Lord Thumper's Blog - (Yes, the OTHER Thumper)

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See you ungrateful ball of fur?? I AM a goodbunny dad, she just said it! I don't know what your problem is Thumpie, you just got a terrible attitude. After all I've done for you, I put you through bunny college, paid for your sex change operation and now this is the thanks I get. If you find your hay out on the front lawn tomorrow don't be surprised! Ingrate :X
TumpieRabbit wrote:
See you ungrateful ball of fur?? I AM a good bunny dad, shejust said it! I don't knwo what your problem is Thumpie, you just got aterrible attitude. After all I've done for you, I put you through bunnycollege, paid for your sex change operation and now this is the thanksI get. If you find your hay out on the front lawn tomorrow don't besurprised! Ingrate :X
Your all talk you bunny hating punk! Talk about me being a loser, who is the one that let's a 7 pound rat rule his life. Not me that's who. Get a social life and stay out of my bunny business, I want my own life. Don't make me call that huge Flemish Giant friend I have to come over and kick your a$$!!

Good Luck Bree! Keep on fighting for the cause!

Thought you guys would want to see a low resolution of the picture I made up for the Zoo Crew, I can do this stuff in my sleep.

BTW, I am still not talking to "He of Whom I Do Not Speak"

Also most of my time is being spent on designing a Genie picture of mytrue love Snuggles, and I am writing her a love poem as we speak.



That is really something! You better cut thatout or you will be drowning in requests for more. Hint Hint! But Ithink you might want to edit just a tad. I hope you don't mind mementioning it, but there is no Elvis or Bo.
binkies wrote:
That is really something! You better cut that out or youwill be drowning in requests for more. Hint Hint! But I think you mightwant to edit just a tad. I hope you don't mind me mentioning it, butthere is no Elvis or Bo.
Who's Elvis and Bo? Thumper just took whatever pics she senthim and cut them out, if there are a couple more to add I don't think Thumper would mind that much. And if he does I always have that car battery with jumper cables hooked up to it to convince him.
TumpieRabbit wrote:
binkies wrote:
That isreally something! You better cut that out or you will be drowning inrequests for more. Hint Hint! But I think you might want to edit just atad. I hope you don't mind me mentioning it, but there is no Elvis orBo.
Who's Elvis and Bo? Thumper just took whatever pics shesenthim and cut them out, if there are a couple more to add Idon't think Thumper would mind that much. And if he does I always havethat car battery with jumper cables hooked up to it to convincehim.

Great! Thanks for volunteering me to do extra work!! Actually, toqualify as "work" I would have to be getting PAID for it! Duh!!! Idon't see any benjamins in my pocket! So what if I don't have a pocket,that's not the point!

Lord_Thumper wrote:
Great! Thanks for volunteering me to do extra work!!Actually, to qualify as "work" I would have to be getting PAID for it!Duh!!! I don't see any benjamins in my pocket! So what if I don't havea pocket, that's not the point!
Let me see, where did I put that rat poison again?
TumpieRabbit wrote:
Lord_Thumper wrote:
Great!Thanks for volunteering me to do extra work!! Actually, to qualify as"work" I would have to be getting PAID for it! Duh!!! I don't see anybenjamins in my pocket! So what if I don't have a pocket, that's notthe point!
Let me see, where did I put that rat poison again?
Someone tell LOSER that I am not scared of him and he only exists because I allow it. Hmmmph!
