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I f*cking hate the people in this apartment complex, and not just for their double-parking.

I've finally mustered up the resolve to make another attempt at a bunny garden - I haven't tried since damn caterpillars decimated my few potted herbs last year. With the addition of Normie (a fiend for leafy greens, btw), my veggie bills have gone up a bit and my frustration with the limited selection of affordable greens at grocery stores has been renewed ($3-4 for maybe an ounce of dried herbs = ripoff!). I hadn't planned to try to garden this spring because we live in an apartment complex full of sh*tty people with sh*tty kids and will be moving back to the house in San Antonio in May (ie the middle of the growing season).

I forget what sparked the idea, but I somehow got to thinking that I could make a very small green-house type enclosure to allow me to safely keep plants on the courtyard side of our apartment (where a pack of obnoxious brats loves to scream and run and scream some more and wreck everything up) without spending a lot of money... and - duh - a container garden would be easy to relocate when we move.

Anyway, I planted my first tray of seeds last weekend and some had already sprouted by Wednesday. I haven't gotten the greenhouse thing made yet, so I took some portable/stackable shelves (metal/plastic coated), set them up beside the apartment (grumbling the whole time about the ridiculous amount of dog sh*t in OUR grass because maybe 1 in 5 dog owners in this complex are actually considerate enough to pick up after their dogs) and moved my numerous wheat grass trays + my tray of seedlings outdoors to get some sun. To discourage kids and dogs from screwing up my plants, I used a little 2' high/10' long garden fence from Home Depot to make a circle around my plant shelves.

It was like 36F and drizzly Thursday evening and was predicted to get down to 28F with potential for ice/freezing rain... so naturally, I went out to bring in my plants (and the shelves, so no one would steal them). I found the "gate" panel of the fence (the one that was hooked to the panel at the other end to make an enclosed ciricle) wide open... and realized when I brought the tray of seedlings in that ALL of the little plastic straw pieces were missing. I forgot to take a pic of the tray when it was totally finished, unfortunately (damn, would that be helpful if I had ><), but the straws were set up like this:


The straws were pretty crucial, as I didn't bother to remember what I planted in each cell - instead, I used a different color of straw for each kind of seed and wrote down what plant corresponded to what color straw.

I KNOW the straws were deliberately removed - they were pushed in there too far for wind/rain to have removed ALL 32 of them without causing any damage whatsoever to my little sprouts, plus there wasn't a single colored straw piece anywhere in the grass around where I'd had the plants. At the same time, it didn't really seem like malicious sabotage since the plants weren't harmed or disturbed in the least... suggesting that some stupid kid with NO FREAKING MANNERS came along and pulled out all the straw pieces for sh*ts and giggles without ever stopping to consider that they might serve some sort of important purpose.

There's not even a REASON to take all my straws out of my plant cells! What the heck would anyone want with the straws? What's the purpose of taking them away from me? It's completely pointless!!

The idea that a kid did it makes me especially pissed off - it's bad enough for adults to be inconsiderate jerks; what's even worse is when they go around spawning kids and raising those kids to also be inconsiderate jerks. What kind of parent lets their kid roam the apartment complex unsupervised (inattentive parents that don't stop rude behavior even though they're right there counts as "unsupervised" in my book) without first teaching them that it's rude to tamper with other peoples' personal stuff?? I never would've dreamed of f*cking around with a neighbor's garden when I was a little kid, because I was raised to know better.

In addition to screaming and shrieking at the top of their lungs in the courtyard for hours at a stretch like our apartment is soundproof and we can't hear that sh*t loud and clear through the two 6'x6' windows our apartment has on the courtyard side, the hoodrat little kids in this complex have also:
~ Stuck gum to our front door frame for no damn reason... TWICE.
~ Rung our doorbell and then ran away on numerous occasions
~ Tapped on our living room window because Dusty was sitting in it
~ STARED into our windows when the blinds were up for some reason
The first time was when I had the blinds up in the glider room and was doing something to the window frame; two little boys were walking through the courtyard and when they saw me, they turned, walked to within a few feet of the window and freaking stared at me.
Also, kids routinely tapped on our windows when the living room blinds were partially raised for a while and Dusty would sit there. Once, I walked in the front door to find two kids with their faces freaking PRESSED to the living room window (a little girl around 5-6 and a little boy who was probably 3) where Dusty was sitting... and the little girl had the audacity to smile and give me this big wave as if to say "HIIIII!!", like she wasn't doing anything even REMOTELY inappropriate.
~ Stolen all the straws out of my seedling tray
~ Not sure if it was a kid, but someone put a BB-sized hole through our living room window at some point

Basically, there are SOME kids in this complex that are quiet, well-behaved and have been raised to have proper manners... but those are the ones I almost never see. A significant number of kids here have sh*tty parents who haven't taught them not to be little hoodrats and to show some damn manners once in a while... and their sh*tty parents let them run rampant around the courtyard outside our apartment without adequate supervision.

