room and living room are rendered uninhabitable by obnoxious dumbf*cks screaming, shrieking and failing to parent out in the courtyard.

When I finally unleash my revenge on those woefully defective human beings and their wretched offspring, they will RUE THE DAY they first crossed me and every day since... and I'll leave them with no tangible evidence to press charges with, too, because when I get pissed off enough to take action, I don't do sh*tty hood rat stuff like breaking someone's f*cking car window (like that bitch in 134 who I'm god damned sure owes me $150 for my driver's side window except I can't legally prove it) - I go "Art of War" on peoples' ***** with psychological warfare. It's much more fun and if you do it right, no one can prove to anyone with authority that it was you. Checkmate, *******... and get your f*cking kids off my lawn until they've learned not to stare into/tap on strangers' windows!
Sounds like you have some winners there!

I'm out in the country so luckily do not have to deal with the noise right on top of me. I was really surprised how quiet it was here last night. We thought for sure we would hear more gun fire than we did. It doesn't seem to bother the animals much, probably because gun fire occurs so frequently here with the hunters or those sighting their rifles prior to hunting.

People like your neighbors are one reason we made sure to buy a house in the country.

As far as your cussing goes, as a parent that does try to keep the kids innocence in tact until somewhat older I do know that no matter how hard we try you cannot possibly avoid them hearing or reading such things. Not without keeping them completely isolated which leads to issues of it's own.

On the other hand I can and do cuss when the situation warrants it. Who decides what is right and what is wrong? Put random letters together to form words, why is poop OK but **** is not? Who decided that and why?

I do try to set a good example though and luckily although the kids will read along with me here I still read faster than them.
I hate inconsiderate people and I hate parents who can´t be bothered to parent even more. Inside our complex last night they were also letting off firecrackers and throwing them. Parents are always Ok with these things until someone gets injured which I pray for anytime their kids are doing things they shouldn´t be out of their range of vision. I caught another 4 today just under my balcony, climing from the lower grass area up the wall, wrecking all the climbing plants and then jumping up and down on the tree by the side of the wall to get down. I ended up going out there with my mobile phone and when they saw me and they weren´t sure if I was taking a photo of them, they all headed off. The trouble with the parent of these hooligans is that even if you go and find them and rant at them, it just goes in one ear and out of the other. The terrible thing is their kids will probably turn out to be bigger a...holes than the parent. I am so glad you called the cops, I once did that when someone double parked behind me in town and had actually had the cheek to leave the handbrake off so you could push the car forward and backwards to get out. After I called, I was so scared that the owner of the car was going to get back to the car before the police turned up with the tow truck. He was towed away....I wonder if the 300 or so euros it would have cost him to get it back taught him anything. Jennifer sorry for hijacking in but I sooooo am with you on this.
As far as your cussing goes, as a parent that does try to keep the kids innocence in tact until somewhat older I do know that no matter how hard we try you cannot possibly avoid them hearing or reading such things. Not without keeping them completely isolated which leads to issues of it's own.

Yeah, all kids are going to learn the "bad" words sooner or later - trying to shelter them completely is futile. Imo, what's important is the context in which they're seen/heard and making sure that kids understand that swearing is something that you can get away with sometimes but many times it's completely inappropriate. My own parents rarely swore that I knew of - perhaps a word here or there that slipped out before they could catch themselves when something bad happened ("oh sh*t!" moments and such); such swears were usually followed by an apology or self-correction. I learned through example that swear words can relieve your anger/frustration a bit... but should only be used privately and are inappropriate in most situations.

I swear like a freaking sailor any time I can get away with it, but I can also turn it on and off like a switch because as a general rule it's inappropriate in public, in semi-formal settings (professional correspondence and such) and around anyone other than friends. While I may not BE a parent, I HAD parents and I see the effects of other peoples' parenting - I honestly think that teaching kids when NOT to swear is more important (and effective) than trying to stop them from ever learning the words at all. That said, it's the parent's job to decide when to allow their kids mild exposure to swearing (through TV shows and other sources) and no one else's... so there's an expectation that other adults watch their mouths when someone else's kid(s) might be around (in other words, if it's not your kid, you have NO business swearing in front of them).

