Nala and Gaz

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Jay came with a 16 lb, 15 year old motherf*cker and a completely psychotic kitten. They drive us absolutely crazy - they're as naughty as the bunnies but have much more opportunity to instigate us since they're free-range, lol. Daily life is fraught with stubborn, obstinate obstacles and it's a never-ending battle of wills (and power tools); the humans vs the naughties. I make frequent trips to Home Depot for supplies in order to constantly improve the "thwartation" technologies available to us - ingenuity is the only effective way to counteract naughtiness!

We LOVE our big family no matter how insane they make us, though! We've got two cats, two bunnies and four gliders... plus we're anticipating the periodic arrival of adorable 4-legged babies starting in late spring/early summer (from Lemmy and Abigail, my newly-formed breeding pair of gliders). I'll try to get pictures posted of all eight of our naughties sometime in the next couple days!

It's been a long day and I just don't have the energy to post about it all tonight... but let's just say that, yet again, I've been proven correct in my assertion that the polarity of Nala's moral compass is reversed, causing it to always point to naughty. Ironically, today was the day I was able to pick up a recent site-to-store order needed to put together a big-ticket Christmas prezzie for two naughty, naughty bunnies who proved this afternoon that they really don't deserve to get anything but a stocking full of coal and empty craisin bags. If the cats weren't equally naughty, I'd give the bunnies' prezzie to them instead and make them watch the cats play with it! :p

Speaking of the cats, I'm glad they can't read calendars and don't actually know when Christmas is, lol... I just don't see me finishing the DIY cat condo/mansion I've been working on in the next five days. Ditto for the gliders, as the glider-room is also a long way from being complete.
I would like to see the look on those adorable fluffy faces, when they open up their empty craisin bags! Haha, that would be a sight :)
Sadly, I doubt they'd give me the satisfaction. I remember "proving" to Jay last summer that the bunnies were smarter than the cats, lol.

The cats always come to the sound of the cat treat bag being crinkled or shook (which is the same style bag as craisins). One day, I crinkled and shook the craisin bag at them... and the cats came running up to me like they thought I had something for them. I mocked them and waved a craisin in front of their noses, asking them if they wanted it (which they did NOT).

Maybe half an hour later, we had the bunnies in our room... Jay crinkled and shook the cat treat bag at them to trick them the way I'd tricked the cats. The bunnies ignored him completely and continued about their business. I laughed, told him my bunnies were too smart for that and handed him the craisin bag. He crinkled and shook the craisins at them and this time they came running up to him RIGHT away. Bunnies know when someone is trying to screw with them, and they'll have none of that.
Here's the cat thwartation device I built to defend the kitchen:

It's not a full-height door simply because the frame is made of two 1''x2''x8' boards - I cut enough off each one to make the horizontal bars at the top and bottom and that's the height I ended up with. I used a 1''x4''x8' board (cut in half length-wise) from the salvage/70% off pile to make the inside supports (hence why it's white, has purple paint on it randomly and one of the supports is obviously not straight). There's also a handle on the back to make it easy to pull the door closed (you can kind of see the screws in the middle of one of the horizontal supports). The whole thing is screened with window screen stapled to the frame.

It has a secure latch and two little blocks of wood (the other one's at the bottom of the door) to prevent the door from being pushed further in:


I used that latch because I felt obligated to find a purpose for it after deciding I didn't like that kind for glider cages... but it's already on my nerves a bit because it doesn't catch automatically - you have to actually push the door all the way closed - so I might cave and swap it out for a magnetic one.
I alluded to Nala being absurdly naughty the other day...

We were going to visit Jay's grandmother in her group home and I decided to bring the bunnies along so she could meet them. I packed them up in the stroller and promptly "abandoned" them for 10 minutes so I could finish gathering stuff up in the bedroom. When I came back, I thought it looked like Nala was just starting to chew at the inside of the stroller. Oh, how wrong I was! She'd actually been chowing down on it for a while, it seems.

I had to come up with a new thwartation device to prevent her from chewing her way to freedom (though I later found a cookie sheet that fits a bit better and doesn't cut into their space as much):


The face of a naughty, naughty bunny who is not at ALL ashamed of herself and is obviously quite miffed about the thwartation device:



Thinking that someone might be in the mood for a bedtime story, I briefly considered sharing a cautionary true tale with you guys called ""Barky": When Little Girls Pick Overly Truthful Pet Names"... but then I realized that the title pretty much says it all.

Man, I hate living in an apartment sometimes.
Awww, pictures of the naughty buns. And showing their best sides, Lol. Nothing like getting the back snub by our spoiled critters :p Have they warmed up to their Christmas present yet?