When I was a little kid in New Orleans, we lived in a reasonably nice (middle) middle class neighborhood... but at the end of our street was the main street through the neighborhood and on the opposite side of that street was this ghetto-ass apartment complex where the residents as a whole could only be described as "white trash". An awful lot of the people here are pretty much the hispanic version of "white trash".


I don't get why common courtesy is such a foreign concept to some people. I hate most of the people here, but I'm still civil towards everyone and behave respectfully unless someone specifically gives me a reason not to because that's just how decent people conduct themselves.

The only thing I EVER do that could potentially be construed as "inconsiderate" (which is a different matter entirely from deliberate, calculated revenge against someone who went out of their way to invite it) is playing with noisy power tools... and I say "potentially" because my situation is an exception to that rule. I only use them outside if it's the middle of the day and even then, never for more than 10-15 minutes TOPS (the maintenance and "lawn care" guys make far more noise than I do, and far more often) - 99% of the time, I use them indoors where the apartment walls muffle the sound and prevent it from echoing across the courtyard like the screams and shrieks of children.

While sound does easily travel through apartment walls/ceilings (and I use noisy power tools inside on a regular basis), there's only ONE apartment adjacent to ours (we're on the ground floor and have no shared walls with other apartments) - our upstairs neighbor. When Jay moved in, she approached him right away with a proposition - she said he could make as much noise as he wanted at any time of day or night and she wouldn't mind a bit... as long as he was okay with her doing the same. He likes to have the option to crank the music up pretty loudly, so he readily agreed.

Basically, we all have (and take advantage of) the freedom to create a racket at any time of day or night without fear of pissing off the neighbors... and in exchange, we all suck it up and get over it when people in the other apartment do the same. I would never even consider using a power saw or impact driver or whatever at four in the morning while living in an apartment complex if I didn't know for a fact that the only neighbor who might hear it won't be annoyed by the noise (the same way I couldn't care less about what sounds like her dragging heavy furniture across her living room floor at a similar hour). It's an awesome arrangement, as no one has to be paranoid about how much noise they make and everyone's happy.

Excluding the chick upstairs, though, I really do hate most of the people in this apartment complex!

I also wish I knew how to speak Spanish so I could tell people what I think of them in a language they'd understand. While I wouldn't mind being able to tell off 132 and 134 about their craptastic parenting skills and obnoxious demon-spawn children, the time I most wished I spoke Spanish was actually the time I saw some lady walking her dog in front of our apartment (on the non-courtyard side) - she was carrying plastic bags and clearly had the intention of cleaning up after her dog. I really wanted to be able to tell her just how appreciative I was that she was considerate enough to do that even though almost no one else is! I think I got the gist of it across, but language barriers are still frustrating... and I like to reward appropriate behavior just as much as I like to punish rudeness, if not more, because I DO notice and appreciate when people are courteous towards others.
I would go nuts living where you are. I have dealt with crazy, annoying neighbors in the past and am so glad I no longer have to. The most annoying thing I put up with is the neighbors little dogs coming into out yard. Wouldn't be so bad but it causes my not so bright dog to want to spend all day outside just sniffling and snuffling even though it is only 15F outside.

The kids do sound horrendous. You can't expect much good parenting from people that are clueless jerks themselves. The girl looking in your window although rude may be innocent enough. From my experience most kids that run wild like that do not get the attention they need from adults, she may have just been curious and trying to be friendly.

I remember my daughter at 7 was outside playing along with her brother. I went inside just long enough to make a cup of coffee. She picked up a handful of cigarette butts and put them in our neighbors mail box. She did get into trouble because she was being raised to respect others belongings and property. I can't remember her explanation for doing so but can remember in her goofy seven year old mind what she did was supposed to be a kind thing. So who knows why a kid would want to take a bunch of colored straws. To an adult it may not make much sense but be completely understandable to a child. Not that it is OK for a child to take something that belongs to someone else.
She picked up a handful of cigarette butts and put them in our neighbors mail box. She did get into trouble because she was being raised to respect others belongings and property. I can't remember her explanation for doing so but can remember in her goofy seven year old mind what she did was supposed to be a kind thing. So who knows why a kid would want to take a bunch of colored straws. To an adult it may not make much sense but be completely understandable to a child. Not that it is OK for a child to take something that belongs to someone else.

LOL... kids are so weird when it comes to misguided but well-intentioned behavior. And yeah, the fact that it could make sense to a kid is exactly why I suspected a kid was to blame!

I don't hold it against the kids here... much, anyway... it's not their faults that their parents suck. You can't expect a kid to know how to behave themselves if no one gives them boundaries or sets a good example. If kids were born knowing how to be respectable adults, it wouldn't take 18+ years to raise them well enough to send them out into the world on their own!