I also think that being able to rant your butt off without uttering a single swear word is an important skill to have (and teach kids) - there are situations in which it's necessary to express strong, negative emotions where using curse words is going to be a disadvantage for you. For example, I can write an angry email to some customer service thing and pretty much go off on them in detail without using a single word you wouldn't want a toddler to hear. Swearing works with ranting about someone/something to a third party but if you're ranting TO/AT the cause of your frustration, they're pretty much guaranteed to tune you out if you get vulgar. When you curse someone out, it makes you come across as irrational and suggests that you're more interested in ranting than in a resolution - very self-defeating!

I can't remember it, but I've heard a saying having to do with swearing... driving me nuts I can't remember... was something that correlated an inability to express yourself without using swear words to ignorance or something like that. It's a good saying :(.

I love my curse words, but I value my ability to express myself tactfully/without swearing when pissed off even more than I enjoy letting out a string of obscenities to vent. It's amazing how powerful tact and diplomacy can be when you stop to think about it. I couldn't even begin to count the number of times I've been swearing my ass off to myself or a friend about some stupid company's sh*tty whatever, then turned around and approached the company's customer service department with proper manners and gotten the best possible outcome.

Like when Home Depot was dicking me around about my dishwasher installation (lesson learned: "free" installation from HD isn't worth the hassle - it was ridiculous how many different complaints I had regarding the process)... after getting hit by a third delay, I called to complain. I knew damn well that there was nothing customer service could do to make the installation happen sooner, but I also know that CS reps have a "shut people up" slush fund if you find the magic words and I felt I was entitled to some reparations :p.

CS chick kept saying "nothing I can do"; I kept reiterating my frustrations in different ways trying to find what worked. Never swore, never raised my voice, never talked to her like SHE was my problem - instead, I spoke in a way meant to garner empathy... which usually works, but she apparently wasn't the empathetic sort... finally, in an exasperated tone, I said "I'm about ready to just cancel this whole thing and go buy the same dishwasher from Lowe's." *ding* Magic words uttered, slush fund accessed - suddenly she offered me a $50 Home Depot gift card. I graciously thanked her and returned the favor by shutting up so she could get on with her day.

Or last week, when Amazon Prime was quoting me 3-4 business day delivery times (offers placed Thursday being delivered on Tuesday is NOT "2 day" shipping!). I put in two orders - one before the sun came up and one very late that evening (so arguably counting as Friday) - and both times, had to bitch to customer service. First time, I got upgraded to 1-day shipping for free. Second time, 4 of 5 items got upgraded to arrive on Monday instead of Tuesday (5th was too far into the shipping process, so there was nothing he could do... sadly, it was the only one I actually cared about getting ASAP). The second time, the guy asked near the end how my day was aside from the shipping issues (something I guarantee he wouldn't have bothered with if I'd been treating him like crap)... I said "Pretty good - today's my birthday :)." Turns out it was also his son's birthday, lol... and he randomly offered me a free $20 credit as a birthday prezzie!

CS reps have the misfortune of being scapegoats - so many people go off on them because they're pissed off at the company and see the customer service rep as "the company." The thing is, though, that the CS rep is just there for the paycheck - they had nothing to do with whatever decision the company made that ended up pissing you off. People know that, but many of them go off on CS reps anyway because the executives in charge of pissing people off are smart enough to not make it possible for angry customers to reach them.

I suspect people who work in customer service expect angry customers to get in their face about stuff, that way it's a nice surprise if they don't (rather than a disappointment when they do). They tend to be very appreciative when you show some respect and treat them like people instead of a giant bullseye (who wouldn't??), so it's in your best interest to approach them like they're a potential ally rather than a sworn enemy.

I usually go for garnering empathy first, then if that doesn't work I try being tactful yet pushy in a way that makes it clear that I'm not going to STFU and go away until I've been placated... while at the same time, insinuating that I'm willing to entertain "compromise" offers (ie that I'll accept being compensated for my inconvenience in the event my problem is unfixable)... and of course, sometimes you've gotta whip out the money card to twist their arm, since companies often require certain criteria to be met before the CS rep is authorized to offer you something. Company policy is dictated by people who are focused on the bottom line and if those people are any good at their jobs, they know it's more cost-effective to give out a freebie than to lose a customer.

Bottom line, swearing is good for letting off steam in an appropriate setting... but manners, tact and diplomacy will get you everywhere in life :p.
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