Nice job on the screen door! That's pretty impressive that you made it from scratch. I think having to constantly open and close it would drive me insane though. Have you ever tried those air blast things, to train the cats to stay out? I don't know how well they work, but the tv shows always make them look like they work pretty good.

By the way, I can't but notice how lovely your buns hay is. I'm even tempted to eat it!
They're still snubbing the hell out of their dig-pool, the little wenches. I know they go in there when we're not around, though, and we occasionally catch them in it (which they hate).

I almost wonder if they don't know that I originally wanted to get one with a built-in slide but cheaped out at the last minute because I could get a 45'' plain pool for $13 and a 60'' pool with a slide would've been $35+. I think I'm being punished for not springing for a pool with a slide, lol.

The door really isn't too inconvenient and is definitely better than tripping over damn cats all the time, lol. I've never seen the air blast thing, but I can tell you right now that it wouldn't work. Like with naughty bunnies, our cats will NOT be trained by "deterrents" - they're too stubborn. Blocking access is the ONLY way.

And yeah, the Sierra Valley hay is always amazingly fresh! My order from KMS Hayloft arrives today, hopefully the bluegrass and 3rd cut timothy are just as good.
My hatred for the Texas DPS knows no bounds. "All driver license offices will close at noon Monday, Dec 23, and will reopen at 8 am Friday, Dec 27."

Thank you so f-ing much, Texas. Now I can't renew my driver's license without either paying for a cab (no way in hell), taking the city bus (no way in hell) or breaking the damn law... all because those motherf*ckers don't want to be open on my birthday even though Christmas is OVER by then. In addition to NEEDING to go on the 26th 'cause it's my 30th birthday, I also really wanted to go that day because I figure no one's gonna go to the DPS the day after Christmas unless they absolutely have to so the lines would be short.

I know I procrastinated my ass off, but I assumed they'd be open on the 26th (and maybe even the 24th) like the post office and most other federal/governmental agencies. But no. In my defense, I didn't take care of it sooner because Jay lost his ID years ago/really needs to get a new one and I've been waiting for him to track down his birth certificate so that we'd only have to go to the damn DPS one time.

I don't see why I have to go all the way over there just to get my f*cking picture taken anyway. I honestly don't look any different now than I did when I got my picture taken for my license at 18 other than a different hair color (and I'm always changing my hair color anyway) and the fact that I was wearing makeup (which was rare then and still is now). I just showed my license to Jay and he agrees that the way I look really hasn't changed in the last 12 years - certainly not enough to warrant having to go in to get a new picture taken.

The only silver lining is that I confirmed that the only proof of ID I need is my current DL - for some reason when I tried to look that up before, I ended up being told that they "may" also want to see my birth certificate and/or social security card (both of which are back in San Antonio).

Oh, and if he can't figure out where his birth certificate is, we've gotta go to the damn county clerk's office before we go to the DPS and stand in line and pay $23 for a new one. Fun day! On the plus side, they're actually open on the 26th, so I don't have to drive there illegally on the 27th (though it may pan out that way if we procrastinate :p). Oh, and the county clerk's name is Stan Stanart, lol. His picture makes me laugh for inexplicable reasons.

God damned DPS. "Happy Birthday, come suffer in line for hours!" Screw you, too.

To top it off, I have to deal with my car registration as well, since it expires at the end of this month - I tried to do it online a couple months ago and it appeared to be successful... but then it turns out they didn't see fit to reward me for not procrastinating for once, because I got a notice in the mail that they rejected my renewal. My car is registered to my permanent address in Bexar county and, when they gave me a chance to put in a different address to have my new tags and license plates sent to, I provided the Harris county address where I'm currently living - I'm guessing they didn't like that >.>

Just what I always wanted for Christmas and my birthday - red tape and bureaucracy! *sigh*
On a non-rant note, I'm waiting for a call back from the Foster Care Coordinator at the Houston SPCA (I got her voice mail just now but she's supposed to be in the office today, so hopefully she'll call back this afternoon) - I put in an application to foster a bunny and specifically asked if it was possible to get an anti-social bunny (ie one that needs socialization before being put up for adoption), lol.

It's hard to make "how to" videos for new owners dealing with unruly bunnies when all I have is reasonably obliging demo bunnies. I'd like to make some videos showing how an experienced owner deals with a new, uncooperative bunny but I don't want to make a 10-year commitment to another cotton-tailed little naughty. A foster bunny is a short-term commitment, though, and it means I get to help a rabbit in need get ready to find their "forever home" :D.