I can help you with the Spanish, remember my husband is from Peru and I speak pretty fluent spanish. PM me and we can talk more about that.

All I can plant outside now is rabbit pooh and snow! I wish I could get things planted now but alas! It's still too damn cold here.

All your postings reminds me of why I finally bought a house after moving out of South East DC!

Only thing is, if I start speaking Spanish they'll probably start speaking Spanish back... and then I'd be in trouble! :p

Our weather's odd, as always - 70F+ one day, 30F the next. It was pretty hot today and tomorrow night the plants have to come in again because it's supposed to freeze.

Owning a house sucks... stuff's always breaking, there's so much to maintain, and then there's the $4300 property tax bill I'm about to have to pay - that's the real kick in the teeth! Damn property taxes! I'll still take a house over the apartment any day, though. I can't even have maintenance fix something without the ******* repair jerk - who's a total narc - ratting us out for a few screw holes in the walls or for our apartment "not being clean enough". Never mind that it's CLEAN, it's just very cluttered - clutter and filth are two entirely different things! We don't attract bugs and nothing's unsanitary... that should be all that matters. Maybe the clutter would be more under control if I could put holes in the walls without worrying about getting evicted >.>
Only thing is, if I start speaking Spanish they'll probably start speaking Spanish back... and then I'd be in trouble! :p

Our weather's odd, as always - 70F+ one day, 30F the next. It was pretty hot today and tomorrow night the plants have to come in again because it's supposed to freeze.

Owning a house sucks... stuff's always breaking, there's so much to maintain, and then there's the $4300 property tax bill I'm about to have to pay - that's the real kick in the teeth! Damn property taxes! I'll still take a house over the apartment any day, though. I can't even have maintenance fix something without the ******* repair jerk - who's a total narc - ratting us out for a few screw holes in the walls or for our apartment "not being clean enough". Never mind that it's CLEAN, it's just very cluttered - clutter and filth are two entirely different things! We don't attract bugs and nothing's unsanitary... that should be all that matters. Maybe the clutter would be more under control if I could put holes in the walls without worrying about getting evicted >.>

I had to deal with the same BS when I lived in DC in my apartment. Same bs about clutter vs dirty... that's why I said f it and finally bought a house. Property taxes suck where I'm at I have to pay them 2 xs a year and I think that is crap...

Well about the spanish I could give you one catch phrase to use over and over, Yeah, well kiss my butt.... he he he..

Jennifer any help with the Spanish, just let me know, I can give yu a long list of choices phrases for any occasion. Glad I own my apartment, can do whatever I want but sometimes neighbours can be a pain and I hate where people let their kids run riot with absolutely no supervision.
I hate this apartment complex with the fire of a thousand suns. One hell of a rant is building, but right now it's dickin' hot and I'm far too miserable to rant properly. It's 73F/83% humidity outside, 81F/60% humidity inside and the "air conditioning" is currently HEAT. Worst of all, that's not even either of the top two things I have to rant about right now. This place is a sh*thole and I'd have more rights if I were in prison.

For now, I'm just going to express my feelings towards this third-world slumhole and the jackasses who run it with a song (which comes with a "****" warning, btw :p).

Very appropriate, you do need a change. Feel free to rant when you're ready :p
I feel like I'm dying!! Not really, but DAMN. It's so f*cking hot in here. I've got this big bag of "Soil Moist" granules that I bought for the plants... I hydrated some of it (turns into gel cubes) and used my vacuum-sealer (I buy rolls, not pre-cut bags) to make ginormous gel packs for the bunnies. I just put them in the freezer and am working on making something to contain them so that the bunnies can't chew them open. I doubt it would hurt them if they ingested a little since it's supposedly non-toxic and some people use this stuff to "water" crickets so they don't drown in their water, but I don't want to take any chances (also, that would be quite a mess if it were totally thawed by then).

I'm not sure how the gel will fare compared to regular ice in terms of thaw time, but I figure it's worth a shot and if it doesn't work out, I can just cut open the bags and reuse the gel in my soil mix.
Ooh, that's a neat idea. :) I think next summer I'll have a hunt for something similar, but premade. I'm not as resourceful as you! This summer my guys are just getting frozen bottles.
I feel like I'm dying!! Not really, but DAMN. It's so f*cking hot in here. I've got this big bag of "Soil Moist" granules that I bought for the plants... I hydrated some of it (turns into gel cubes) and used my vacuum-sealer (I buy rolls, not pre-cut bags) to make ginormous gel packs for the bunnies. I just put them in the freezer and am working on making something to contain them so that the bunnies can't chew them open. I doubt it would hurt them if they ingested a little since it's supposedly non-toxic and some people use this stuff to "water" crickets so they don't drown in their water, but I don't want to take any chances (also, that would be quite a mess if it were totally thawed by then).