Jay doesn't know yet, though... I'm thinking I'll spring it on him kinda last-minute because I know he'd rather I do it that way. If I tell him now, he'll be really upset if it ends up falling through and really impatient if it doesn't. I'd rather tell him maybe a week before-hand (ie when I start rearranging things in order to isolate/quarantine the new bunny in what is currently the glider room). He generally prefers not being told about plans way in advance for some reason, doesn't really like having to make decisions (hence why I'm going to be telling rather than asking), likes being bossed around by women and ADORES fuzz-butts.
Happy birthday, Jennifer (Imbrium)! I know two days early but I didn't want to be late or have to stand in line for birthday wishes! lol On the bright side at least it is an actual driver's license! My hair color hasn't changed & I look about the same as I did when I last had my ID made. Unfortunately, my ID has expired & everyone is giving me heck that I need a new one. They won't let you do anything here without a current pic ID! Funny, every crook can get my information or whatever but I can't get my own info without a current ID! I'm disabled as to why it is an ID & not a driver's license. I recently took my cell phone to AT&T to ask about a "new" plan to reduce my cell phone bill & they couldn't talk to me without a current ID! I didn't ask them to make calls on the cell phone, didn't ask them to change or charge anything to my cell phone but they still couldn't give me any information about that plan & if it would save me money without a new ID!!!!! I was so tempted to tell them I want to stop the service (no longer under contract!) & I may do it yet! I only have the cell phone for traveling & emergency use, oh & I do use it for long distance since I don't have a long distance carrier. Sorry didn't mean to highjack your thread but you hit a nerve with all of this legal & government nonsense!
AT&T sucks anyway, I vote for kicking them to the curb! I had a boyfriend with AT&T who lived in LA (close enough to have a view of the Hollywood sign) and could SEE an AT&T cell tower from his apartment... yet our calls were constantly getting dropped. Turned out, it was something defective with the design of his phone and instead of recalling the phone model or fixing it for free, they charged him like $100 for some device to fix the problem even though it was THEIR fault. Way to champion that fail boat, AT&T.

I use Cricket... not by choice, mind you - I used to use Pocket, which was basically the same thing except that they didn't dick you around like Cricket does. Unfortunately, Cricket bought them out or whatever (they called it a merger, but it really wasn't). I stay with Cricket because the other cell phone companies will screw you over just as quickly and at least Cricket is cheaper than the competition by a LOT. I've seen AT&T prices, they're godawful.
Thanks, Jennifer! Will check out Cricket services in my area. I didn't even touch the highlights of AT&T's horrible screw up & treatment from the beginning of my signup with them! Ugh! I was waiting for my cell phone to die but it DID last longer than my 2 year contract! lol I paid big bucks for the iPhone because it was recommended by the AT&T service rep as the only phone they carried that had the ability to press the one button, say a name or number & the phone dialed it. First, AT&T customer service rep "mistake." Second, gave me a cell phone number that was in the wrong area resulting in a toll charge if I dialed my cell phone number with my home phone!!!!! Third, screwed up the billing; was supposed to be on one billing statement from the beginning but wasn't so had to change it after wasting double postage & two checks with each bill payment! Every time I had to call to try to correct THEIR error, I got treated like I was the bad guy just calling all the time to have something to complain about & in the end they did nothing to correct the problems other than change my billing to a single all-in-one billing statement! I still refuse to do any more business with them than I have to. It was THEIR errors & they knew it & knew that I was on the hook with the 2 year contract so there was nothing I could do but pay. Where I live it is a "dead zone" for all over the air devices. I have no TV as the converter boxes could not pick up but one cruddy station & I refuse to pay big bucks for cable or satellite TV. Cell phone reception is crappy too here. Sorry, last highjack of Nala & Gaz's blog talking about AT&T! Thanks again for the Cricket recommendation, will see if its available in my area.

Merry Christmas to you, Nala, Gaz & all your furry & human family!
I imagine pretty much any AT&T customer could rant about their sh*tty cell service and customer service for hours without even repeating themselves, heh. I've heard so many horror stories. While I haven't had dealings with AT&T since before cellphones completely took over, I have a few myself. For example, when I was little, one of their telemarketers tried to get my mom to switch to AT&T long distance. She said no... and they switched her anyway!! Years later (6+), I had a summer job at a telemarketing company when I was 16... begged for an inbound position but none were available and they forced me to try to sell AT&T to small businesses. The chick training me actually tried to teach me to force-switch people who said "no" like there wasn't anything obnoxious or unethical about it!! Suffice it to say, I was back in HR that very day; ended up making calls for the Census instead.