I'm not sure how the gel will fare compared to regular ice in terms of thaw time, but I figure it's worth a shot and if it doesn't work out, I can just cut open the bags and reuse the gel in my soil mix.

PLEASE! IT's HOT?? I've got ICE hanging off the trees, cars, everything.
Obviously you are throwing that out like little daggers at me and those of us on the East coast of the US dealing with these freaking winter storms that keep on coming and coming like the Energizer Bunny. Now there is another one coming toward the end of this week.

The temp says 48? But 48 where? Not here.. sigh... I thought I sent you an PM about bonding Lady and Brooke? Or did I take painkillers and falls asleep again?

I don't remember a PM about bonding...

Like I told you before, I'll *gladly* trade weather with you! Texas weather is ridiculous. This week is shockingly quite nice - upper 40s/lower 50s - but it's usually either 80F or 30F (often in the same day).

I haven't actually tested/finished the things I was making for the bunns to deal with the heat, as a cool front came through and then I spent a couple days in bed, avoiding a sinus infection through gratuitous amounts of sleep (which has wrecked havoc on my to-do list ><).

I also still have to rant about the jackassery around here that I mentioned the other day... and deal with it... heh. F*cking kids. F*cking dipsh*t apartment complex manager that won't let me take the necessary measures to defend my plants from said kids. I hate them all.
I f*cking hate people. They've got a f*cking MOONBOUNCE and are blaring Tejano music at top volume and it's ruining our entire apartment for me. Sucks for them that HPD is on the way to write up a noise violation on them 'cause they're violating the lease with outdoor music. There's a bunch of parents and well over a dozen kids out there... STELLAR example you're setting for those kids, morons. TWENTY EIGHT APARTMENTS face out into that courtyard on one side... and they blare that loud-ass crappy music ALL DAY LONG like it couldn't possibly be bothering anyone in ANY of those 28 apartments!!!
Wow, you really do need to move. I am sure that must not be an option at the moment as I'm sure you would have if you could. People just are not considerate of others that much any more. I really do think it has gotten worse over the years and continues to do so. Probably because it seems the people that make the worst parents tend to have the most kids and it continues on and spreads.
I f*cking hate people. They've got a f*cking MOONBOUNCE and are blaring Tejano music at top volume and it's ruining our entire apartment for me. Sucks for them that HPD is on the way to write up a noise violation on them 'cause they're violating the lease with outdoor music. There's a bunch of parents and well over a dozen kids out there... STELLAR example you're setting for those kids, morons. TWENTY EIGHT APARTMENTS face out into that courtyard on one side... and they blare that loud-ass crappy music ALL DAY LONG like it couldn't possibly be bothering anyone in ANY of those 28 apartments!!!

But really Jennifer, tell us how you really feel! :)

HE HE HE.....

In light of me offending anyone on the list of Hispanic descent (and remember I am married to a Latino, my blood cousin is married to a Puerto Rican so my second cousins are half Puerto Ricans... and used to work for USCIS-Immigration) could you possibly call ICE, do you think any of these people are in violation of Immigration/ Border laws to put it lightly? I'm not saying put US Citizens in Jail... but you know what I'm saying..

I f*cking hate people. They've got a f*cking MOONBOUNCE and are blaring Tejano music at top volume and it's ruining our entire apartment for me. Sucks for them that HPD is on the way to write up a noise violation on them 'cause they're violating the lease with outdoor music. There's a bunch of parents and well over a dozen kids out there... STELLAR example you're setting for those kids, morons. TWENTY EIGHT APARTMENTS face out into that courtyard on one side... and they blare that loud-ass crappy music ALL DAY LONG like it couldn't possibly be bothering anyone in ANY of those 28 apartments!!!

I was also going to say sure you don't want to move to some of my land in South Carolina? Tons of open space and no freaking neighbors in site. I've got 11 acres in one county and 40 something in another. I've let someone put a trailer on 1/4 acre but they aint' taking up the entire 40 acres by a long shot and they are on the side of the road facing traffic. You could sit on the back half of 10 acres and be in the middle of no where...

Wow, lol... that's an insane amount of space! There's no way I could live in a trailer or something, though... as it is, I'm wondering how the hell we're going to merge this 2 BR apartment into my 3 BR house. At least at the house, it's not nearly as bad as it is here.

The cops did finally show up an hour and a half after I called and the music got turned down to a less unreasonable volume... but it shouldn't be on at ALL out in the courtyard. This latest incident ties in really well to another rant I need to get to at some point, regarding a loud, outdoor scene I made with the ******* from the office. He came out looking like the unreasonable one, according to a couple neighbors who overheard (they were outdoors at the time - I wasn't *that* loud :p) and asked me afterward what he was complaining about.