I think Cricket piggy-backs on cell towers from other carriers to some extent, so it's possible you could get the same crappy reception from them that you get from AT&T at probably HALF the cost. Even if you can't, if you're not under contract, I'd run like hell from AT&T. I used to have Sprint and, while I can't say they don't screw you over as well, they're at least a lot more upfront about it :p
Normally I speak (and swear) pretty freely in here, as it's my blog and, by definition, something that no one would ever bother to read read unless they enjoy my ranting and rambling. However, I assume we're all in agreement that no one wants me to ruin Christmas for anyone by provoking drama - after all, that's what family is for and RO is where we come to get away from drama! I also wouldn't want to upset or offend anyone by brazenly crossing a very weird line like I assume no one would ever be bothered by it.

So to that end, I ask that anyone who feels they might be offended by a pseudo-sadistic sense of humor and/or anyone who gets upset by the very concept of "meat rabbits" to please not read the second half of this post. [In case anyone's imagination is about to leap to the most extreme possibilities, let me specify some things: Yes, Nala and Gaz are alive and well. No, I have not eaten rabbit meat (nor will I ever). No, my rabbits have not eaten rabbit meat (nor will they ever).]


[This is the point at which to stop reading if you were planning to.]





Anyway, I was shopping for pet stuff online and went to look at the cat food... I've started buying supplemental amounts of canned cat food so that I can dose it with the vitamins/herbal crap I bought for Roo, since he's damn near 16 years old now and I want to keep him in good health (Dusty's getting them too, 'cause why not).

I was a bit surprised to discover "rabbit" flavored cat food (as in they're the main ingredient)... something that I'm sure would bother many rabbit owners; however, it honestly doesn't bother me - I choose to dissociate myself from what the food contents have in common with my living room contents, as that's a slippery slope. If I'm offended by free-range rabbits being used for cat food, then I feel like I should be offended by cat food that has chicken or fish or something in it, too - after all, some people keep those as pets (and they're my meats of choice in my own diet, following bacon). The way I see it, either I'm okay with any type of "prey" animal being used to make cat food or I'm not okay with ANY... and cats can't live off of vegetables, so if I want them to stay alive and healthy, I have no choice but to be okay with feeding them meat.

My first instinct was still to avoid the rabbit-flavored cat food simply because I love the little bunny-wunnies in my living room... but then the pseudo-sadistic sense of humor I mentioned before kicked in, heh. Those poor cats have been bullied and harassed SO much by my ballsy little bunnies - I feel like letting them eat a couple cans of rabbit-flavored cat food might kind of restore the natural order a bit around here, lol.

Gaz will be oblivious, as always, but I suspect if I announce what I'm doing in front of Nala, she might actually pick up on the fact that her own species is being fed to the cats. Perhaps it'll serve as a reminder that bunnies top neither the food chain nor the chain of command in this house, so maybe they should appreciate the fact that the cats are willing to peacefully coexist instead of treating them like abusable playthings. I would NEVER let one of our pets eat another of our pets, but they don't need to know that!







*sigh* My brain fails me today. I took the carton of eggs out of the fridge to make hard boiled eggs... but instead of putting the first egg in the pot of water, I tapped it on the stove like a moron. I blame it on the fact that I'd considered making myself two fried eggs to eat but realized I would still need to boil the rest so they get eaten before they go bad and I didn't want to have to wash an extra skillet.

Whatever. I had been thinking about baking something later today that requires two raw eggs anyway, so I put it back in the carton since I had only cracked the shell and not the membrane. Then I put ALL the other eggs in the water and didn't realize until it was close to boiling that I failed to set aside a second raw egg. I guess I'll be cooking the semi-cracked egg separately after all, which means dirtying either the microwave egg poacher or a little skillet. Bah.

Of course, that's not nearly as bad as earlier when I repeatedly tried to either take the cap off of a sharpie with my teeth or hold the cap with my mouth so I wouldn't set it down and lose it... except I never actually succeeded, because I was wearing a respirator at the time (I was ripping a 4x8 sheet of plywood with a mini circular saw, which = sawdust clouds).
Jennifer, a very happy birthday for Boxing Day, I hate government offices that do not serve the people who allow them to be there. If you think it´s bad over there, it´s a nightmare sometimes here with their opening hours in the festive season and on holidays, I think they make it up as they go along. But it is a real annoyance when you think something will be open and then they end up being closed.

I did laugh at your little story about the cat food. I don´t eat rabbit anymore, I´d not be able to look the boys in the face but I do see it in the dog and cat food section and I don´t have a problem with it, I think it would be funny giving it to your cat just to get back at your two little rascals. Nala is just too smart for her own good, I´m sure she´d find some wicked way at paying you and the cat back.